sea trooper

The Founders
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Posts posted by sea trooper

  1. Another happy...ish episode. Now that Janeway's man dumped her she can hook up with Chakotay without any negative thought. She knows she wants it. And 'tis sad news about the Maquis. The damn Dominion and their galactic conquest, when they used to be nothing but monkeys in trees and a rung on the food chain. But then again so were we! And those Hirogen are cool. They remind me of Predators.



  2. Remember, spoilers...


    (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) awesome movie! They did a great job connecting this one to the first movie. I was really shocked that Kraven died at the very beginning, but it was a very cool death so it worked. When Michael died I was sure that this would be the last of the movies and that the first one would be a prequel like rumored, but then he came back to life. Now I have no clue. Like Selene said about what comes next is an unwritten chapter so I'm stumped. I thought the sex scene was very slow-paced and actually romantic instead of the raw nude scenes just like in other movies... and in the later part of this movie. I thought the Tanis sex scenes described his character well but were a little extreme. Then the deaths of William and Marcus were great too. The CG in this movie was realistic and well placed. I actually liked the CG werewolves in this movie. Now compare those to the ones from Werewolf in Paris and you'll see a HUGE difference. Now that Selene and Michael are super-immortals I still question what the 3rd movie will be about. There might even be two sequels to this one, but what will the third be about if it's placed after Evolution? All the enemies are dead. All that's left is the future of the immortals. We'll just have to wait and see then. All in all this was one great movie. Just as great as the first one if not better in some ways. I demand everyone go see this movie!

  3. How often do you hear someone screaming outside?



    A lot.


    My neighborhood has gone down hill fast. Our old police chief created a special tactical unit comprised of senior police officers (most of them former military, with specialized training) called "Gold Star" that virtually eliminated drugs and gangs in the area. But the Chief left town for a better paying job in the bay area, and his replacement is a complete moron. He got rid of Gold Star, saying it costs too much to maintain and used the extra cash to put more officers on the street. But the majority of them are young kids fresh out of the Academy with no experience combating the gangs around here. With the old Chief and Gold Star gone, the gangs have come back full force and brought drugs and prostitution back into my general area.

    Gold STARS huh? The chief's name wouldn't happen to be Irons would it...? :clap:

  4. Oh happy day! A fantastic episode. The introduction of the Prometheus class ship, which I think is one of the coolest IMO. Then there's the Doctor's heroic journey, battleing Romulans alongside the new EMH 2, and in the Alpha Quadrant I might add. So everyone's families know that the Voyager is safe in the Delta Quadrant and not another missing ship, like the Hera. After 4 years I wonder what they've been up to... But a very happy ending. The Voyager is no longer alone :clap:.



  5. A Nightmare on Voyager. Freddy Krueger aliens take over the dreams of the Voyager crew and hold them hostage inside their own unconscious. It's up to the Doctor and Chakotay, who has the ability to wake up by tapping his hand, to save everyone else.



  6. Neelix dies and then comes back, and then tries to kill himself. He learns that he won't go to a forrest when he dies and he can't live with that thought, but the power of one little girl, one little big Naomi Wildman, brings him back to his normal Neelixy self.



  7. Who knew Gimli was taller than Janeway? Well Voyager's emergency rations are stolen and the crew needs to get them back! Oh, and some important computer systems too. At least they got those back.



  8. A society that has banned all violent thoughts to create the perfect world. Or so they though... Violent thoughts are passed around illegally in the night, but we don't know that in the beginning. It's a good thing they didn't get rid of B'Elanna violent tendencies. I like my women rough.



  9. Fantastic end to the "Year of Hell". That Intrepid may be ugly as Hell (it looks like a duck's head), but it can sure take a beating. But it did have the help of it's fine crew. And it did look great crashing into that time ship. So there goes with the Krenim Imperium. They had a cool name, and I wish they would have been an enemy for more episodes. With less than 4 years left in their jeorney (though they don't know it and neither do I!) what adventures will the crew of the Federation starship Voyager face? Everyone knows but me!



  10. How can it be his spirit if he's still alive?

    It's your aura that's also your spirit. A person can see their aura, or even their body if they are close to dying. To see an aura is just when it is projected in front of you, or when you enter a state or meditation. What I think happened was just a skip in time, or a glitch in the Matrix, or he was drunk :clap:

    Or my theory :clap: