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Posts posted by DaboGirl

  1. Come to think of it - Han Solo isn't on the list either, nor are the original Starbuck and Apollo, Crichton from Farscape (or Mitchell on SG1), Lt. Tom Paris, Colonel O'Neill, Lt Col John Sheppard or Ronan Dex from SGA, Fox Mulder...

    Yeah, where's Fox, Starbuck and Han Solo? :whistling:







  2. CA you left some pretty heavy hitters off this list.


    I'll point out two omissions:




    Captain Picard... The accolades he has received include 'Sexiest Man on Television' ("TV Guide", 1992), which he considered an unusual distinction considering his age and his baldness. (That same year, Cindy Crawford was voted the sexiest woman in the same poll.)




    Harry Kim... In 1997, he was named one of the "50 Most Beautiful People" by People magazine. Additionally, E! Entertainment Television once selected Garrett as one of the "20 Coolest Bachelors" in the country.


    There many others as well...


    I suppose its always easy to leave people off. The best Trek voice poll where Patrick Stewart wasn't even a choice ranks up there.


    CA you are still one cool cat. :whistling:

  3. I agree with alost all of those. However I have to concur with DaboGirl about TWOK, and then for FC and NEM I had different favorite moments, as well:


    FC: When Deanna says "We've just recieved wrod from the fleet...they've engaged the Borg." It sends SHIVERS THROUGH ME! Also, the bit following that when they listen in on the radio transmissions.


    NEM: Data is one of my all-time favorite characters in any series, but what he did at the end was so well-executed and so genuine and so...human...I wouldn't have it any other way.

    The look on Khan's face when the Reliant's shields were dropping... Awesome!



  4. WWE Confirms Ric Flair's Departure From The Company

    Date Added: August 03, 2008

    Story By: Marc Middleton

    - WWE.com has officially confirmed Ric Flair's departure from the company. Here is the statement they released:


    Flair and WWE Part Ways

    Written: August 3, 2008


    WWE and Hall of Famer Ric Flair have mutually agreed to contractually part ways. After an extraordinary career Ric has chosen to pursue opportunities outside of WWE


    A real shame. I was looking forward to Flair being the mouthpiece for some young wrestler.

    Like Mr. Fuji or 'Classy' Freddie Blassie or Capt. Lou Albano.


    I used to watch the 'old school' stuff when I was little.