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Posts posted by enigmatic_mystery

  1. WHAT! Wow this is the single stupidest thing I've seen happen with the shcool system thus far and I've seen some pretty wnky stuff go on. I totally agree with Skye when it comes to bumps and bruises being part of childhood. Playing is natural for a child to do; it helps them learn, not just in school but basic skills that are engrained within the human psyche from the begins of the race. You know, chase and stuff? Those games in anceint cultures were used to test one another- who was the best runner? The best jumper? The best anything.

    I can't count the number of times I was flat out run over when I played football with the peewee guys in elementary school, or the times I fell flat out on my face from the monkey bars. And you know what? My mom and dad didn't care because they'd ask me where I got it, tell me to go wash it out, kiss to make it better and tell me to go have fun because I needed to be a kid while I still had the time.

    Kids deserve-need to be kids! :rawr:

    *End rant*

  2. Kitty the sexy werewolf.

    This happened just before Halloween of 04, when I was working at a haunted house as a werewolf with my now ex boyfriend and one of my friends. The friend was a girl and she was dressed as a 'zombie princess' and my ex was dressed as a monster hunter that looked like a cross between Neo and Van Helsing, which owned. But when we where resting in the dog pound cage where I was stationed just before we where set to go out and do our thing. Zombie Princess called said. "Oh Kitty, you're such a sexy werewolf!"

    Worse than that one of the older guys working there over heard it, he played another werewolf, and has called me it ever since.

  3. Good luck with your goals APW.

    My goal is to improve my grades and find that perfect balance between school work and friends, now that I know where I want to go and that I have a chance to get in if I improve my grades and such.

  4. I want some of that lesbian tounge."


    Just curious.....did a guy or a girl ask you that and did you comply?.....

    It was a girl and no way, that would have been very odd, considering she is straight. That and I would have been dessimated by her boyfriend who is my little circle of friends a Sith Lord with the skills with one of those toy lightsabers to back it up too B) B)

  5. Went to a party with some of my friends. We played video games, had snow ball fights which turned into mass wars that involved me getting bowled over utterly by one of my guy friends. Then the guy friend who bowled me over and one of my other girl friends grabbed a bunch of lightsabers and had an all out battle B). Then at midinight we got these noise makers with Darth Vader helmets on them and rang in Y2K06 with grape juice that everyone knew about except two guys. A few of us, me included, acted rather drunk and this was said to me "I want some of that lesbian tounge." All that means is I have a ginormously long tounge and Jean Simmons Tounge was already taken. B)

  6. I need help with recording sounds, like songs sung by someone with a computer microphone. I have a program called anvil and am very confused. Help would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to post this on a site for an audition for a part in something thats important to me. Unfortunetly I have no experiance with stuff like this..... :P

  7. Nope.. However, I am pretty stuck on all three volumes of Karaoke Revolution.


    These games are a blast and my family cannot get enough of playing them. Any given time of the week you can find one or more of us belting out tunes on the PS2.


    Karaoke Revolution? I haven't played that, in fact, I don't like karaoke...but I might if I can find someone to play with me....=:(= I don't like to embaress myself alone lol.

  8. Arg!!! Some people play that ALL the time in my friends' dorm. I'm glad they enjoy themselves, but it can get pretty loud B) . Only a few of my own friends play it, but I'll be avoiding it. :wink2:


    Wow, I found out that all my friends play it ><; its practially our national past-time :( . Yeah, it gets loud, but if you play it right, like turn the sound off when others are asleep and not pound the pad into the floor it can be kept to a good level.



    Not meaning to be stereotypical here, but DDR is very much an Asian video game. considering that Asians are over 1/3 of the world's population, almost 1/2, it's bound to steal off the shelves. It's a craze among the Asian community. You go to a Chinese Church. The youth minister is bound to have a copy of DDR and two mats. :(



    I realize that, but where I live there isn't a very high Asian population. I meant among other ethinicities, not just Asians.

  10. I have noticed, while shopping for a playstation 2 today that nearly every copy and dance mat in every store was sold out. Now, I thought that it was a fairly unpopular game with the gaming community; I guess I was wrong, big time. What I would like to know is, do any of you play it? If you play it, who got you started, when, what mode are you on and whats your favorite song?

    I do, I'm on light mode right now and just getting the PS2 game and the mat (still working on the PS2 part of the equation....) so I can practice more. Its a fun game, good workout and great songs. Just watching people playing it got me courious, but since I didn't want to do horriable by myself I got a friend to play it with me and I was hooked ever since. As I said before, I'm on light mode and just because I feel like it; my average grade is a C (><:(. My favorite song is, well the title of it is all in Japanese and it begins with a D and its on the arcade version of Extreme....eh, I'll jot it down when I play it next.