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Posts posted by Chataeya

  1. statistics information: Hypervelocity Torpedoes, that they can travel up to 24,000 feet per second and the impack will leave nothing behind.

    Commander Riann, these (above) are the stat's on the HPV's. I have plenty to go around. As for orders the Hirogen are spread out over the Alpha Q. So, Seek out and destory.

  2. Shech Ic

    Current Residence: Bajor

    Identifacation Number: 32254-3888

    Class: Traveler

    This Cardassian being is authorized free travel through all of Federation territory, as prescribed by the Federation treaty, this species is afforded all rights and privileges as prescribed in articles IV and VII.


    :clap:This is what I got from Chataeya She-cat. A Cardassian that lives on Bajor. Now , I know why I feel like I need eyes in the back of my head. :clap:

  3. :clap:I like the whole board myself. There are a lot of good features here. Just wish I could get the hang of all of them. Finally, got the hang of posting a link. :clap::clap: The rest, well if there we're a page with evey feature on it that's where I be most of the time. But as of right now they are in different places and I just have to find all of them. IDEA! How about all those "How,to's", on the new members page? :clap::clap:

  4. Stardate:213545.6

    As far as that cartoon goes I saw it.Ha ha ha very funny.Now where is that cartoonist so I can slap him.

    :clap:You hold him and I'll claw him. How's that?


    There is always some one out there to put what ever they hate down. I guess now we are getting to see who they are. I don't like that kind of pubicity. :clap: Of course, I'm from the old school, where if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. But there are those that have to force their opinions on all.

  5. :clap:Here's one for you ddillard! I started one called "RED ALERT" "RED ALERT". It's basically an everything thread. It is supposed to include all of TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY. But no one is playing that way. So, It ended up being an everything and anything Thread. So, How about one where anything can happen. Sort of like the one VBG started, way back when. :clap:

    I have consulted with other mods on this issue and it has been decided that the Red Alert Thread should remain in Off topics, as it is not a true Cannon based RPG.

    :clap:OK! Then how about one combining TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY. The reason I am asking this, is that the single thread or individuals are to limited as far as people that can get involved. The interaction on the ones that are start, seem slow, that might be why not that many people get involved. This is just an idea! :clap:

  6. :lol: The clappy thing is there so you remember to have fun and learn all you can. PC's are fun if your not afraid of them. :laugh: Enjoy your learning experience and make fun out of it and your learning will last a life time.

  7. they have to be respected..........and they need someone by their side who is strong, sharp, dynamic....someone they can consult with and who can assist them, and feel confident about them being able to take over at any minute should it be necessary.........I guess to give Chakotay his due, I must remember that he came into being second in comand only because of what happened when Voyager ran into the Caretaker....after Janeway's second in command was killed.......When the MaQuis crew was integrated with Voyager's crew, this was an appointment made by Janeway.........So Chakotay being second in command on Voyager, never really meant he was or could be the leader type we saw on the other Star Trek series.  I think the appointment was done out of respect for the fact that Chakotay commanded the MaQuis ship.......

    This is true, but even so, they could have left him add a little more strenght to the character. This is what RB wanted to do. The writer hindered the character and RB. IMO, if they had just left him add to the character of Chakotay alittle more strenght, it would have made the show more interesting. But, I'm not one of the writers. Nor, if I where, would I have lasted long in that position. I would have fought with them like a cat to get more for his part. Possibly, even some of the others, too. (not Seven,for sure). :lol:

  8. Seems to me like a battle this big is going to need a high speed embedded journalist to ensure that the story is told and ballads can be written properly.  I will generously volunteer my services to take detailed notes and provide the proper embellishment to this battle.


    I just manuever my simple little craft into a good overwatch position and stay quiet....

    To armyvic, cadet 4th class; We would be honored to have you report on this great battle. Please, be safe, and report well. :lol:

  9. :bow: :lol: Chataeya to Yillara, It's like this. What ever works! this is the order of the day.

    :laugh: Did I run into some Plasma Storms on the way back! Man, they came though my sector bad last night. Did some minor damage to my ship, but not that much that things could not be fix. Just had to shut down my systems, and go to minimum life support. :laugh: My ship and Chataeya are fine.


    The orders now are "Operation food fight" and "Hypervelocity Torpedoes". Have plenty for those that need. Just let Chataeya know and Chataeya will beam them to you.


    :lol: My last report form the Federation is still not good, seems we still have quite a large number of Hirgon Ships in the Alpha Quadrant and we need to search them out. Span out and scan the area as much as possible.


    Chataeya out.

  10. Does anyone remember "Johnny Quest"? Or how about "Beany and Cecil"?

    Yes to both. :laugh:


    How about Felix the Cat or Betty Boop? Those are my oldest remembered cartoons, god I'm old.

    :laugh: I remember them. And how about "Howdy Dowdy" (guess that is spelled right), I know these are not cartoons but, that far back didn't have them. OH! There is one though "Mickey Mouse" The original. :lol: Now that give my age away!

  11. :laugh: Here's a good one for all those that spend not enough time in the Kitchen. And for those who would like to spend time in the kitchen and on the PC at the same time.

    Tech. Link



    :lol: :laugh: I need one in my kitchen. Might spend more time there.

  12. :lol: This is a tough one. IMO, I think that, if no contact with Starfleet, than Chakotay would have taken the Captains place with Tuvok 2nd in command. If it was after they had made contact with Starfleet than ,Yes, Tuvok would have been put in the Captains place. Weither or not this latter placement would have caused problems for those that where Maquis and Chakotay remains to be seen (as the show is over). Seven, well , yes, she was put up front and would have remained there, all to draw attention to the show.

  13. I hate to say this but, Gotabite and TrekkieMage are right on this. But what was the bad part was that the writers made it that way. Why ,I don't know but this was how his part was written. I think it stinks when they do this to a character. IMO, if they write a part in that level ( of 2nd in command ) they should follow though with the script.

  14. Doesn't anyone besides me like Neelix?  :lol:

    :bow:Yes I do, I like his character.


    :laugh: And I would have coped very easily. Cause, that means I get to leave Homer behind. :P :lol:


    Besides I'd be to busy chasing Chakotay around :P :laugh:

  15. :lol: Oh! That's rotten! I'm in the NW corner of SC. I can get it on Fox 21. They are in the greenville/spartenburg area. You might be able to get it from there (free TV). VOY comes on at 12:00AM - 1:00AM. See if you can't pick it up.

  16. As Chataeya sits in her Readyroom, drinking her cup of coffee,she starts thinking(Capt. Janeway has got Chataeya started on this drink, and Chataeya can not stop, not a good thing for Chataeya not good for a She-cat, gives to much energy, chataeya not sure what to do with it.)So, she decides she should look over the statistics information she recieved on the new Hypervelocity Torpedoes. She discovers that they can travel up to 24,000 feet per second and the impack will leave nothing behind.She decides that these are a must for her to bring back to her friends at the battlefield. She gives the order to her Droids to load up as many as her ship can hold. She hopes that these Hpv's Torpedoes do the trick.

    Now that her ship is loaded to the ceiling of all cargo-bays, she gives the order to head back at warp 12. She hopes her friends are still there as she waits to hear that they are in range.

    Hopefully, boxers shorts & Pies will no longer be needed, only eaten.

    Picking up on Cmdr. Riann's message she tells her droids to push it.(this she once heard from another ship).