
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Tench745

  1. I was reading in the Next Generation Technical Manual that the living space inside the Enterprise D is suspended inside the outer hull, with empty space all around. My guess is that this could be used for expanding decks, however I know it helps with absorbing the forces exerted on the ship so the crew isn't hurt as mutch.

  2. ok, but i think we need to return to the "current year" that is 2380....there's still a heck of alot of exploring to do

    I think it might be interesting if Starfleet could find a way to mimic caretaker's technology, and have a starbase in the Delta Quadrant. In a few more years after Voyager.

  3. As for an earlier statement about the Ablative Hull Armor, it only covers and protects vital areas.  It is visible on the ship just got to  know what your looking for.  Take the Saucer section for Example there is a strip on the left and right sides toward the rear.  They stick out farther than the rest of the hull.

    Not true. The ablative hull armor covers the entire hull. Think of it as a second layer of the ship's skin. The "strips" are pieces to strengthen the main frame of the ship. probably in this case to compensate for the stresses of separation.

  4. I thought only two of the sections were warp capable. Only two warp cores would make sync-ing much easier. Of course, warp fighters fly in closer formations than those warp cores. If the sections shared a warp core it might solve the problem. A core with two or three reaction chambers united into one so that each could be closed off and separated into two or three separate, but perfectly sync-ed warp cores. Just a theory.

  5. Just for everyone's information, I know as a fact that voyager's decks are slightly taller than some other classes. Also, The USS Voyager is approximately the same legnth as the saucer section of the Galaxy class is wide, and they are approximately the same thickness. Yes the intrepid class isn't (by comparison to our ships) small, but it is in reference to most of it's starfleet cousins.

  6. The Defiant's cloaking device probably wouldn't work with the Prometheus's newer, better sensors. Also, each of the Prometheus' sections when in Multi-vectored assault mode would be about the size of the Defiant, leaving the Defiant out numbered and out gunned.