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Posts posted by BakulaBabe

  1. I clicked on her site and OMG GAAAAAAAHH!!1!!!1! :shocked: My netbook screen is kinda short, and I can't post what I thought was going on when I saw the first pic (The second model wasn't visible). I scrolled down and *gag* :yucky: sheesh! What was she thinking, and would I want to know? Probably not. :bag:

  2. Actually, this is kind of an interesting statement by Abrams. I recall reading in one of the star trek paperbacks (can't recall the name of it) that Lt. Hawk from ST:First Contact was gay. There was some type of conflict regarding Picard and Hawk's surviving partner in that book.


    It might be Star Trek: The Next Generation: Section 31: Rogue. I had to do an internet search because most my Star Trek novels are out of reach in a bookcase in the "spare room".

  3. Perhaps this parallel universe Spock is going to lean towards his Human side more than his Vulcan side, just take different choices which would lead him to things like dating Uhura...


    That's an interesting & thought-provoking possibility. With the Vulcan species on the verge of extinction, I wonder how it'll affect his relationship with Uhura, and with his human side. Hmmm... fascinating!

  4. I only saw it once, and the only things I remember about it are Kirk climbing the mountain & wearing the "Go climb a mountain" t-shirt, the campfire-marshmelons-row,row,row your boat scene, Sybok laughing, and someone asking why God would need a spaceship.


    It's the only Star Trek movie I've only seen once. BTW, I voted "not very good".

  5. It didn't seem that interesting, but we saw it anyway, and loved it. Since I have a minor speech problem myself, I could easily relate to him.


    We especially liked the "f***ity, f***ity, f***ity" bit. Personally, I find a long string of expletives much easier to say fast than a long string of regular words. :Hmmm...: