
The Founders
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Posts posted by Riaan

  1. What can I say...It was a great episode!


    My only complaint is the title. It didn't exactly fit the action. Although they showed some strange things occurring on the ship---plates flying in the mess, Archer's coffee and mug levitating, the decks rolling---the episode didn't deal with the anomalies and the effects on the ship and her crew.


    I like the direction ENT is taking! It looks like we are in for an exciting season!

  2. I also thought of the Dyson Sphere and the Death Star. The Death Star came to mind first, but only because I had been discussing Star Wars. I hadn't given the similarities much thought, only that the Osarian sphere reminded me of the other two.

  3. Click for Spoiler:

    I, too, will mourn the passing of crewman Fuller.


    Enterprise has had good track record for her first two years--no fatalities, only casualties. Now she is in a much more dangerous area of the galaxy, taking on unknown and seemingly more hostile beings. They are having to take more drastic measures than what they are accustomed. Although I do not wish for any of the crew to perish, death is an unfortunate inevitability of war.


    Rest in peace Crewman Fuller.

  4. Granted the shuttlepod is not plane, but it still has to overcome gravity, wind resistance, atmospheric friction, etc. in order to fly in a planet's atmosphere, regardless of the propulsion system. Weight plays a major role in this. (example: the NASA space shuttles-granted they don't "fly", just glide throught the atmosphere for landing--weight still plays a role.) I would hope the 'pods load capacity far exceeds that of the seating capacity.


    By the way, does anyone know the load capacity and the propulsion system of the shuttlepods? I know the poor little workhorses run on plasma.

  5. OK this may seem like a picky detail, but I'll throw it out there for what its worth.


    In The Xindi did anyone notice that the director/writers/producers goofed when it came to the shuttlepod (shuttlepod two to be exact)? Sometime during seasons 1-2, it was stated that the shuttlepods have a seating capacity of 6 plus the pilot. Reed told the commando Major to select 6 of his best men for the rescue mission. He also stated that he (Reed) would command the mission. Obviously Reed selected Mayweather to pilot the craft. By my count that makes at least 8 people on board the shuttlepod--two over the limit.


    Now that doesn't sound too bad until you think about load capacity. You cannot overload a vehicle for atmospheric flight. You are also dealing with entry into an atmosphere. Upon leaving the planet's surface, you are expending energy in order to escape the gravitation pull, fight the friction through the atmosphere, etc.. When adding two extra people plus gear, thats an additional 500-600 lbs or maybe more. That's a lot of weight to deal with aerodynamically.


    Unless the load capacity far exceeds the the approximate weight of the seating capacity, that shuttlepod should have had some problems flying.

  6. Well, I rewatched The Xindi yesterday, and this is what I found:

    1. Future Guy said earth would destroy the Xindi world. (from the "previously on" segment)

    2. Archer asked the male Xindi slave for the coordinates to the Xindi home world.

    3.The Xindi slave gave Archer via Phlox the coordinates to the Xindi home world which had been destroyed.


    So...the Xindi slave was playing with semantics. He gave Archer exactly what he asked for, but not what he wanted.

    I find it difficult to believe that someone would use their dying breath just to play a trick on Archer.

    He's a bad guy. Of coarse he's going to use his last breath to throw Archer off. I was surprised that he gave the coordinates, then returned to my original suspicouns when they saw the planetary debris.


    Agreed Jean-Luc.


    Lets put ourselves in the Xindi's place for a second.


    Ok, you are a person of questionable character or at least a person placed among those of questionable character. For the past few years, you have been living in conditions that are deplorable and brutal. You have had to lie, cheat, etc. just to survive.


    Along comes a person from a yet unseen species (human), who demands to see you and have proof that you are Xindi. Your "supervisor" cuts off your finger for that proof.


    When you encounter this human, he demands to be given the coordinates to your home world. He only states that he has business with the Xindi, nothing more. You discover that the human knows next to nothing about your species (plural), yet he has this urgent need to locate your world.


    You discover that this human not only has a shuttle on the planet's surface, but also there is a starship in orbit. This is your ticket off of the god-forsaken rock. You delay giving any info to buy your escape.


    It is said that there is honor among thieves, and this human did live up to his end of the bargain. You know the human is wanting to learn the location of your species, but what he asked for was the the home world. You still have no idea what he and his people want with yours. You have no idea if he can be trusted in any way.


    On your deathbed with your "thieves code of honor" would you not live up to your end of the bargain? Give the human exactly what he wanted?

  7. I truly hope TPTB replace this new version of the theme with the old one. The new version is too upbeat for the "darker" direction the show is taking. IMO the old version is more in keeping with that darker feel for the show, yet it still has a hopeful feel to it, lending the impression that Enterprise and her crew will pull through these darker, more difficult times.

  8. Well, I rewatched The Xindi yesterday, and this is what I found:

    1. Future Guy said earth would destroy the Xindi world. (from the "previously on" segment)

    2. Archer asked the male Xindi slave for the coordinates to the Xindi home world.

    3.The Xindi slave gave Archer via Phlox the coordinates to the Xindi home world which had been destroyed.


    So...the Xindi slave was playing with semantics. He gave Archer exactly what he asked for, but not what he wanted.

  9. Oh yeah, this was great for an opener!


    About the Xindi home world being destroyed... that's kinda' strange.  Do you think they went back in time and destroyed it so that when Enterprise got there they wouldn't find anything?  That just kind of threw me.  Or maybe the Xindi guy was just being tricky.  But like Reed said... why would he lie?

    I was trying to remember from The Expanse if Future Guy said Earth would destroy the Xindi home world or if he said that they would destroy the Xindi world. There is a difference in semantics. If he said Earth would destroy the Xindi world, then that would mean they would destroy whatever planet the Xindi were currently inhabiting. The home world could have already been destroyed by some past war or other major catastrophe and the Xindi had migrated elsewhere. Thinking that the humans had some hidden agenda, the Xindi man gave Archer what he asked for... the coordinates for the home world, which had already been destroyed 120 years ago, not the Xindi world (which they currently inhabit).


    I will have to go back an rewatch The Expanse to know for certain.

  10. The original one is more suited to the atmosphere and direction the series is taking this year. The new theme may have worked for seasons 1-2, but not 3. Its too upbeat for this season. The old theme has a very slight undertone of sadness that is overscored with a feeling of hope. This, in my opinion is more suitable.


    TPTB need to listen to and try to please the STF people!

  11. I was thinking along with Pirate Elf, and I thought "What if T'Pol was Spock's mother? They're both Vulcans aren't they? and since she was on the Enterprise, maybe thats why Spock is on it." We've never thought of that before. So I decided to hear your thoughts about it. :clap:

    Can't be. Spock's mother is Amanda Grayson married to Sarek, a Vulcan diplomat. This is why Spock is half Vulcan.