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Posts posted by enigmatic_mystery

  1. btw, that is an awesome pic, enigmatic_mystery  :laugh:  Did RC draw up the dollz for you??




    :innocent: Thank you Jaina. No I drew the dolls up myself. I didn't know RC did dolls.

  2. What is you anthem? Your speacil song, something the says what you are about or just that you feel connected too. It can be as many as you want if you can't choose one. It can be from anything, heck it can even be the Oscar Myer Weener song! :innocent:

    I would have to say that my anthem is Real World by Matchbox Twenty because I am always wondering about what it would be like to be in someone elses shoes or someplace else *Dreams too much* >.> <.<. It could also be Angery Chair by Alice in Chains just because I LOOK like I am brooding but I am just lost in thought most of the time. Also Twisting Emoitions, I think, By Steph.

    So what is YOUR antem??

  3. I LOVED IT!!!!!! BEST MOVIE EVER!!! *Hugs Dracula* Richard Roxburgh did a tres bein job with everyone's favorite Count ^-^. They whole gypsy idea just blew me away!! And the black and white begining! B) one word. WOW!

  4. Yeah I have once. I was at summer camp and couldn't go outside so I got some people and dug out one and took them upstiars to where a fire supposidly broke out and killed some people. The only thing that happened was a power outage because of the lighting. Sure scared the CRAP out of us though.

  5. It usually depends on what time it is (Day or night) but most of the time I watch TV or play Video and computer games but sometimes I'm known to get too curious for my own good and get into trouble.

  6. "my dear eldest brother. The brother that is 9 years older than me. The brother that told the third eldest brother not to hang my Barbie dolls in a noose type lynching. The brother that shared his vast secret science fiction library with me that upon occassion my mother would catch me with a book and burn yet he never made me repay him for the loss. The brother that taught me to dream and imagine. My GOD!!! My dearest eldest brother is a Dem o crat!!!!! "


    What is the BIG DEAL????!!!!!! So what?! Are you going to think little of him because he has a differnt poilitical veiw then you?! Come on!! Half my family is Rebulican and I think no differnt of them!

  7. I don't know. I guess I am well liked....people don't mess with me, but then again I just started my new school last year so I'm not very well know. But I do have close friends, two of them know I like Startrek thanks to my mom's slide show for my b-day :laugh:. I guess if someone had to lable me it would be goth-punk rocker person with thier own stlye :dude: umm.... :bow:

  8. In the episode with the planet that is an entire ocean and it is floating off into space and there is a scientist whom Lt Paris works with to stop the ocean from floating away by blowing up the oxygen refineries. Who played that guy? Was it David Wheim?? He just reminds me of him a lot. I'm just asking because it has been bugging me since last Sunday.

  9. I had two beautayful pets. A cat who was part Egyptain and American short hair and a half Lab and Colly dog.

    My dog Effeany or just Effy for short was with me for eight years and she had one litter of ten puppies. They where the cuttest things ever! I got her on my 5th birthday and had her up until I was 13 and ended up giving her away because the place in which we where moving to didn't allow pets. I think she could tell something was wrong because I was crying alot. She was the most friendly dog in the entire town. She would bark at you like she was about to rip your head off but when you got closer she would wag her tail and jump on you and lick you to death. But when we had to give her away I just broke down and couldn't stop crying for like an hour and then rest of the time I would just sit down and pet her and try not to cry.

    My cat Tiger was with me for about five years and she sadly didn't hav eany kittens. I got her because Effy was whinning at night and I thought she missed her little puppies so I asked my mom about getting something that could keep Effy company and my mom had no objections except no dogs. After about 3 weeks or so of looking I came a crossed a sign for Kittens and I walked up the road to the house and in the basement of the place where 3 kitties. They where all stripped and friendly except for one that seemed very skiddish. I got on my knees and cralwed up to what appearred to be the smallest and the guy said that, that one never let anyone more then 3 feet near it and I just shrugged it off and sat there for 10 minuets or so looking at her and trying to put out a calm presense because it is said that animals have this thing about senseing presenses of people. I don't know. But after sometime she just moved out from her hidding place and I picked her up and she was small enough that I could hold her in one of my hands. I named her Tiger and carried her home because I didn't have a ride. After that she was only not skiddish toward Effy and I. She was also quite the huntress. She is not a very big cat but once she brought down a chipmonk. I know gross but still amazing.

    Basically all my life I have been around animals and now because I don't have my best animal friends around me I feel kind of cold and empty. I really miss them!! :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: