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Posts posted by captainfreeman

  1. I won big in week one,scoring 91-points!I have no real competition in week 2,either.

    I wonder if I'll have the ketchup or hot mustard with my crow tomorrow?At the moment I am only 3 points ahead of the team I declared would be no competition this week.Depending on how well New York Giant Ike Hilliard does tomorrow against Dallas,I may lose. :)

    Didn't you hear? Ike is out for the game....


    Click for Spoiler:

    Just kidding :force:

    I wonder if I could get Tonya Harding to kneecap Ike before the game?

  2. I won big in week one,scoring 91-points!I have no real competition in week 2,either.

    I wonder if I'll have the ketchup or hot mustard with my crow tomorrow?At the moment I am only 3 points ahead of the team I declared would be no competition this week.Depending on how well New York Giant Ike Hilliard does tomorrow against Dallas,I may lose. :force:

  3. For the second week in a row I have picked many of the winners of the NCAA football games selected by Yahoo! Fantasy Sports,and again,I have a whole column of red checkmarks by my picks because of the $#@! point spread.I dropped more than 1,000 spots overall....I didn't even get the Sooners game right.And UNLV beats Wisconsin?Can anybody explain that to me?Not only beat Wisconsin but took the Badgers out behind the wood shed and showed them who their daddy was!I feel faint! :force:

    It could be worse,admiralpeewee.You could have bet money on these games in Vegas or Atlantic City.It appears that I didn't do so well this week either,although I'm waiting for monday night,and hoping that the Giants do well against Dallas.

  4. I liked Janeway quite a lot actually.She was a woman of action and a natural leader.When she made a decision she stuck by it,come hell or high water.I think she always had her crews best interests at heart and managed to keep her head and do a superb job in difficult conditions.The simple fact that she returned her ship and crew home relatively intact after 7-years of being lost in alien space,far from home shows what kind of a commanding officer she was.

  5. Well,to tell the truth,I fell in love with the Oberth the first time I saw one.I'm not sure whether it was the unconventional design,or the fact that the vessel was a pure science vessel.I found the whole idea very appealing.I'd bet the Starfleet doesn't usually allow this class of starship to conduct missions too far outside the "safe" confines of Federation space.And several have been lost and destroyed.They're small,slow,and underpowered with virtually no defensive capabilities.The Nova is an improvement(and I find that I like that class starship as well).I'm not sure I'd sleep too soundly at night if I were a crewman aboard an Oberth.

  6. One wish,huh?Okay...A tropical island,perfect weather,financial security,and beautiful other words,I'd like to be a banana republic dictator.Of course,when my people eventually revolted I'd like to cut one of those sweet deals with the UN and spend the rest of my days in the south of France lounging on the beach,a drink in my hand,etc,etc. :force:

  7. Nice idea, go for it.  However, I rarely give out any personal info on the net, so I'd be out.  Still a great idea, and those who want to, I say go for it.

    Your log entry does not have to be personal,CJLP.Maybe you might just post your thoughts on something that occured that day that was newsworthy,or your feelings about some topic or topics in particular on these boards?I myself would not be comfortable laying bare things that were too personal and such,for everyone to read.For an example,


    Captain Freeman's personal log,13.9.03:

    "I can't believe UNLV beat Wisconsin on the gridiron today.How in the cosmos does a Mountain West Conference football program humiliate a perennial BCS power like Wisconsin?It boggles the mind.Well,I suppose as long as the Ducks keep winning,I don't really care what happens in the rest of the NCAA.Although,I'm sure,Wisconsin's loss is going to reflect poorly on my college pick'em stats.

    I'm looking forward to the rest of the day.Saturday is the one day of the week I have all to myself,and I plan on sitting in my easy chair and watching football all day long.A comfortable chair,a big tv,cold beer,and football games to watch..that's this man's idea of the "American Dream.End log."


    See what I mean?But its your decision.I just think it would be fun to see what everybody else would log everyday,and to keep my own log.In a way,afterall,we are all crewmembers aboard the same ship.

  8. I was thinking that it might be fun to have a forum here where the various members of can keep personal logs (a sort of open journal where they can post from day-to-day).Might be fun,and of course,everybody can read everybody else's log,but only the person whose log it is should make replys.Just a thought.Would anybody beside me keep a log here?

    Well,goodnight all.Catch you tomorrow. :bow:

  9. I'd like to see another Intrepid class Voyager,since the original will almost definitely be made into a museum piece.But unless Janeway accepted a demotion,who would be commanding officer?Captain Chakotay?Hmmm....

