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Posts posted by BakulaBabe

  1. I voted for Archer.  This is because he is using an untested vessel, and going into untested waters.  He does not have the privelege of Starfleet Regulations to give him direction in handling new situations, and therefore must procede based off his own best judgement.  Also, he is the captain that behaves the most like the explorer that is the premise of the Starfleet mission.

    Not only that, but if Archer has the "you-know-whats" to throw an alien in the airlock to get information, you can be sure he has what it takes to deal with the Xindi.


    Kirk could probably do it too, but he spends too much time involved in female alien "close encounters". :)

  2. I voted for Ol' yellow eyes. I have the CD on the original Bay Cities label, only because I ordered it from them by mail - it wasn't in any nearby record store.


    I also have the 1776 soundtrack CD. When I listen to it, I skip the songs that Brent doesn't sing! :)

  3. The Q Files

    This is the best one yet - I can't wait to see it! :)

    I guess it won't be on too soon, though. Like they sing on Enterprise, it'll be "a looong tiiiiime."

    I wish I'd thought of it. :clap:

    How about this - the shortest game show of the future.....

    "What's My Line" with Q on the "guessing" panel.

    Yeah, I KNOW it's dumb - what do you expect from someone with my user name?

  4. The Starfleet Academy is a great idea. When the current show was still in the "rumor" stage, I was hoping it would be about Starfleet Academy, but, oh well. I'm very happy with Enterprise. :clap:


    A series about the Klingon Empire would be EXCELENT! Especially if it takes place in the "Undiscovered Country" timeline. I'm not sure I could take it as a "7-year mission", though. :)

  5. I'd like to see a new TNG movie with Captain Riker and his new ship and crew.

    Imagine this...The Borg (or some other enemy) finds and re-assembles Lore, who then learns about, searches for, then finds B-4. Can you imagine what "fun" Lore could have with him?

    Consider the posibilities.........