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Posts posted by Chataeya

  1. :dude: This is some scarey stuff, here. :( Me it is simple, I hope I'm gone when that sucker hits. :(

    But , we do need to do something to protect the future, after all. The goverment needs to get up off thier collective butts and start looking into this possiblity. :(

  2. :( That's not boring to someone who has never witnessed something of that nature before , but when that is all there is , well this city girl wants back to the city bad! You just don't know what it's like in these small towns. Not much to do, so they come up with some of the strangest stuff. :(

  3. :dude: :( Well folks here the one I posted the last time , only difference is the rabbit count is down and still going down.

    1- family (we are all related)

    4- houses (the animals are spread out)

    12- cats

    12- dogs

    5- birds

    2- lizards

    1-tank of fish

    24- rabbits (these are mine, as I breed them for sale)

    :( They are not all at my house. I have only 1 dog inside, and 2 outside. What's bad is I'm alergic to animals and fur. Can stand a house cat , but not a dog in the house. Homers is the one who insists on the dog. Homer hates cats.

    :wub: I love cats, MEOW! :(

  4. :( :( I don't want to sound to happy about this, but it is about time that something was done. I seen bad people like them put in jail and still run terrior though the country they have come from. But, Death is the only way to stop people like this. :(

  5. :rolleyes:that was my thought, too. Gun! :bow:


    :bow: Glad to hear your car is up and running. I just wish I had one to put myself in and take a ride. Homer does them in ever 2 years so now again there is none. ;)


    :bow: See proof positive men refer to thier cars as BABIES. :bow:

  6. Love watching the cumulonimbus clouds building, the brilliant white head, dark grey bottom. Love to watch the lightning when the storm is far off  but if it comes close I'm inside.  I have a healthy fear of lightning strike. 


    Saw a documentary on lightning on the weekend..had a man who was fishing, the lightning hit his carbon fibre fishing rod, and traveled down through to his feet.  The lightning melted every bit of resin away and so that the fishing rod was a mass of loose carbon fibres, the zip in his jeans had melted and impaled his stomach, 80 % of his legs were covered in 2nd degree burns and each boot had eight perfect holes.  His body swelled to three times its original size...he described the feeling as though someone had his legs in a vice and as though his arms were on fire after he finally felt them again.


    Nice to watch, hope I never get struck!  :D Also glad we don't get tornadoes with our thunder storms.

    I've known 2 people who have been struck by lightning. You'd think that would make me more careful, but noooooo, I still go out there every year to get the "perfect picture". 1042300447.gif If there's ever a big storm in Phoenix and you don't hear from me for a few days you know what happened. speechless-smiley-039.gif


    :waaaa: :waaaa: :D

    speechless-smiley-039.gifDidn't get hit with a full charge, just a small zap. Hair went straight up. I love to sit outside and watch them, still do. I have learned the warning sign, as to when it will hit and what to do in case. B)

  7. I hate humid conditions. I lve in the south now, used to live in Philadelphia, PA, city conditions. Both are humid. I need some dry heat for a change. If I remember right the heat got to him and he suffed from heat stroke. That, I've been though myself.

  8. Have you ever searched for an old Friend, and gotten No where?

    I have! I have one of the two that I search for,have a recent address, Wrote a snail mail and got no responce from them.

    The second one I know I'll get no where on because for the life of me I can't remember his name or where he was from, just that he was going to New York to get on the Soaps and then to Hollywood to be a star. I talked to him on a plane trip home from my grandfathers home in FLA.

    OH! well. Has this ever happen to YOU? :clap: