sea trooper

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Posts posted by sea trooper

  1. Ooo. Two Voyagers. This episode reminds me of DS9's Visionary, where Miles gets into a plasma radiation whatever accident and is able to go forward in time. After a few times he dies and his future self has to take his place. But on the bright side, they save the station from Romulan destruction. Unlike this episode, the good Voyager destroys itself when it's invaded by Vidiians while the messed up Voyager get's Harry and Ensign Wilder's baby. Harry needs to live because he's cool. The baby needs to live because 7 of 9 needs a friend when she comes onboard in the future. A cool episode.



  2. Tom Paris leaves Voyager. But it's all fake. They finally catch, well, throw the Maquis officer who's been communicating with Seska, thanks to Neelix's show. Michael Jonas. But I'm sure the real bad guy was his dentist. I'm sure Jonas's teeth survived the disintegration and will come back to try to take over Voyager.



  3. The Doctor falls in love with a dying Vidiian woman who he was able to make a hologram of until they fixed her body. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. A nice episode.



  4. Brad Dourif is an AWESOME actor which is as much as I can say for this episode. Brad did a great job in his role and so did Tim. This is definitely one of my favorites. WATCH IT!



  5. A pretty cool episode. Though I thought it was a bit strange that we would evolve into an amphibian when it's what we already evolved from (watch Before the Dinosaurs). There is no predetermined evolutionary path for the human race, time will tell what we turn into depending on environmental conditions. Different humans who live and grow on different worlds will also stray from the path of the evolutionary route as, say, the humans who live and grow on Earth. Like said, depending on survival conditions. An-y-who, this was a great episode that creeped me out a bit which is saying something.


    4- ONLY because of that scientific flaw.

  6. It was a pretty smart idea to ally with a Kazon faction, though I knew all along that it would never happen. And I was a bit surprized that the Trabe turned out to be so hostile, but I doubt we will ever see them again. But that's just my crazy thought...



  7. I was thinking of Data this entire episode. In fact, they should have gotten Brent Spiner to do the voice of the robots. That would have been cool. Though as I've noticed, Voyager has ALOT of technobabble. Hope that lightens up...



  8. As of this instant this is the best episode of Voyager so far. Suspiria seems like an awesome adversary (isn't her voice amazing?!) and Kes's progression of her powers have been latinum!



  9. AHH! Chakotay's butt crack! I think I'm going to be sick! B)


    A look into Chakotay's past. Damn he was an ungrateful little [insert colorful metaphor]. It was an alright episode that tells his tattoo story.



  10. Jem'Hadar fighters in Paris's simulation? But the war was two years away. Voyager left DS9 a bit after the Jem'Hadar showed themselves, so why would he have them as an enemy already? Anyway, I feel sorry for the humanoid that has to lay three of those HUGE eggs. I don't care what galaxy you're from, that has to hurt!



  11. This was a fun episode. The ship gets twisted around and everyone gets lost on the ship. Though I thought Chakotay treated Tuvok pretty unfair until he found out that the Vulcan madman was right the entire time. TAKE THAT NON-HUMAN!

