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Posts posted by Wishfire

  1. Heh heh, funny.


    Kinda reminds me of a comic I saw in the newspaper once. I think it was Non Sequitur. Kirk and Spock were standing on a planet surface and right near them there was a Starbuck's. The caption was something like "Well, where almost no man has gone before."

  2. I just looked into entropy, just to make sure, and I don't really think either one of us was talking about it. You said,


    The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe is getting more chaotic. There are fewer patterns than ever. It is the property of entropy. For example, which is more stable? A clean room or a messy one? It takes energy to keep the clean room stable, meaning the messy room is more prevalent. What keeps evolution going? There is no force, therefore meaning it violates the 2nd law.


    However, entropy, in terms of thermodynamics, is defined as, "a quantity specifying the amount of disorder or randomness in a system bearing energy." The Second Law of Thermodynamics says nothing about the universe getting more chaotic. If anything, the prevailing pattern of the universe (moons around planets, planets around suns, stars around galaxy centers, and galaxies around the universal center) has always remained constant.


    In sum, you are wrong.


    As for what I was talking about, well, fair to say I was talking about something else entirely.


    That means that I was wrong as well.


    End of discussion as far as I'm concerned.

  3. I meant that NX was the class in Enterprise. As far as I know, they haven't given it another other class name. Of course, it could also be that all those ships of that basic design are experimental. A specific glass could very well have more than one experimental version, so more than one ship could have an NX designation until all the flaws are worked out.


    Well, maybe.

  4. Look at it this way. To groups of the same species go to different areas. Over time they become seperate species. Then those species split up and become over time even more separate species. Over a course of 1 million years, one species becomes several, let's say 10. And many times those 10 new species are incapable of inter-mating. And when they can cross-breed, they create even more new species. That seems predictable, right? But then there are species that can't be classified with anything that been alive in any known time, or it's closest reletive died off 150 million years ago. And these abberations a become more common. It's rather funny, the more predictable evolution gets, the more unpredicted results we find.


    I guess that would be more of a balance... The more stability there is, the more disorder exists.


    And jeanway, yes, I believe that people are getting weaker and sicker over time. Maybe we live longer, but that's due to all the medications we have. Our bodies are adapting themselves to rely on antibiotics. If you took away all medicine in the world, within a couple generation our expected life-spans will drop by about 1/3. And it will stay that we until we re-adapt. Thanks to medicine, that means we'll have to de-evolve a little.

  5. *thwacks hang* at least werewolves dont haft to worry about been killed by woodensteaks



    You've been watching too much Buffy! Those vampires are wusses.Real vampires would simply laugh at being staked through the heart. Laugh then tear whoever staked them head off.


    Definitely vampires!

  6. But if you and everyone around you remain in the sun for a long time, we're talking over the course of generations, your DNA WILL change. What percentage the change is, I don't know. .0001% or less, who know.


    The point is, if the universe is getting more and more chaotic, then IMO evolution fixs in exactly with the second law. Go back millions of years and there were far fewer species, each with it's separate DNA sequence then there is now. And just because they don't exist now doesn't mean they never did.

  7. About the only way a male captain would've worked out is if he still had a boyfriend back on Earth.


    :angry: Don't you mean girlfriend ?



    No, I mean boyfriend. Janeway did have a boyfirend (fiance, whatever) right? So for Voyager with a man captain to be interesting, that fact had to be the same. Meaning: A gay captain.