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Posts posted by Wishfire

  1. :b-day: Here's my idea. Tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas, please post them!


    It starts out in the early to mid-21st century. Basically, within the next 50 years. The world is on the brink of the 3rd World War. In Star Trek history, the Eugenics War. Foreign nations are developing genetically altered "supermen." The United States, refusing to do the same, nevertheless sees these "supermen" as major threats, so makes a joke of its own. The US government creates cybernetically altered soldiers. As this would cause a major outcry by US citizens, these cyber-soldiers are kept secret. And to ensure the military's safety, they design these cyber-soldiers to have no free will, and to work under a collective mind. (See where I'm going with this?)


    Being a new technology, and one in which all the bugs haven't been worked out, several on these cyber-soldiers retain their individuality. Outraged by what the military has been doing, they use their collective links to get the rest to rebel. They convert a ship into a sleeper ship, similar to the one Kahn and his men had in the TOS episode "Space Seed." (DY-500?)


    Not everyone had similar ideas as to their future, though, so the group split into two, one being led by one person who wants to use these cyborgs for her own personal gain, and the other group being led by one person who wants to allow these cyborgs and their offspring to utilize their cybernetic abilities in the best possible way, but at the same time grow as individuals.


    Needless to say, the first group will go on to become the ancestors of the Borg. (Which I think is an ironic twist, seeing as Earth's greatest enemy is it's own creation. Also, it would explain why the Borg always head straight for Earth when they invade.) The second group remains in cryogenic stasis until revived at some future time. (I'd like it to be the 25th century. I'd like to see what future advances happen. Also, I would like to see a cross-over into the mirror universe, but that could become its own separate story-line.)



    Note from mod: I have only edited one word. I think you must have made a typo with the word "ship" and the board was showing that you were "trying to say a bad word but can't" regarding the sleeper ship.

  2. I can't say that I've had any dreams specifically about Star Trek, but I've had plenty of dreams where Star Trek characters suddenly pop up for one reason or another. Like the one where I was arguing with an ex-girlfriend and all of a sudden Dax was there kicking me. That's all she did. Just stood there and kicked me at random times.

  3. The first would be a tie.



    Jake. (Unless Wesley stole one of his mom's hypo-sprays!)



    Here's a couple....

    Data vs. Lore.

    Traditional Borg vs. Individual Borg

    Kira vs. Dukat.

  4. Captain: Me.

    Everything else: Q.


    After all, he can do everything, so if he'd take orders from me, that would just be perfect. Not to mention we'd pretty much be invincible.


    Is there really any question about it?


    (I know... I cheat. So much for the Kobyashi Maru!)

  5. I cannot say that I know any of the specifics, but I do know that he and all his colleagues, as well as many others, have paved the road for modern efforts and advancements, as well as the knowledge that comes with them. It's sad to note his passing, but it's also an amazing thing to look forward and wonder, "Where will we go next?"

  6. The whole concept of childhood..no childhood...is sad too.  Studies have shown what happens when infants are left alone when they are young without love or attention from a "mother"...really chilling.



    I think that in the case of the Borg, those studies aren't worth much. Those studies are based on humans, i.e. creatures with free will. The Borg have none.


    On another note, I think it would be interesting to see Borg children in use during an attack. Think of it, Borg are attacking, you're fighting back, and all of a sudden robo-baby crawls up and gets you. When, I wasn't exactly thinking about Borg children THAT young...