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Posts posted by edmcgon

  1. Stardate:213789.8



    -Hoshi has studied Medieval Klingon? (WHere did she get her hands on that?)


    Medival Klingon compared with modern Klingon.Whats the difference?? :clap:

    If you have ever read Medieval English, you will understand.


    I suspect some of the differences might include more primitive versions of current Klingon words (possibly primitive to the point of being unrecognizable), certain words or phrases which have lost their meaning over time, and the language might be less "regulated" (in other words, there was little or no formal education during the Medieval Klingon period, much like Earth).


    As for where Hoshi got it, possibly the Vulcan database?

  2. It may not count as once in a lifetime, but when I saw the lunar eclipse last year, it was very impressive. I can now understand why primitive man might think it was a bad omen.


    On those rare occasions in my lifetime when a lunar eclipse has occurred, there has always been cloud cover wherever I was.

  3. Elizabeth Hurley.The flat out,most beautiful woman in this or any other universe! B)

    I changed my mind.....

    I just saw Catherine Zeta-Jones on an commercial,and she is gorgeous!She's from Wales,I think...that's part of the United Kingdom,so she qualifies for this pole.

    Sorry,Liz....I have a new love B)

    Have to agree with you. Zeta-Jones is one of the finest. B)

  4. I don't really care one way or another about the new bills. If they cut down on counterfeits, more power to them.


    The thing that ticked me off was the ad for them I saw on tv last night. Nice to see my tax dollars at work paying for useless tv advertising! GRRRRRRRR! B)

  5. I believe that some occurrences of UFOs are real. The hard part is determining which ones are real.


    There was one in Mexico City some years ago which was fairly convincing. Seen by millions in the middle of the day. Caught on tape. I have seen the tape, and it looked real.


    I have always found the Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction story to be eerie. Too many eerie coincidences not to be true. There was a movie made about it many years ago with James Earl Jones as Barney Hill (I don't remember the name of the film). I highly recommend it to anyone curious about alien abductions.


    As for Roswell, a government coverup makes perfect sense. The government's explanations for what happened have been pretty lame. But if you had discovered a crashed UFO, especially during the Cold War (and after the Soviets had so easily infiltrated the Manhattan Project), would you want the rest of the world to know?


    When you throw in the good possibility of extraterrestrial life, it certainly makes UFOs more likely. But if I were an advanced life form viewing the human race, I would not make "first contact". There is way too much "radicalism" in our race right now. You only have to look at the Middle East to realize this is not a species you want to meet.

  6. Thanks for the update Jack.


    Senator Kelley? Why does that name sound familiar? Or am I thinking of another show/movie?


    Klingonmike, I have not heard anything about Kim or Palmer's ex. Most of what I know I just heard from Jack.


    You have to wonder if Penny Johnson was taking lessons from Louise Fletcher on how to play two-faced!

  7. I whole heartily agree with you..Moulin Rouge.  I would be happy with Trip/T'Pol just being friends or being much more.  I think the only thing I am against is T'pol and Archer(Maybe i'm jealous :P.)  I think Archer is better left for the occasional whirwind with some exotic flower.

    I've wondered if that hasn't secretly motivated several of our posters. I truly don't understand why people like T'Pol?

    TUH, I think it may be a guy thing. Aside from the fact that T'Pol is attractive, she is also almost completely logical, which makes her quite unlike most women we see in our daily lives.


    Yes, men are illogical too. This is not about what we are, rather it is about what we want. As the saying goes, "Forbidden fruit is the sweetest". The challenge of getting a completely logical woman, who also happens to be a "looker", into a relationship? From a male perspective, THAT is impressive! :o

  8. I was particularly impressed with his commanding presence in "Impulse."  The character is muh, much improved in my humble opinion. Archer is much more appealing when he's a little darker, a little edgier. Oh my word, with what Morpheus the spoiler man said about "Similitude" you are just going to die where Archer's concerned. He's not specific but he said that fans of the Archer/Tucker dynamic will eat it up.  Like I've been saying, just because Archer's closing himself off now doesn't mean he loves Trip any less.  According to the notoriously unsentimental Morpheus, Similitude proves it.

    As a man, I have to agree that I like them showing Archer's "darker" side. It proves he is not just a happy-go-lucky explorer type. Rather, it proves that he does deserve the captain's chair.


    As for his relationship with Trip, I think they have become "brothers in arms". We have seen they both have a darker side. IMO, the fact they are both showing them at the same time seems to have brought them closer together.


    As for T'Pol and Trip, it may be a pleasant little diversion, but I am still holding out hope for T'Pol and Archer. I find the loyalty they share with each other to be (or what could be) a good start to a more intimate relationship.

  9. An interesting tidbit from Len Pasquarelli at ESPN.com:


    Two members of the league's influential competition committee to whom we spoke earlier in the week strongly suggested the language in the "leaping" rule, the infraction called against Tampa Bay defensive end Simeon Rice in the Monday night game, will almost certainly be altered (i.e., clarified) next spring. "The rule, in essence, is a good one because it (addresses) a safety issue," said one committee member. "And the call in the Monday game was absolutely following the letter of the law. But we need to take a hard look at the wording of the rule. I mean, (Rice) didn't put anyone in jeopardy. You don't want to force the officials into parsing things even further, you know, interpreting the chances a leaping player could injure someone, but we've got to clean (the rule) up." It should be noted that one guy who has remained silent on the call -- not too surprising, given his class -- is Tampa Bay general manager Rich McKay, who is co-chairman of the competition committee. For McKay to have said anything in the wake of his team's overtime loss might have been construed as self-serving, and the Bucs general manager is way too smart to be drawn into that trap.


    I told you it was a silly rule! :P

  10. I thought I would start a thread about season 3 of "24", which starts Tuesday, October 28th. This thread is for any comments about it.


    To get the ball rolling, have any of you fans of the show noticed David Palmer in the new ads? I was sure he was dead after last season. Anyone heard anything about this?


    I am NOT disappointed. He is one of the best characters on the show. Possibly the best portrayal of a fictional president I have ever seen. (yes, I would vote for him)


    24 ROCKS!!!

  11. Sunday, Oct. 12


    Indianapolis Over Carolina (Carolina's great run ends, but this could be a let down week for the colts.)


    Chicago at New Orleans

    Tennessee Over Houston

    Kansas City Over Green Bay

    Miami Over Jacksonville

    New England Over N.Y. Giants (not sure on this one but I'll take the Pats)

    Oakland Over Cleveland (The Raider will bounce back)

    Philadelphia Over Dallas

    Washington Over Tampa Bay (I just hate Tampa more then the Skins right now lol)

    Baltimore Over Arizona

    Buffalo Over N.Y. Jets

    Denver Over Pittsburgh 

    Seattle Over San Francisco


    Monday, Oct. 13


    St. Louis Over Atlanta

    Time for my two cents worth (believe me, that's what it is worth if I pick like I did last week!):


    Kitties over Horsies: VBG, I agree with your "letdown" logic here. Also, the Panthers have a better running game than the Bucs.


    Aints over Bears: The Aints have to win sometime. May as well beat the Bears!


    Titans over Texans: No brainer.


    Chefs over Pack: The Pack comes back to earth after playing way over their heads against the Seabirdies.


    Fish over Jags: The "Championship of Florida" is at stake.


    Pats over G-Men: This game could get ugly. Both of these teams have big games next week.


    :P over Brownies: The Browns O-line looked wretched up until last week.


    Boys over Birds: Parcells. That's all the Cowboys need.


    Bucs over Skins: Gotta believe the Bucs will be P.O.'d after Monday night. I feel really sorry for Patrick Ramsey right now.


    Blackbirds over Redbirds: The Cards are hopeless.


    Bills over Jets: The Jets are also hopeless.


    Horsies over Steelworkers: Denver at home? Almost a no brainer.


    Seabirdies over 9ers: Don't tick off the Seabirdies!


    Lambs over Dirty Birds: Can't pick the Falcons until Vick gets back. They're on vacation!

  12. TOS: While the exchanges between McCoy and Spock were priceless, I would have to pick Scotty. Truly the finest engineer in the history of Star Fleet!


    TNG: Picard. His authority was unquestionable. And he had class too. The finest captain in all the series.


    DS9: Kai Winn. Ducat was a close second. The bad guys made this series good. The Kai "wins" (pun intended) only because she was so two-faced. And Louise Fletcher still plays one of the finest bad guys in anything she does. She is deliciously evil.


    VOY: 7 of 9. Jeri Ryan. Tight outfit. Enough said.


    ENT: T'Pol. Cute Vulcan. Tight outfit. I could leave it there, but she actually has an interesting character. I find the story of a Vulcan trying to control her emotions among humans more appealing than the 7 of 9 storyline, only because it was more natural for 7 of 9 to regain her emotions.