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Posts posted by BakulaBabe

  1. Does anyone remember the TOS episode with the spoiled-brat princess with the table manners of a baboon, whose tears would cause any man who touched them to be unable to be apart from her? (did that make any sense?)


    Anyway, didn't Spock do a mind meld with Kirk to help him forget "whatshername"?


    Is that the episode where Spock touched Kirk's head & said "Forget" ? Or was that the "Rayna" episode?

  2. Looks interesting - I'll probably be there later tonight or tomorrow.


    Just got back from there, after checking it out, signing up, and making my first post. Now I have 2 boards to keep track of! I hope my little brain can handle it! :o

  3. The closes thing I can get on this planet is sashimi, and I eat it by the bucket load, espiecially octopus tenticals. I love them!

    I voted for Gagh, because it seems the most like sashimi. At a nearby Japanese restaurant, they actually serve a bucket of sashimi! It has several different kinds, with the rice at the bottom of the "bucket", so it stays out of the way of the fish! We eat it every chance we get. :drool:

  4. I'd just like to add to the list the mind-meld between Sarek and Picard, when Sarek needed help to control his emotions - I wish I could remember the name of the epidode.


    What I find most interesting is that in Enterprise's time, mind melds were considered unacceptable, but by the time of TOS, they're common.

  5. I took mine from my fan profile at the "official Star Trek site" (that's the only reason I went back there). Why?


    Because I couldn't find an IDIC avatar HERE! :lol: :P


    Oh well, maybe someday...



    You read about all these terrorists --- most of them came here legally, but theyhung around on these expired visas, some for as long as 10 -15 years.  Now, compare that to Blockbuster; you are two days late with a video and those people are all over you. Let's put Blockbuster in charge of immigration.

    This is a great idea - the late fees would wipe out the national debt!

  7. As a long -time fan of Monty Python, I thought it would be fun to start a discussion of their TV show and movies. I know of members who are Python fans so far (including myself). Are there any more out there?


    My fave movie is 'The Life of Brian" (DUH), fave song, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (DUH again), fave sketch, (besides the dead parrot), "The Cheese Shop".


    What are some of your favorite Monty Python bits, sketches, songs, movies, etc.?

  8. It looks like we may actually have an active Vulcan Embassy! ;)


    I hope everyone keeps comming back.


    BTW, Janeway_IDIC, you made a very good point about the ENT Vulcans. At first I thought it was just the way Humans related to the Vulcans, but the more I think about it, the ones at Starfleet HQ ARE arrogant and obnoxious! :grin:

  9. Well,I would visit more often,but the Vulcan embassy is so dang hot and stuffy inside,plus the food is too bland.As if that weren't bad enough,the Vulcans don't appreciate my humor :lol: .See if I come here anymore!

    But it's a dry heat.


    Speaking of heat, since Vulcan is hot, and since starship temperatures are set for Human comfort, wouldn't Vulcans be cold all the time on a Human starship?


    As for the food, they have no sense of adventure.


    Unfortunately, Vulcans also have no sense of humor, but I do...

    What's the rest of Son_worshiper's song? Does anyone know?

  10. Thanks, Klingonmike, for your earlier Pagan holiday research post - you said it far better than I could!

    (Pardon me while I get up on my soapbox)

    Satanism and Paganism have nothing to do with each other, but demonising is always easier than understanding. I suspect that the "evil" aspects of Halloween are partly due to the secularization of the holiday - it's more fun to be naughty than nice - and the "horror" aspect makes good money.

  11. I couldn't pick just one, because to me, the Vulcans seem consistant from one Trek to the next. The way Humans and Vulcans relate to each other has changed dramatically though.


    The ENT Vulcans seem like elitist "B-word" snobs because each species is still getting to know each other, but as time (and Trek) goes on, Humans learn that Vulcans aren't neccessarily arrogant, but in such control of their emotions that they just appear that way.


    Basically, I just like all Vulcans!


    On second thought, I'm voting for the ENT Vulcans, because its Human-Vulcan interactions are so much fun to watch!!! :laugh: :lol: