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Posts posted by enigmatic_mystery

  1. I'd like to be either No.6 of the 1967-1968 TV series: "The Prisoner", or one of the Doctors from Doctor Who (1963-1989), but kids today won't know who I am...  :) *sigh*


    Might be a character from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"...  :)



    Coooool ^.^

  2. HEY!! I know, I know its a wee bit early buuuuuuuut! I just thought that since All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) is next month....I thought we could all say our costumes, get advice on what to be and or how to make stuff!!!!!!! It can be one BIG party!! :) I know, I'm hyper right now....sooo on with the thread!!

    I am BOOKED right up until Halloween because I am doing multiple haunted houses, tricker-treating (15 years olds CAN SO get free candy :) ), going to several parties and hosting one! *Huggles Halloween* I love this holiday!!

    I think I am going to be a combo between a Vampire and a Werewolf :) :vampire: since I can't decide between the two, I used to have zombie on there but I knocked it off.

    So tell us what YOU are doing for All Hallow's Eve! What are you going to be? Tell Tell Tell!! :alucard: And I thank who ever made this sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Alucard smiley. Love the Helsing manga!

  3. Oh my, there are several challenges that come to mine....the first is forcing myself to get out of bed each morning......You see, I recently purchased a new Sleep number mattress, by Sleep Comfort.........I've wanted one of these mattresses for years.......and finally broke down and bought one.............The problem now is that I sleep so comfortably and sound.......that I sometimes sleep right through my alarm.  Or I cut the alarm off and don't even remember when I did. :rolleyes: .......But, beside this challenge..........as a psychologist my biggest challenge is dealing with some of the cruel realities of human nature..........the psychopathology that allows us to hurt each other, and rationalize that it's okay because........ <_<


    I know what you mean about waking up. It's just too early to be getting up and being forced to use your brain before noon....

    About the psychopathology issue....:unsure: :) :) GEEZE!!!!!! That is hard to deal with! I would probably die...!!

  4. Daily challenges, they are there weather you like them or not and they must be over come to get through the rest of the day. So what I would like to know is what are some of YOUR daily challenges and why. They can be anything.

    One of my biggest daily challenges is putting in my contacts. Of late they seem to be taking shape to my fingers.... :wacko:

  5. :) that is bad.

    I have issues with school....

    When I get in I have to fight to get to my friends, usally getting elbowed or tripped in the proccess. Once the bell for first block rings I have to fight to stay standing and then I have to shoulder through the masses to turn to get to my locker because the hall where it is is deserted. I have to risk my life going down the steps of death and doom if you have baggy pants on, I trip, stumble, fall, drop my stuff or get sweapt away on a regular basis. Then when I am going to sencond I have to fight up the stairs, resisting the urge to elbow people who go DOWN the UP stair case, vis versa. Then I get swept down the hall to the lunch room by the surge of Freshmen, must fight way back to locker, shoving people as I go becuase by that time I am in a very annoyed mood and hungry from using up all my energy from fighting the masses. I have to then fight my way BACK to the lunch room, poke my food, inspect it and finally have about 3 minuets to eat, then fight to 3rd block and then push my way to fourth, trying desperatly to get there on time and not get shoved into the guys lavitory, then I have to shoulder through the absolutly soild wall of people going the oppisite way. Then shove the annoyances who want to walk in between me and MY LOCKER!! Then try not to get squished or run over and glare, growl and snarl at the tiny kids who stand in the way of me and my seat and don't move even if the driver yells at them to do so. Then I have to pick up the little ones who sit in my seat which is reserved for the HIGHSCHOOL KIDS ONLY and move him away and finally I have to battle with my gaint overpacked bag up the hills and with the forces of gravity to my safe and sound home.

    Its enough to drive someone nuts. :)


    No e_m, your not nuts, your just "Assimilating" MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :) IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US IN HERE EVENTUALLY. :)




    ^^ O.0; :P;

    I have some more to add.


    Soda: DRINK ME! I'm sugary.



    Denist: This wont hurt a bit.

    Needle: Thats what she thinks MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    Injection Spot: PAAAAAAAIN!

