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Posts posted by Wishfire

  1. I saw this at www.grudge-match.com, and the Death Star won by a long shot. Of course, the Death Star was being pitted against Enterprise 1701. I was thinking more along the line of the Enterprise E.


    And don't say Enterprise just because you like Star Trek better, or vice versa. I want to see intelligent, compelling arguments!

  2. Palpatine has the powers of a jedi in an extreme level.


    Q have god powers. Q are the most powerful beings of all Science fiction. Plus there is not one Q, there are thousands or more of them. Palpatine would have a chance to get away if the Q argued on who would be the one to deal with him!!


    Now, as to whether Star Trek can beat Star Wars. The Federation may lose in a war against the Empire but in the next episode it will turn the tide again, why is that? Because the Federation is like the Trekkies compared to the Star Wars fans. Smaller in numbers but more loyal, determined and possibly good natured.



    How would the Federation lose to the Empire? The Empire has no major form a shielding, and their primary weapons are lasers, whereas the Federation uses phasers (a much more advanced form of laser) and photon/quantum torpedoes. Empire weapons must be aimed manually, but Federation weapons can lock on to and fire against multiple simultaneous targets. No way the Federation would fall to the Empire.

  3. Anything with "Star Trek" in it's title should never be on any "worst films ever" list. The closest that should be toward wfe is The Motion Picture. Vaguely interresting story-line and it was rather long and drawn-out. Not to mention that it was basically used to show off the latest special-effects of the time.

  4. I have to go with the B. I like the Excelsior-class. And they've got to be pretty good to go from half-way through the movies through DS9. If Starfleet thinks they're still worth making, they've got to be good, right?

    After that, it's E, D, C, NX, and a tie between 1701 and A.

  5. I liked Ezri because of the fact that she new that she was an outsider, and the she (as Dax) had to work to regain her place she had formerly enjoyed as Jadzia, and at the same time had to deal for her own personal problems (as Ezri) and learn to get over them. She had a heavy load on her shoulders, and for the most part she dealt with it rather well. Despite the occasional confusion having a new symbiont brought her.


    "Hi, mom. It's me... Kurzon."

  6. The most touching I'd have to say was a tie between Inner Light and the episode (I can't remember it's name) where Picard falls in love with the Lt. from stellar cartography and they go into the Jeffries tube to make music, him with his flute and her with her portable roll-up piano.


    The funniest is The Naked Now. The scene where Tasha seduces Data (and especially the look on his face) has got to be one of the funniest TNG events ever.

  7. I voted for Yar. She had some major attitude, and I kinda liked it.

    Troi came in second. She's always been a good character. Except for that one line in "Encounter at Farpoint" when she senses Q. I think it went, "I'm sensing a... powerful force." Worse line ever!

    Crusher came in third, and finally Pulaski.

  8. But, I'd think if they managed to assimilate human children, that all the stuff that goes through their minds would cause a massive overload to the colective and they'd self-destruct.


    Think about it... most of what babies and toddlers think of is what they want. Hook them into the collective and wouldn't every Borg be screaming for a ba-ba?  :b-day:




    Maybe the begin the assimilation process with infants in a different way? Meaning, not giving them full collective access until their minds are a bit more mature. Of course, with Borg technology, and infant's mind could be completely deleted of everything, including base urges. Like expressing the need to food.

  9. Though James Kirk is one of the best-known Trek characters, I think William Shatner has become obsessed. He played the character of Kirk for over 30 years or so, and when the character died, he goes and writes a book that bring Kirk back to life. People die, even in the Star Trek universe. Shatner needs to realize this and just let it go.

  10. Ever since I was little, I was obsessed with Star Trek. I grew up with my grand-mother, and she never said anything against it. In fact, when The Next Generation came out, every Saturday she would watch it with me, as fascinated with the stories as I was.

    When I finally met my mother at the age of 14, I told her that I was a Trekkie. She stared at me for a long moment, and then started laughing. When she stopped, she told me that she, too, was a Trekkie. Before I had even met her, she had a rather decent-sized library of Trek novels. Her computer had a Trek-themed screen-saver. She even had a TNG uniform. Even though we never got along, she still took me to my first Trek convention in Sacramento in '95.

    If haven't seen her in 9 years, but I am still grateful to her. Thanks to her, I met Armin Shimmerman (Quark) and Rene Auberjonois (Odo) and got autographed photos of them.

    My memories of my mother aren't the greatest, but I wish I could see her again.

  11. Another plot outline I can think of is based on the TNG episode titled "Yesterday's Enterprise."


    In the original plot, the crew of the Enterprise D realized that the Enterprise C had a chore to do in its time. So the Enterprise C was repaired and sent back into the temporal rift which had sent it into the 24th century, but not before Klingon warships attacked. This episode was about alternate time-line. What if the Enterprise D, in an attempt to protect the Enterprise C, was drawn into the temporal rift, sending it back in time 25 years? What time-line would have resulted from that event?

  12. I can't tell you what age I was. All I can say is that my first word was "Spock."


    I still remember the first time I saw TNG, about half-way into the second season. I was 7 then. My first though then was, "Wow! The Enterprise is different!" I never missed an episode of TNG after that.


    Viva la Trek!

  13. As for previous posts, I don't know. All I know is that at this time I'm seeing 4 hours of Trek. At 11 am, and again at noon, at see DS9. Then at 1 pm and 2 pm I see TNG. I couldn't be happier. I'm happy to see DS9 because I missed much of it, and I want to catch up. I'm happy about TNG because, even though I've seen every episode since the 2nd season, it still brings back good Trek memories.

    I just wish they still had the "Trek Uncut" every Friday night at 9. Always 2-part episodes, but they limited them to TNG episodes. If they went with ALL Trek, it would have been so much better. Even though DS9 had that one 3-part episode, but SpikeTV could have made it a special thing.

  14. That would only work if you developed warp technology and had foreknowledge of the whereabouts of Vulcan.


    I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant during this time period. i.e., 2004.


    Good idea, though! :b-day:

  15. That game is cool! I like it! But you don't need any particular ship to beat it. I only had a Prometheus (I was trying to get Soveriegn) but then I beat liberated the last system. Then I had the bonus ship and was told to go to the Blender system to beat the hell out of the Dominion fleet. After I did that, it told me to do the same thing... The game is still good, though.


    I've played Romulan Wars. I bit more difficult, But I like it. It reminds me of a slower and more frustrating version of Star Trek Armada II. It would be nice if I had more than just the demo version of that...