Madame Butterfly

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Posts posted by Madame Butterfly

  1. ^most likely prefers the full of sugar version of soda.


    Main Entry: nar·cis·sism

    Pronunciation: 'när-s&-"si-z&m

    Function: noun

    Etymology: German Narzissismus, from Narziss Narcissus, from Latin Narcissus

    Date: 1822


    2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body

    - nar·cis·sist /'när-s&-sist/ noun or adjective

    - nar·cis·sis·tic /"när-s&-'sis-tik/ adjectiv



    :P :P :P



    Sounds like you Chi!! :P

  2. Wow Cara, sorry to hear you got hurt.

    I don't understand this though.


    Was there a car approaching you on the road?



    The car hit me and I flew backwards and landed on the pavement


    Thank you everyone I am moving round like a crippled old person at the moment :P





    :P :lol: :P


    Oh now it makes sense to me.


    I'm sooooooooo glad you are ok.

  3. Do you have a situation in your life in which you feel the people around you are changing, and you have no control over it?


    Or, are you changing and it's making you feel like you don't fit into your own little world anymore.

  4. okay, i bet this is usually a guys prob, but i really need help. My boyfriend's B-day is coming up, and i don't know what to get him! he's been one of my best friends since i was real little, and i always got him a video game, but now that we're dating, i don't know what to get him! geez, this is hard.




    I'm the kind of person who spends alot of time finding the right gift.


    It depends on your relationship really.


    How much you want to spend and whether you think it will be appreciated.


    Do you have some sort of inside joke between the two of you that you can somehow turn into a gift?


    How about a scavenger hunt gift? Meaning small gifts [his favorite candy bar, trading cards, etc] that lead up to the real gift?


    And the real gift may be a party with your friends or dinner out for the two of you.


    Get creative. Don't do the ordinary.