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Posts posted by enigmatic_mystery

  1. Well it didn't happen to Santa, but something might.... :P My friend came up with the Santa Satan Theory. If you move the N in Santa around you get Satan. So my friend, being bord out of his mind in Study Hall, came up with this: Santa is really Satan, only Santa is Satan's alterego because he is a split personality. Santa only works one night a year right? Well what would he do for the other 364 days of the year? Satan becomes Santa and does the toy thing and then goes back to heck and rebecomes Satan after Christmas. He wears the giant pants and coat to cover up his body and horse legs, he wears the boots to cover up the hooves, the hat for the horns and the rest to cover his face and hands. And the reason he gives coal to bad kids is because if they continue to be bad they are going to need it to fuel the fires of heck.

    Please don't ask how he thought it up; it was third period, he had D lunch and couldn't go to the Libary because it was closed that lunch. :P

  2. I'm thankful for all my great friends that I made this year. Even though most all of them are seniors and will be leaving in one short year I know that we will always be friends all through colledge. I am also thankful that I have my health and my great education.

    Just some little things:

    -I live in a nice place that is reletivly close to my friends

    -That I have been able to let go and move on

    -My mom. She is the greatest because she is always there for me whenever I need her and anytime, day or night. She is always helping my with my homework, especially my Algebra and French.

    -I still, even after I found a sparring partner who knows how to kill me seven different ways with his index finger, haven't broken a bone or dislocated something.

  3. I own a Gamecube I have about ten games for it but the one I play the most is Soul Caliber II and Starfox Adventures. T_T I would have more, but I'm saving my money for a PS2 so I can play Van Helsing and Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 at home and get past a D for my average score. :frusty: :angry:

  4. Heros come in all shapes and sizes. They can be your parents even your pet. What I would like to know is who everyone's hero is.

    My hero is...well this is going to sound stupid; but my hero is one of my friends. He doesn't wear a cape or play sports. Heck he isn't even famouse. He is however a demi-god at DDR and the Guru of Martail Arts, I play DDR and do Martail Arts, but I am limited in my skills on DDR and my Martail Art abilities are kind of rusty, but I can hold my own against him. He is my hero because he is such a great person; he is willing to help others, even if they didn't ask for it. My hero is just a great person and an even better friend; he doesn't have super powers, a cape and he's not famuse, he's just him. There is no other way to put it.

  5. A few weeks ago I was walking into my friends house, not paying attention to what was in front of me and I walked right into the glass door of her house.

    This morning I was walking to my mom about something and I walked into the end of the porch.

    Talking to my friend after school and getting my books (the area where I keep my books in my locker is in another compartment so it is right over my head) and slammed my head off the door to my book compartment.

    Walking down the steps in school and looked up at a poster and got tangled in my chain on my pants and slid down the steps.

    Sparing with a friend and backed into a ditch.

    Tripped over my friends dog.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND walked into a signm post while walking home after school today. :flex: I need to watch where I am going.

  6. I have an update. The two kids who where stupid enough to put the threat out have been caught and are in custody, no names where realeased, I wish they where so that I could give them a peice of my mind for making me have to have a double load of work tonight!

  7. Today I sit at home and type this topic, the reason I am home and not at school is because there was a bomb threat at my school districts middle school. The students of the middle school and the high school were sent home. I am in 10th grade and sit here wondering why I was sent home. Also I wonder who on this planet would even think about putting out such a threat. The threat was "You have 35 minutes, there is a bomb and bin laden is here." Obviously the school was evacuated to the high school, how I know this, little people running around the halls, then for some reason everyone in the high school was sent home. Currently I am watching out for the local eidition reports on the news for some more imformation. But the point of this thread is WHY?! Why the heck would someone do this?! WHY??????! :hug::flex::hug::flex: It doesn't boost my confidence in America's public school systems.

  8. Yes I believe in reincarnation. I do not believe in heaven or hell, what I believe is that your soul floats about for a time, on a different plain of exsistance for so long and then they have the chance to obtain another life as a different person, even species. I find it hard to believe that there are only two places where a person's soul can go, heaven for the good ones and hell for the bad ones, I find this rather hard to believe because no one is only good or evil, everyone is in between I know that some people say that there are truly evil people out there in the world but....no one is truly evil, just a little lost. I am not saying that I do not believe in God, I am still debating that one, I know that there is something out there that gives us our plains of existance and such but I think that something could be plural instead of singular. Nothing is set to go to one place or another because of their deeds in life, because even saints are human and by nature human beings are flawed and therefor a heaven and hell would prove an ineffective afterlife sorter in my eyes because everyone is neutral and you can't be that and go to heaven or hell, thus you wonder on a different plain of exsistance for so many years before you have the choice to continue to wonder or live another life. That is just my belief, please don't kill me for it.

  9. Korn


    Lacuna Coil


    Arch Enemy

    Iced Earth

    Cradle of Filth

    100 Demons


    One or two songs by Outkast

    Good Charlett

    Simple Plan

    Green Day

    Perfect Circle

    Who ever wrote Awakening

    Some classical stuff, usually whatever I feel touches my soul at the moment, stuff like Fur Elsie and Allegro in E on a Accustic Guitar.