    Me: O0;


    Musciles: All that work and I am an usher on Tuesday.....

    Brain: YAY!! GO USHERS!


    Pants: I'm going to trip you.

    Me: *trips and stumbles down steps*



    Me with a heavy homework load on a Friday: *Muttered obsenities*

    Gravity collaborating with the steep hill: Muwhahahahahaha!!!! *pulls me back.*

    Me: O_0! *poopie*. *falls*


    My reflection before the 6th grade diner theater: I feel pretty oh so pretty!

    Real me: You have GOT to be kidding!! :);



    Me admiring my new jacket: *:)* yay I look so awesome!

    My reflection: What happened to that dress? We looked so nice.



    Me fixing my hair before school: Stay down! Grrrr *attacks with a brush.*

    Reflection: Come on where the dress! You would look so cute, I me we would.

    Me: :) LEAVE ME ALONE!!!


    Brush: ow, ow, ow, OW!! You don't have to throw me at your head!!



    Stomuch: FEED ME! *After History*


    Brain: I am going to get clobbered on tuesday.....


    Musceles: Must get tougher for Tuesday!!




    Skin: C-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold!!!!!! I'm cold!!!!


    Gamecube: PLAY ME!!! playmeplaymeplaymeplayme!!! PLAAAAAAAAAAY MEEEEEEEE!




    Me: *looking at all this and wondering if I am nuts.* :wow:;

  8. I hate the people who did that with a passion because they are murderers! When I saw the towers fall I felt a part of myself die and go cold. I don't let them scare me. I live like it is the last say of my life and I live life to the fullest. But they still hurt me because I don't show my emotion for fear of another breakdown.

  9. I was in the locker room getting changed trying to make the bell to art....it came over the P.A. system when my friends and I where all talking loudly. When it came over I was stunned. The principal broke down right in the middle of the anoucement about the two plains hitting the towers....I was putting on my shirt quickly and I sprinted out of the locker room and to the nearest classroom with a tv, which was upstairs. I looked in and I felt my blood run cold because my mom was supposed to be in New York that day and I didn't know where she was going to be. I had no shoes on, was still in my gym shorts and my shirt was on backward and tears ran down my face for about two hours. I couldn't move, it was like I was rooted to the spot...the bell rung over my head and at that exact moment the towers collapsed. When I got home I ran to the church and I prayed and I asked why would god allow this to happen? I asked and prayed and was numb. I was shaking and pale and just a wreck. I hoped to get an answer but I didn't.....I lost my faith because I thought god abandoned us..... I got home and saw my mom's car in the drive and I screamed and rushed up to my mom and hugged her and didn't let go because for the day I thought the worst. I just...can't beileave it has been 3 years....I'm still numb from it.....still damaged....beyond repair....I hate those responsable for it. I HATE THEM!!! The pain they caused the death the suffering! The worry EVERYTHING!!!!

  10. It was in the part where Scout was talking to Miss Maudie and Miss Maudie said somthing about foot-washers. I think that was brought about when Scout asked about Aurtur Radely....I'm not to sure about HOW foot-washers were brought into the conversation....just that they where. Meh. I am still trying to untangle my brain.

  11. I chose my avitare because I like Dracula :b-day:. Bit lame but if you read it and think about it, it is kind of philisophical. The fact that Dracula has a cold, dead heart proves that he is NOT heartless. Nothing is. When he hears his brides crying it envokes something to the effect of emotion in him, which proves he has a heart even further. Because anything that feels has a heart, even if it doesn't work some of the time. Also a few personal reasons, not realating to Dracula, that I do not wish to disscuss.

  12. I thought of this while reading To Kill a Mokingbird for my forced school reading list.

    They where talking about a certain religon that said everything that was fun was a sin and that thing and its owner would go straight to heck. This got my demented and sadistic mind going. What if a member of that religon thought that reading the bible was fun? Well that memeber would go straight to heck and so would the bible. That would be a blasphmey (SP?!) and that got me thinking about if a bible could even be cast into the depths of heck.

    I decided to post it up here to find out about what you guys think. I thought it about for an hour and came up with a migrain....so why don't you guys give it a go? :b-day: