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Posts posted by edmcgon

  1. On a somewhat related note, I remember one night years ago when I had been up all night drinking and caught "Peewee's Playhouse" around 6 in the morning (not having slept). It was hilarious.


    I caught it sober a few months later. Didn't get it.


    Regarding zombie movies, they're great anyway (sober or not).


    One movie I don't recommend when you've been drinking is ET. You will cry at the end. :laugh:

  2. VBG, I consider the Super Bowl a "glitch". If you recall the game, remember John Lynch talking on the sideline about the Raiders running all the plays the Bucs ran in practice? It was all Gruden. If the Bucs had any other coach besides Gruden, the Raiders would have killed them.


    The Raiders will be back. :laugh:


    As for the Hawks-Aints game, I agree with you about the QB's being the difference. However, if you look at the end of last season, Hasselbeck was one of the hottest QB's in football. Brooks was one of the coldest.

  3. Alright VBG. Time to blow up your predictions.


    Jets over Redskins? Obviously, the off-season has been very good to you. (At this point, I would insert an icon smoking pot if we had one.) Don't know if you heard about it, but Pennington is out. Testaverde is starting. As bad as the Skins are, the Jets are even worse with Testaverde. Take the Skins.


    Lions over Cards. Correct.


    Steelers over Ravens. Correct.


    Broncos over Bungles. Correct.


    Dolphins over Texans. Correct.


    Colts over Browns. Maybe.


    Jags over Panthers. Time for the loud and obnoxious gameshow "incorrect" buzzer. Panthers win this one with solid defense and a lot of Stephen Davis.


    Pack over Vikes. No brainer.


    Bills over Pats. Maybe.


    Chargers over Chiefs. Yes, and pigs will fly. Neither team has much defense and the Chiefs have way too much offense.


    Rams over Giants. Probably.


    Falcons over Cowboys. If the Cowboys are going to win at all this year, this could be the one. However, I can't pick them, even against the wounded "Dirty Birds".


    49ers over Bears. Logical. :laugh:


    Aints over Hawks. BUZZZZZ! Wrong again. Vanna, what consolation prize do we have for our loser? Alright, take your board game and get off the stage. This is the Hawks year (Super Bowl Prediction: Hawks lose to the Raiders. You heard it here first folks.).


    Titans over Raiders. BUZZZZ! Security, get this guy out of here. See my Super Bowl Prediction above.


    Eagles over Bucs. Maybe.


    VBG, I have abused you enough today. Until next week.



  4. Ever since I heard "Star Wars Galaxies" was coming out, I thought a Star Trek MMORPG would be a great idea. Glad to see others thinking likewise. :)


    I played "Everquest" for the longest time, but I am not really a big fantasy fan. EQ just happened to be a very good MMORPG.


    Unfortunately, I think it is going to be many years until we get a Star Trek MMORPG.

