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Posts posted by Luvin1stdegree

  1. I have two theories about Ccllin...I think they will either have him go to some kind of rehab place where his violent behavior will be dealt with, or he will get tired of everyone constantly inquring about his health and fretting over him and he'll leave Everwood on his own accord. Of course, I could be wrong...I am quite often.

  2. I did tape it tonight. I won't have time to watch until later in the week, due to Trek assignments I've been given. I'm so glad Andy didn't do it. I would have really been disappointed if he had. I do have to say that Collin isn't a favorite character, but I can't pinpoint what it is about him I don't like.

  3. Okay, VBG, just so there aren't any more questions about what the actual intent of the bet is, I propose we make all our future bets here on the board so we have witnesses as to what was actually bet.

  4. The moral of the story is, Be sure you understand the bet before entering into it


    I believe the true moral of the story is NEVER enter into a bet with VBG!


    Luvin1stdegree - even though you're right - dont' know that you'll win


    TheUnicornHunter---I'm am completely sure you are correct in assuming I won't win. I have known VBG for almost 4 years now and believe me, I NEVER win with him. He has the most amazing talent for b*#$sh*#**$* his way out of any arguement we have. What usually happens is that I get so frustrated, I just give in and let him have his way. I do thank you for your support, though. It's nice to know I have people on my side.



    On another note, I do have to publicly admit that he is right about one thing. A year ago I wouldn't have believed I'd be a part of the Trek world. Whether I'm a "trekker" (as VBG claims) is, I guess, a matter of opinion. For the last few months I have been watching TOS and finding myself enjoying it for the most part. There are some episodes that did not hold my attention at all, but some seemed to fly by in 5 minutes and it was over! I have also seen a few episodes of TNG and like that show, too. Although, mostly because of Riker. What a hottie!!!


    PS....I may get some grief for this, but any ladies out there who like the Riker look, ask VGB to send you one of his pics. There's one of him that gets him compliments every time. He knows which one. LOL

  5. Common sense dictates that the 500 mark would be reached through my own efforts, not yours. Is anyone else with me???????



    VBG, I realize you aren't going to let me win this always, I am left shaking my head in frustration!!! LMAO ;)

  6. I would love to be able to stay up late and hang out on here. Unfortunately, my job and school requires me to get up at 4:30 AM.



    No matter when I am on, VBG finds plenty of time to drive me crazy!!! LOL In fact, I think he's trying to make a career of it.

  7. Once again you leave me with no choice but to bang my head against a brick wall!!! Why are you so determined to be right ALL THE TIME! Ugh!


    I do believe it is assumed by those involved (except you, obviously) that in the example provided that the magical number of 500 would be reached through posts, and NOT your manipulation of the number!!!

  8. I need your help! I am having a debate with someone who shall remain nameless (you know who you are! LOL). The question is, if person A and person B make a bet, does person A default and lose the bet if he/she is found cheating??? I say yes. What do you think?

  9. VaBeachGuy and I were talking about the trip last night. He told me (and I told him to post this! UGGGGHHH...he NEVER listens to me!) that he is planning for June of 2004. I thought knowing the month may help people decide/plan vacations, time off work, etc.

  10. I'm not sure if the Amber alert will become world wide but I definitely believe it should. About 2 months ago, my family had a scare when my 2 nieces didn't come home from school. Eventually we found them at a friends house but those few hours scared the $*%#(& out of our family. I can't imagine having a child missing! It has to be the most horrifying experience any parent could face.

  11. :D Hello board! My name is Amy and I live in Wisconsin. I'm new to the whole Star Trek world and through this board, I'm learning a lot. I look forward to the further exploration of all the series. I do have to admit that not long ago I was considered a non-believer, but with the help of a good friend, I'm slowly being converted. I may have a long way to go but just admitting this much shows how far I've come!!