    That said,I probably would not want to see a Voyager film.I was never a fan of the series,though I did watch frequently.

  10. Stardate:213693.6



    I hated that stupid (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't).Thats all im going to say :bow:

    A bit harsh,but I agree with the sentiment.There was something about her personality that I couldn't put my finger on,but it rubbed me the wrong way.Its like when you are introduced to somebody,and for no apparent reason,and through no obvious fault of their own,you just don't like them.That's the way it is with me,concerning Katherine Pulaski.I don't even like reading about her in the novels.My mother,a believer in reincarnation(I am not),says that when such an incident happens it means that the people involved were old enemies from their "past lives".That's one theory,I guess.

  11. I didn't like the Diane carey TOS novels "Dreadnought" and "Battlestations!" because the stories focused on her own characters and not on our TOS favorites.It was almost as if the Enterprise and Kirk and Company were merely there to satisfy Pocket Books' requirement that a TOS novel actually contain TOS characters.In my opinion,these two novels have nothing really to do with TOS.

  12. I love Morn!In fact,I was so impressed with the character that I placed a Lurian aboard my ship,USS Kilimanjaro,in my fanfic stories.He's the Kilimanjaro's lounge host.I've never given him a single line of dialogue during my stories (so far),but like Morn he is reputed to be a windbag,and the captain often tells his exec' that he likes to discuss his problems with the lounge host,rather than the ship's counselor.

  13. I was at work.Second Period,I think.I heard the news over the radio and was thunderstruck.I didn't tell the class anything about what had happened,though.That day school ended early,as many of the staff were so upset about what had happened they just wanted to go home and absorb everything.It was a very long few weeks thereafter,and I tried to answer a lot of questions from the students and allay some fears.I'll never forget what that was like.

  14. In my opinion First Contact and Wrath of Khan are neck-and-neck.I give just the slightest edge to FC because I loved the special affects and am a huge Alfre Woodard fan.Also,thus far,it was the closest thing to a DS9 film we have seen,since it showed Worf,the Defiant,and (I am amusing this) other minor DS9 personnel aboard the Defiant.

  15. Well, I would only have 2 fears before the "initial" transport.


    1. Does it scan my body, destroy it, then create a copy somewhere else?


    2. If my body is "taken apart" on the moleculer level, sent somewhere via energy beamed, and then put together - would my soul go along for the ride?

    CJLP - that sounds as if you think your soul is contained in your molecules. I don't know about you, but I also believe in the human soul, and I don't think it's contained in our molecules.


    That aside, I'm with VBG - I don't want to transport in the early days, but later on, YES! I love to drive, but I'd rather just beam there!

    Well, I know the soul isn't contained in one's molecules. That's why I was asking if it would just "ride the beam" over to the destination or be zapped to your body when it's put back together. :bow:

    In the 70's era TOS novel Spock Must Die! McCoy and Spock have a debate about the subject of Soul transportation.It was very interesting,and a little frightening.Since the original body is,by Spock's admission,destroyed and a new copy made...what happens to the soul?If raised in the 24th century I would probably accept transportation as readily as i accept traveling in an airplane,and wouldn't be bothered by it.

  16. When Captain Freeman isn't on the bridge of the Kilimanjaro making first contact with new alien species,charting new worlds,or defending the Federation and her allies against their enemies,he calls Gresham,Oregon home.

    Go Ducks!Quack,quack!!!

  17. You are a very talented writer.Keep it up.I myself have written my own TNG-era Trek stories for better than a decade now.One of these days,I'll post something for everybody.I write about Captain John Henry Armstrong (a combination of the names of two of my childhood heroes...John Henry and Neil Armstrong) and the crew of the starship Kilimanjaro.Originally the Kilimanjaro was an Excelsior-class starship,but it did not survive the final weeks of the Dominion War.I wrote a ton of stories set during the war,and distinguished my favorite ship and crew (and myself,I guess,as I have always seen myself as John Henry Armstrong).The post-Dominion War USS Kilimanjaro is an Asimov-class explorer.My latest storyline has placed the Kilimanjaro on a deep-space exploration assignment (originally I had called the unexplored region the Sargasso named because of a particularly beautiful nebula,the Sargasso nebula,that occupied that space.But after Enterprise aired the Expanse,I changed the name to the "Starry Reach" after the painting Starry night).I figure the crew deserves a reward for putting up with my gruesome battle tales.

    Well,I'll log off for the night here.I'll catch you all later!Goodnight. :clap: