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Posts posted by edmcgon

  1. I voted for "Dukat's return". He was the best bad guy Trek ever had. His return would be better than Khan!


    When you think about some of the best Trek movies, they have always had interesting bad guys: "Wraith of Khan", "Undiscovered Country", "Generations", and "First Contact". (I would include "Nemesis" on this list, but my wife would shoot me!)

  2. From CNN.com:


    Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has possibly been captured in a raid near his hometown of Tikrit, U.S. officials say.


    However, the officials told CNN on Sunday that the identity of the individual, who was one of a number of suspected insurgents caught, was still being confirmed.




    If true, this is wonderful news for the U.S. and Iraq. While I do not expect this will end the terrorism in Iraq (I think most of it is from Al Quada and other terrorist groups), it should cut down on the attacks from Saddam loyalists.


    Any thoughts?

  3. If it's a Person - Janice Rand

    If it's a Thing - Holodeck

    If it's a person - Data.


    If it's technology - Data.



    That's sounds right to me, too! If I couldn't have Data then I would chose:


    For a person - Lore

    For technology - Lore

    Just go get Brent Spiner and be done with it! :clap:


    I would settle for a nice little starship that is equipped with a holodeck and replicator! :lol:

    First ( are you ready to be shocked?????)


    Click for Spoiler:






    second, Ed....what the hell would you need a replicator for??? You would be bring me, wouldn't you????


    if not....than i'll need two of the above..... :devil: :(

    (response censored by wife)


    sorry folks

  4. The Eagles Defense has concerned me a bit this season. They can't seem to stop the run it seems. 4 games in a row with 100 yard rushers against them. Granted we won but still, you HAVE to stop the run if you want to continue winning.

    That run defense has been the Eagles' achilles heel over the past few years. I am surprised they have not done anything about it.

  5. Chiefs. (Please stop me from cursing) Vermeil is on plan.


    Here is a hard one, I have to go with (Please stop me from cursing) V, my all time favorite coach.



    I don't think he is the all time best, but he is a sentimental favorite for me.

    No, I wouldn't say all time best either but he was the coach of the Eagles when I became an Eagles fan in 1978 and he took the Eagles to the Super Bowl in 1980 (even though they didn't win). So he's just always been my favorite coach. When he was doing Play play (I think it was for CBS then ABC) I always wished he'd come back to the Eagles.


    Then in 1995 or so there were talks with the Eagles for him to come back and coach the Eagles again, I think there was even talk of partial ownership of the team. Talks broke down for whatever reason and he wound up with the Rams and the Eagles got Ray Rhoads. I really wish the Eagles had signed him, it would have been fitting for him to come back and lead the Eagles to the big show again.

    Small world. That was when I became a Vermeil fan too.


    I was living outside of Philly at the time. I was a huge Eagles fan at the time, and it was because of Vermeil.


    On a side note, Bill Bergey was my favorite Eagle from that time. I met him several times during his playing years, and he was exemplary at treating his fans great. EVERY athlete could learn something from him.

  6. This is a TOUGH question. :blink:


    I hate to do this, but I would have to narrow this down by each series:


    TOS: Scotty. One thing I learned in college: Engineering majors knew how to party. I suspect it is not much different in the future, and Scotty is the best. :lol:

    TNG: Picard or Q. Either one would provide fine dinner conversation.

    DS9: Dax. As stated previously, with all those lifetimes, there would be plenty to talk about.

    VOY: While I would not mind having dinner with any of the recurring characters on "Voyager", there is not one which particularly stands out for me. Maybe 7 of 9, but it would not be for the dinner! :devil:

    ENT: T'pol. Vulcan philosophy intrigues me, and she is the most interesting of all the recurring Vulcans.