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Posts posted by Riaan

  1. I voted brilliant story telling. The potential for story arc twists and turns is unlimited. I look forward to more TCW episodes! I also love the Xindi arc, which is really an extension of the TCW arc! I look forward each and every ENT ep. Can't wait for tonight!

  2. That since T'Pol is "allergic" to Trellium D she most likely will not get to go aboard any alien ships in the expanse. Bummer.

    Have no fear, Commander Bolivar. Phlox will develop a vaccine for her trillium-D allergies. She'll be going on away missions in no time.


    By the way, that was a comet Mayweather landed the shuttlepod on in Breaking the Ice. So the count is 1 comet, 1 asteroid.


    Also, did you notice that T'Pol's skin tone appeared "greener" in this episode?

  3. I will be transported, via one of Crewman Daniel's devices, from the 22nd to the 21st century to participate in the Halloween festivities. As a Commander serving on the Enterprise NX-01, I will ensure that the timeline remains intact. Phase Pistol set on stun for any TCW terrorists. Since it will be Halloween, there will be no need to disguise myself in 21st century period attire. My uniform, complete with Communicator and Phase Pistol, will serve as a "costume" for the day.

  4. Easy question.


    First episode---Broken Bow

    Hooked---Broken Bow


    As you can tell, I've been a fan from the beginning. Actually before that. I was waiting with wild anticipation before it aired based on everything I'd read describing the series. And everything lived up to my expectations and more! Now it's getting even better! I look forward to each and every episode.

  5. Good job Jack!


    Click for Spoiler:

    -The Asteroids are full of Trellium D but are still affected by anomalies? (Could be a goof but could only refined Trellium D is able to insulate against anomalies)

    I noticed most of your observations but missed the bit about the asteroids. Good point!


    This episode could have been called "Night of the Living Vulcans"
    Yeah, it looked they came straight out of "Thriller" (God, did I just date myself!)


    -Both shuttlepods took a beating? (Looked like Bonnie and Clyde took out Pod 2)

    Yeah, usually it's Shuttlepod One that gets the worst of it. They need to nickname them Timex 1 and 2--"Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'" :)


    Did you notice dream Trip's facial expression when T'Pol told Phlox and Trip to shut up?

  6. ARCHER!


    As ddillard stated:

    I voted for Archer. This is because he is using an untested vessel, and going into untested waters. He does not have the privelege of Starfleet Regulations to give him direction in handling new situations, and therefore must procede based off his own best judgement. Also, he is the captain that behaves the most like the explorer that is the premise of the Starfleet mission.


    Now Archer must proceed with a new mission of protecting Earth, and in a thus far uncharted area of the galaxy. Talk about going into untested waters!

  7. Why is Starfleet allways compared to the U.S. NAVY?  They're space ships, not boats in space.  While having a NAVY-like structure, shouldn't Starfleet be compared to NASA?

    Actually CJLP, A Starship is very much like a naval ship in space. Both have a Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Strategy Room, Mess Halls, Sick Bay, Cargo Holds, Armory, and Crew Quarters, just to name a few. In short, a naval ship (Battleship or Air Craft Carrier) is basically a floating city. A Starship is could be considered a city in space. You don't have that direct comparison with any of the past or current spacecraft. The command structure of Starfleet directly corresponds to that of the Navy. Not to mention that the Navy has its own flight program. Also historically NASA has had many Navy pilots, as well as Air Force pilots and civilians, as astronauts.


    I think the comparison between the Navy and Starfleet is just.

  8. I need some more help from someone please. I want to use an image from ST.com as my avatar, and when I copy the URL into the "enter the URL" box, it won't accept the entire URL (maybe the URL is too long?) What do I do? Am I doing something wrong?