sea trooper

The Founders
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Posts posted by sea trooper

  1. Amazing AMAZING episode! I can easily say right now that this is the best Voyager episode I will ever see! Kes -one of the best characters on Voyager- returns with a Vengeance. She blames Janeway for her leaving Ocampa and then the Voyager four years later. It's up to the past Janeway and her bun to save Voyager's and Kes's futures! Not to mention the stunning movie-style special effects, and a moving ending. This episode rocks!


    I proudly announce this to be the best Voyager episode.



  2. Interesting episode. The outfits that the con artists wore looked more like a costume a newbie Trek Fan would make, what with the poor quality material, the oversized pips and combadges, the pattern design on the shoulders. Sickening to look at :dude:



  3. So this is the Icheb I've heard so little about. I first thought this was going to be some normal kid episode (childish, annoying) but it turned out to be a good Borg episode. I wish I had a Drone of my own...



  4. I love Nerys's many hair styles. I even believe she went blonde for an episode or two.


    Bajoran earrings are great. I'm looking around to buy one of those Cold Heat soldering tools so I can make my own. They have a bunch of good materials in craft shops, like chains, clips, clip-on earrings. It's all just waiting to be fused together.


    Wow, I didn't even read my past post from above and I ended up repeating myself! :lol:

  5. they would probably have Chris get beat up by Wesker and have Alice fight Wesker since they both have the same powers. Good to see another RE fan here, I have all the games :lol:

    Alice will probably be a big enemy. As long as they get a good Wesker (and other characters) and some cool, supernatural fight scenes, I'll be happy.


    I only have 1 (director's cut) and 2 (dual shock) and I rented CV and am halfway through it (at the first Tyrant fight). I love them all.

  6. I like the first two movies, I have it on DVD.

    I have the RE1 VHS and Special Edition DVD, and the REA DVD.


    I think Chris should be in the next film and have him meet Jill. "Chris, where have you been?" sort of thing.

    I hope not like Jill said it in the RE original :lol: "Where have you beeen?"


    Wesker would be cool, but he would already be bad since it's already past the first game in the story. He could be shown as someone working for Umbrella and not mention the mansion unless Chris is there as well.

    He faked his death in the first game not only for Chris/Jill, but for Umbrella too. He defected and betrayed them.


    Then they could do a "I thought Wesker was dead?!" And have a flashback of the mansion. I doubt they would use that much time to explain everything.

    Wesker and Chris being mortal enemies and all, I'm sure they'll fight. And if this movie does take place during CV then that could work.


    I see anyone bashing the movies, I will immediately put them on my ignore list, no matter who you are.


    For all who have heard of the third Resident Evil movie, it used to be known as Afterlife. Just a while ago it was announced to have changed it's name. It is Extinction now. Kind of makes sense, kind of doesn't. I liked Afterlife better, but if and when the fourth one is made, Afterlife would be a relevant title for it.


    At the end of Apocalypse, Alice was rescued from Umbrella, but her powers have increased and Umbrella programed her with Project Alice. What happens next? Most people believe that Alice will be the enemy, and become some sort of Alexia, with Wesker fighting her. I myself would love to see Wesker in the movies. Maybe even a few more of the game characters, but not too much. Don't make this a Resident Evil: Unlimited with EVERY game character ever created. Jill, of course, Chris maybe, and hopefully Claire, Leon is a maybe, and Barry is a whatever. The IMDB plot for it is

    Alice fights the Umbrella Corpation (yes, it's spelled this way) and their plan to replace humankind with a race of undead clones.

    These "Undead Clones" have always confused me a bit. Why would Umbrella want to replace their stockholders with these creatures? Maybe that's why their stocks crashed and they went dead :lol:. Also what they are confuses me... but I'm sure this is IMDB mumbo jumbo to give us something to talk about. The most probable storyline is

    Reports said the movie would be set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with mutant zombies. The setting was the Nevada desert with the Aussie outback standing in for the American wasteland. In the final reel, the action would have shifted to Japan, setting up the fourth installment.

    Which brings up those undead clones again. But mutant zombies could be anything. Even Crimson Heads (that would be cool!). But then again the plot can change so much during the making because now, not even all the characters have been picked out. Everything is just speculation at this time.


    So... discuss! Think happy thoughts!

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