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Posts posted by captainfreeman

  1. New Orleans and Buffalo let me down a little today,but Indianapolis and New England came through.I'm not quite sure yet,whether my 3 teams won or lost(I haven't calculated my totals yet),but I think I did okay.My opponents seemed to have the same mix of players with good and bad days,so its hard to tell.Hopefully,like my Seahawks,I am still perfect.We'll see tuesday,I suppose.

  2. Are any Yahoo! Fantasy coaches purchasing the StatTracker,now that Yahoo! has ended the free trial period?I'm not.I can do my own calculations just fine,and waiting until Tuesday morning to confirm wins and losses doesn't bother me at all.I think its a shame that Yahoo! gives us this courtesy and then yanks it away,when they could have easily continued providing a stat update service for free.

  3. Actually,I think Arizona is a potentially good team that suffers from an inferiority complex.The team has lost for so long,and so little is expected of them,that they have forgotten how to be a great team.I was impressed with them today.They played a good Packers team,and won despite Blake being hurt and grim oddsmakers predictions.

    If the new stadium doesn't help with revenue,we might have to get used to saying Los Angeles Cardinals in the future.Wouldn't that be surreal?Los Angeles Cardinals Vs St.Louis Rams. B)

  4. I'd like to see the world space "powers" make a successful go of the International SpaceStation before they even consider building and maintaining a facility on the lunar surface.As for Apollo-style missions to and back from the moon,for research,why not?They should have never stopped.

  5. I haven't encountered very many civilian outfits on Star Trek (any series) that I've liked.I hate the jumpsuits,I hate the curve-hugging clothes (except,of course on the women).The colors are usually hideous,as are the patterns....I'd need to replicate some 21st and 20th-century attire if I ever found myself in any Trek universe.

  6. Yes.I have had fun reading the posts in the NFL forum on off-topic.So I say,go for it.Er,what exactly is snooker,barry?I've heard that term before from a female co-worker from Chester,UK.

    Snooker is a game with 15 reds and the yellow,green,brown,blue,pink and black balls,and a white cue ball played on a 12ft x 6ft table.

    The object of the game is to pot a red then a colour(useing the White Cue ball) and you get points for potting these balls,when all the reds have gone you pot the colours in sequence(as above).

    Points are as follows:


    Red 1 point

    Yellow 2 points

    Green 3 points

    Brown 4 points

    Blue 5 points

    Pink 6 points

    Black 7 points


    The player with the most points wins the game,I think you may call this Billiards.

    Thanks for the information,barry.I've played pool (billiards) my whole life,but never this variation.Sounds interesting.

  7. Stardate:213712.9




    The Seacocks err Seachickens.....errr Seahawks going 3-0.Yeh and Enterprise will single handidly beat a borg cube next week :huh:.If the Seahawks go 3-0 i will eat me hat!!!!!!The seachickens have as good a chance of going 3-0 as the Detroit Tigers have of sweeping the Mariners or the Yankees.It s not gonna happen

    Thems fighting words,pard'ner....showdown at high noon on sunday.

    The Seahawks are not only going to beat the rams,they are going to humiliate them.The Rams are banged up bad,and the season is less than a month old.Their QB Bulger is not consistent,and Marshal Faulk hasn't had a big game yet this year.He won't run well against the Seahawks defense.

    So,set your table geronimo,and get ready for that hat you mentioned.I'll enjoy seeing your post on sunday night. :tear:

  8. Well,Ba'el had ears on the TNG episode "Birthrights parts I and II",but she was only half-Klingon (her father was Romulan).I never really noticed that we rarely see Klingon ears in post-TOS series' and films.Interesting.Stil,I would say that they definitely do have ears. :tear:

  9. Well,I wouldn't have a problem with it as I have found several of the Klingon females as presented on Star Trek to be very attractive.I think I liked Klingon Ambassador K'Ehleyr the most.I also found Grilka (The House of Quark,DS9),and even villainess B'Etor (Star Trek:Generations) appealing.Oddly enough,I was never really attracted to Voyager's resident Klingon Torres.Can't say why,exactly.Maybe because she was at such odds over who she "really" was,and I like a woman who knows who she is and what she wants out of life.


  10. i think that while it would make for a lot less same species wars, it would make a new meaning to holy wars. you arent just fighting for god or for country, you are fighting to exist! imagine the wars that would go on. one dominint speices would find out bio weapons first, and then poof! all the other aliens are officaily screwed.

    Crudely put,but right on the money.I just cannot see 5 intelligent species existing on one small planet.If humans are any indication of what we could expect of other "evolved" and "civilized" sentients,then the planet with five such species is in trouble.The insectoids would probably annihilate all their competition early on and dominate the land,while the aquatics would continue to thrive in the sea.

  11. I almost didn't post a reply.This question seemed a little silly.But,why not?We can't be such serious sentients all the time,eh?I say Superman wins.That guy can lift a building and squash a train with his hands.He can melt solid metal with his heatvision.He can freeze objects by blowing on them.Data wouldn't last a second.

  12. That pairing always puzzled me.They have no obvious chemistry,as you say essoq.

    I wouldn't bet on them remaining together for very long after Voyager's return home.This is perhaps the most absurd couple in Star Trek,after Troi and there was a ridiculous pairing(even Marina Sirtis admitted that she thought Deanna Troi would never find Worf physically attractive,in Star Trek:The Magazine).

  13. Its got to be my man Tuvok.I would have been really upset about the whole chain-of-command if I had been him (or maybe not,because I would have been Vulcan).I understand why Janeway did what she did.But just imagining all the hard work and effort and sacrafice Tuvok had to put into achieving his rank and position,just to have all of that swept aside so a traitor to the Federation and the Starfleet could assume his rightful position of authority.....that would've made me go all "Amok Time" on Chakotay.I can hear the music now.All I need is a lerpa and Chakotay's history.