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Posts posted by Mike

  1. RedMolly001.jpg

    Mansions, Motels and Chain Saws


    Red Molly Tour Diary 66:


    Wow, the Mansion in Middletown, NY was so beautiful I felt like I should take my shoes off before stepping foot inside! We had a great sold-out show there Sunday and met tons of new people. See pictures from the show here.


    We spent most of the weekend in Walton, NY playing at the historic Walton Theatre and eating lots of "cake specials" at the local diner. That's eggs, hash browns, toast and a giant pancake! Talk about special. The town also has the best chainsaw wood carvings we've ever seen. We met so many wonderful people at the high school assembly and the theater concert. The Walton motel was pretty swanky too!


    Let's not forget Friday, when we played a return show at the Golding Park Cafe, closing out their concert season. We had lots of fun talking about our GPS Betty and singing songs about rugs. Heh.


    Coming up: SPECIAL CD RELEASE SHOW at The Minstrel in Morristown, NJ on Friday 5/2 (reservations recommended), Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY on Saturday 5/3, and The Ridgefield Library in Ridgefield, CT on Sunday 5/4.


    :) Red Molly


    New CDs out!


    So yeah, a couple weeks ago I drove down to Disc Makers and picked up 3 different CDs, including the brand new Red Molly CD, which was totally planned and produced and carefully put together. Almost like a planned pregnancy where you take your vitamins and stop drinking before you even do the deed.


    Then there's the duo record I made with Anthony da Costa, Bad Nights/Better Days. Neither of us needed to make an album. His solo release came out in January. I had the new Red Molly record, which I'm so proud of. But for some reason we both needed to make this record together, get these raw, emotional songs down somewhere and share them. Compared to a planned pregnancy, this record was a crazy one-night stand in the back of a Chevy with some hot guy who you only know by first name.


    But you gotta love all your children, right?!


    You can listen to both of mine here:


    Love and Other Tragedies, Red Molly 2008




    Bad Nights/Better Days, Abbie & Anthony 2008



  2. A DS9 movie would rock but I too know it won't happen..I don't like that TNG ended with Nemesis but that's what we got..I don't see another TNG movie in the future..For one thing it would be hard to do it without Captain Picard..We all know that Patrick Stewart has hung up his starfleet uniform..But perhaps a few TNG cast members with new characters could get a movie at some point down the road. But I think the franchise is in TOS mode right now..

  3. Nah, I can't see Ro as first officer on DS9..A secondary character, sure..I liked Ro well enough on TNG but she didn't seem like leadership material..Can't imagine her hooking up with Odo or all those wonderful scenes with Dukat either..And as the Intendant?!!! :angry: No way!!


    DS9 would have been totally different with Ro.. :laugh:


    Glad we got Kira

  4. Kevin, I have an observation / request..I noticed when I posted my last David Reddick comic the board resized it to 66% of it's original size. Sure we can click on it to open another window with the full size..Just wondering if the allowable display image can be increased some..No big deal if it can't..


    Here's the thread..You can see how the previous strips I posted are full size in the the thread..



  5. I can relate to what you're going thru Joe. I deal with depression and lonliness alot. I always get a bad bout of depression around the holidays when everyone is happy and with loved ones..


    When I get depressed I try to keep myself busy either with the internet or with real life, chores, hobbies. Yeah, I tend to watch lots of Star Trek, sometimes 10 hours or more a day..It does help me..Also, when I get particularly blue I re-watch the movie 'Free Enterprise'. I know to most it's just a silly, crazy movie. But for me it's about a trekkie who finds his true love who just happens to like Star Trek, Science Fiction and comic books. After all, isn't that all any of us want, to be loved by someone with similar interests and who will accept us as we are?


    Lately I've been reading the TAO TE CHING and taking meditation classes. Meditating seems to help me and going to the classes is a good way to meet new, interesting people.


    Well, I hope my comments help you some..At least perhaps they'll give you something to think about..What works for me may not work for you..I believe the key is to find something that helps you, something that will uplift your spirits and make you feel better..And you do have a great community of friends here to help you through this tough time..



  6. Yeah, you know him as that 'Trek Life' guy..Does anybody miss 'The Trek Life' as much as I do? Anyway, with 'The Trek Life' on hiatus David has kept himself busy with 3 other strips. That's right 3..You know about 'Gene's Journal' which I re-post from Roddeberry.com weekly..There is also 'Rod and Barry' which is posted weekly at Roddenberry.com as well..I'm really excited about his 3rd strip, 'Legend of Bill', which I've just read will be begin getting going..So far there has only been 1 strip..


    Perhaps I could start re-posting here... ??


    Rod and Barry



