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Posts posted by Chataeya

  1. Although I absolutely hate & detest snow I do remember there is something magical about the first snowfall. 


    Snow really wouldn't so bad if we didn't have cars but I hate that black slushy yuck that the streets turn into by the end of the day. (and if we didn't have to shovel it)....oh I just hate being cold.


    :laugh: I am with you on this on Unicorn. Can't stand the white stuff at all. And I hate cold weather. Got to cold here in south carolina, and doubt there will be warm weather until the spring....... need warmth :( :lol:

  2. You may not know that many things have a gender. :laugh:

    For example: :(

    Ziploc bags are Male. They are male because they hold everything in, but you can see through them.

    Copiers are Female. They are female because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreck havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed.

    Tires are Male, because they go bald and are often over-inflated.

    Hot Air Ballons are Male because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under them, and of course, there's the hot air part.

    Sponges are Female because they're soft, squeezable and retain water.

    The Web Page is Female because it's always getting hit on.

    The subway is Male because it uses the same old lines to pick people up.

    The Hourglass is Female because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom.

    The Hammer is Male because it hasn't changed much over the last 5000 years, but it's handy to have around.

    The Remote Control is Female. Yes, you thought it would be male. But consider this -- it gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know the right buttons to push, he keeps trying.

  3. Carl sound's like spacetigger! :hug: JK! I wanna go meet some slave girls....

    Wooaaahhh! Now wait just a sec..Just cause I'm going to the convention and I like green Orion girls...On second thought.. :(






    :laugh:This is the quote that I wanted............Now read over post :lol:

  4. :lol: I think Trekfan and I think alike..............Chakotay as captain, with 7 of 9 as commander.

    What would be funny is Chakotay as Captain and Paris as Commander :laugh:

    :( I just wish Chakotay would get back on STF

  5. :blush: I voted "I don't know" never stay wake to find out. :) I have been told that I snore , but that it is not loud. Never woke up to find myself else where, so I don't sleepwalk , but as far as sleeptalk ,that is questionable?

  6. :blush: I didn't vote because it would be ww3 happening here. Don't get me wrong I lvoe my mother-in-law to death but her in my home...... Lord No! She just had surgery on thursday, had to have a major vein cleaned out from a boclkage and has a 7 inches cut on the side of her neck and yesterday she decided to go across the street from her home to a neighbors house for lunch. My husband called to check on her and no answer on the phone for quite sometime . Needless to say he has a fit and called the police not knowing where she was......( thought something bad had happen). :jaw: If she where to move in she would drive us nuts. :)