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Posts posted by enigmatic_mystery

  1. I agree with you Jeanway, animal tourture is so unbeliveably sick and wrong!

    Another thing that ticks me off is that I had to give up my dog and cat when I moved and it broke my heart because I don't know if they are ok or not and I don't know if they are being fed enough or getting the love that they deserve. And that ticks me off because I know that if they are in way being hurt then I would travel all the way a crossed the state and take them away from it but I can't! I can't because I don't know who they went to....and not knowing if my two best animal friends are ok just makes me worried and mad that I can't be there and take care of them and play with them and grow old with them.... :blink: :wow: It just frustrates me that I had to give them up because of a member of my family's demented and totally uncalled for hatred of me and my animals :rolleyes: :lol: :wow: :P :P :(

    Also people who are intolerant of others, people are people where ever you go and nothing can change that...EVER! And if someone is being intolerant then I just want to thwap that person upside the head and tell them to stop being so thick! :)

  2. I don't if this was done already but if it was I'm sorry. But I was wondering what music you listen to when you are happy, sad, mad, whatever! I'll go first.

    Happy- Goth or Hard-pounding music, sometimes techno-ish stuff.


    Mad- Fast, hard-pounding stuff that I can run to so that I will be so tired the I will not remember what I am ticked over.


    Sad- Very dramatic music, like Within Tempation by...well I don't know who but if someone does please tell. :clap:


    Hyper- Hyper stuff that I can spar to.


    In tune with myself- Dramatic music or something that touches my soul.


    I will up give you an update when I think of more. :clap::clap:

  3. Its a part of our culture that is here to stay because what would the little ones say when this time rolls around? They would be so sad. You have no clue how many little ones come through the haunted yards with thier parents. Its so cute. At first they are sort of scared but when they see something big and fluffy or scaryer looking to the rest of them but not to them they tend to gravitate toward it. It provides them with a light that says: "Just because something is scary looking, doesn't mean its evil."

    I see your point about driving and the cost of candy and I think stores should give out candy on Halloween to ease the cost a bit. I remeber the local shops of my old hometown gave out candy and soda and all sorts of goodies after the costume contest at the community center.

    Again about the little ones, if you take away Halloween whats left for them to have fun with during the fall? Thanksgiving really isn't that fun and Christmass....well thats a give away. But seriously some little kids look up to the gaint thing or Dracula as a kind of light. Yes even Dracula because I have seen many little ones hide behind or in the person dressed up as the Count. Its neat to watch how adults as certain things interact with kids as the same stuff. Like the guy who is Dracula would bend down next to every vampire and smile nice and big and give all the vampires a specile goodie bag :P. Or if I am being a werewolf in a haunted house I will have at least 2 or 3 little ones attached to my costum and I become thier unoffical protector from all bad things. Its really cute. But my point it that if you take away trick or treating what will be the point of even bothering to tell little kids about the fun and sweat holiday that is All Hallows Eve. ^.^;

  4. I am against abolishing it because it is still apart of my childhood/teenage years, I couldn't picture the amazingly wonderfully delightfully scared holiday that is Halloween without it. Every year for as long as I could remember I went out with my friends and got as much candy as we could then visited the local haunted houses and sometimes played games of night tag in the forested areas or as near to the grave yard as we would dare, if it was on a weekend of course. Its a very imbeded tradition and plus its great to see the little kids try and scare the older kids and adults with thier cute little costumes, like a devil or a vampire. The vampires are the cutest because they are more cute then scarey and you just want to go AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! *takes picture.* ^.^!

  5. Oops....I misspelled that band in another post. Thank you :P I am posting nore lol. This is one of the first ones that I wrote that is on my computer it is called: Loved and Lost.



    Cold and soulless


    Unfeeling and demonic

    “For someone so heartless you sure have a big one.”

    Just for that moment….

    I felt…emotion…warmth…a pulse

    Just for that second….

    My heart beat again

    Just for that second….

    Warmth rushed through my veins

    Just for that second….

    I grieved


    Feared and hated


    Revered and hunted

    “No one’s pure evil…just a little lost.”


    Dark and seductive

    Dracula dropped a single rose in front of a small weathered head stone.

    Here lies Miss Trinity Cosraff.

    Born: 1800

    Died: 1830

    You gave light to places that where dark and you could change a heart even if it was made of stone.

    He drew in a shuddering breath and turned.

    “Have you ever loved and lost?”



    Here is another one this time in the point of veiw of the person Dracula is moarning above and it is obviously about the Count. ^.^; Called: Not so Soulless After all.


    You say that you are

    Cold and soulless inside

    But when I look into your eyes

    I see….

    You have a soul after all

    And that’s not all

    You have a heart too

    One that beats like a drum

    With the fiery intensity of a thousand suns.

    When I look into your eyes

    I see your human side

    So very deep down inside of you

    While you may scream

    That you have no emotion

    That you are cold and hollow

    I alone know the truth.

    When I touch your face

    My hand is warmed

    If I where to die right now

    I know you would call out

    My name till the skies grew gray.

    You would feel the pain of loss

    Because deep down you still human.

    You’re just a trapped soul

    Calling for revenge and blood.

    But I know the truth

    That there is still some

    Shred of humanity left in you

    I see….

    That you have a soul after all.


    And this one was my very first one that I wrote and it was and still is meant to be a song, I just need to work out the melody and stuff. ._.; Called: Walking in My Shoes.


    Walking in my shoes

    You’ll never understand the things that I do

    Till you take a walk in my shoes

    Living every day in a haze

    Just walking in my shoes

    I am hollow…

    My life was just a phase

    Movin onto bigger and better things

    Walking in my shoes

    Is like loosing all feeling

    Becoming cold and hollow

    Immune to all the pains

    Of life and death

    I feel no fear, no love, no joy

    Walking in my shoes

    Just walking in my shoes

    No one can understand

    The things I do

    They haven’t walked in my shoes

    I am hollow

    Cold and soulless

    You will be too

    Once you’ve walked in my shoes

    Walking in my shoes

    Just…walking…. in…my…. shoes.

  6. :P Wow who knew so many people liked Salt and Viniger chips!!! *Passes out bags of mis. chips.* My favortie type of Salt and Viniger is made by a Herrs, they are so salty and vinigery that they are irrisistable! :); Great now I just made myself hungery for them....cruddy.

  7. Uck I know how you all feel. I get this problem in the morning and very late at night when my brain is kinda mushy.....I don't realize it half the time either and I always feel bad about it afterward too and end up tracking down the person to appologize about a million times before taking a breath.

  8. Hi again!! ^.^; I had written this Prose about a week or so ago and posted it on Fanfiction.com but I am going to put it up here also.

    Please tell me what you think and if you have any Proses or even Poems you can put them up here and we'll all tell eachother what we think. :b-day:

    Here is mine, it is called Scars of a Wartorn Ravaged Land.


    That day….

    That day my children came to me…

    Was the happiest day of my life

    I changed, for the better

    I held my crying son and

    Named him Caine

    I held my smiling daughter and

    Named her Kerry

    I gazed lovingly at my wife

    I watched…

    I watched as my children grew…

    As they learned to hunt…

    I comforted my children…

    When they cried…

    When they where scared…

    That day…

    That day when those terrorists knocked down the towers…

    I cried…

    I held my children and cried with them…

    That day Caine shipped out…

    I worried…

    I looked at my daughter and worried…

    That day…

    That day when Caine died at the barrel of a gun…

    I cursed God for taking my only son…

    I held my daughter and cried with her…

    That day…

    That day when Kerry called for revenge…

    I ordered her….to stay…

    I pleaded with her…not to go…

    That day when Kerry shipped out…

    I cried…

    I screamed…

    That day when they took my last strong hold, my darling daughter….

    I screamed at the sky…

    I died…

    I asked why?

    Dracula raised his head and looked at the pink tinged sky, with a blood-tear stained face.

    “These are the scars of a war torn ravaged land.”


    I really don't know where it came from just that something moved me to write it and so I obayed becasue it is not often that I write Proses or poems, just stories. So if you want to attack me about it go right on because I am immune. *Puts up anti-flame sheild* :b-day:

  9. I love Halloween and I work in retail so I get to see all the cool Halloween stuff...

    Anyway, I requested that day off so I'm hoping to go party that night (I'm 21 so yay for me for the drinkin part!)

    I might dress up in my renaissance festival costume (it's black and green and looks like Spanish Princess) but make myself look dead and gory...hehe...Won't win no contest but hey, it's dressing up anyway...


    AWESOME!!! :(