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Posts posted by star_rose

  1. Star Rose, I'm surprised you didn't say Data in command of the Sutherland. :)


    I think Sisko was the best captain because he actually was real and made mistakes, and he punched out Q.

    I voted Kirk because he was the best captain of all the series, the original one!

    Data was not included in the possibilities of this poll, however, I think that Data has had too many problems with his emotional chip to be a great captain.


    I don't think the 'story', (according to the rumors) will allow it Rose since Kirk died in Generations and Shat cannot play a 'young' Kirk.

    you are right, but also Brent Spiner played as the ancistor of the father of Data in ENT. Therefore, Shatner could play as a member of the family of Kirk. :eek:

  2. I would like to know how many people like the movie TRANSFORMERS. I think that it is a very great movie with a lot of special effects! I like the stories about robots and androids, therefore I appreciated how the director was able to create an original story with good and evil robots. :biggrin:

    What do you think about this?



    "Borderland" introduced the great grandfather of Noonien Soong, the man who would become the creator of Data and Lore. Brent Spiner did an excellent job, no one else brings life to the characters like Spiner. He can be the meanest bad guy in a TV episode or a movie, but there is something about him and they way he portrays the characters that makes you like him. A very likable villain.


    T'Pol is a Commander, no longer with the Vulcan High Command. It is easy to tell that there is a friendship between T'Pol and Archer when he gives her a gift for become the Commander. She nearly tears up and you can tell that she is very touched by the gift.



    you are right. brent is a very talented actor and he is so good as hero as villain. I love his blue eyes and I like that in these episodes in enterprise he can show them without strange contact lenses.

    I like T'Pol, I have made last year a photo with her, she is a very good actress and I hope to see her in another series.

  4. I am very happy today, because I have read that Brent Spiner will come in Italy in 2008! :biggrin: :P

    There will be a little convention in Bellaria, near Rimini, on the coast of the Adriatic sea, from 22 Mai to 25 Mai 2008! :P So I can reach finally him after all! :P

  5. well yes i can see that attraction, but there has to be more than just looks to keep my attention. Male or Female!

    I beg to differ because I have the attention span of a Nine Year Old Boy. :laugh:

    Gummy! I see that you are a commodor now! :laugh: :(


    The second movie is very good, because Mr fantastic should marry with the invisible woman, but all the world depends on him....

    they all play very well together: they seem a family!

  6. :roflmao: :lol: you are a real fan now!

    my first convention was in 2004 - I have seen data, troi, worf and barcaly and many other stars from another series, such as A-Team, The Lord of the ring, Star Wars,...

    I have participated in 2006 to the greatest convention in all the world - Las Vegas Convention!

    There I have seen Kirk, Spock, Janeway, the doctor, trip, T'pol, archer,...

    now I intend to see again brent in england, but he had canceled his apparition in september, because he must go to atlanta and he has not yet decided when to come in europe.

  7. You know you're a Star Trek fan when you get annoyed at people for calling Patrick Steward "the guy from X-Men".


    Just had to post that, has happened to me several times. BTW the title of this forum should be "You know YOU'RE a Star Trek fan when..." Not your. Sorry, that just aggravates me. I'm not OC at all, no... :look:

    Agreed. Patrick Stewart IS Captain Picard. Not Professor Charles Xavier.

    I don't care what anybody says. :laugh:

    he is both of them...and none of them....

    he is an actor who played a million of roles , the others are characters and they have a particular personality.

    sincerely I prefer Stewart as Xavier than as Picard. I love X Men.

  8. I have seen the dvd with Denise crosby about the fans of Star Trek, TREKKIES.

    it is a very funny dvd, with a lot of interviews with the cast of TOS and TNG (Kirk, Spock, Mc Coy, Data, Riker,...), but the best scene for me was when Denise showed to the camera her collection of gifts from her fans, in which there was also a series of white-and-black drawings about the episode in which Data made sex with her- they are both naked! It has been always my secret dream since I am a fan of Brent!


    Okkkkk,I must have missed that part. I gotta watch Trekkies again! I'm a big fan of Data, and can honestly say I had a bit of a crush on him (not to mention Brent Spiner). And I managed to miss that scene.

    beh, I have a little exaggerated, in fact it is a very fast scene with a few of pictures. It has only a sentimental value for me. :look:


    Let's see. Secret Trek Dreams. Hmmm. It would have to start with Uhura and Rand and Nurse Chapel.... Then Troi. Then Beverly Crusher.

    Then Dax (both versions). Then Seven of Nine and Janeway.Oh, almost forgot B'Elana. And finishing off with T'Pol and Hoshi.

    And then I need a nap. :laugh:


    you are a very passionate lover!