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Posts posted by shinzonfan

  1. I am ashamed to say I only saw it six times, because I wanted to set the record, but a family member was in the hospital and that's about what it would take for me to not go see it.


    My thoughts about the movie as a whole would take too long so I'll have to summarize. Basically, it is my favorite because I can relate to Shinzon (sounds weird but it's true).


    I just liked the idea behind the movie, about Shizon being a clone of Picard and how the two of them had the same potential and yet went in such different directions, because of the people and circumstances in their lives. I guess it kind of made me think about how much we shape each others lives and the many different paths we can take. Shinzon was not born evil; he was turned evil by his circumstances. Normally, I do not prefer corny or obvious or happy endings per say (a lot of times, it depends what mood I'm in), but at the end I would have preferred for Picard's final speech to Shinzon to have persuaded Shinzon to realize that he could be more. That he did not have to be afraid or angry anymore. They still could have killed him in the end, but I would have rather seen him throw himself into the thalaron beam to stop it from destroying the one man that had shown him what he could have been.


    Sorry, I said I would summarize and I got carried away. I cannot help it when it comes to Nemesis.


    Shinzonfan :wow:

  2. Q should definitely be in the next movie. Personally though, I did not care for B4. He reminds me too much of Data, and there's only one Data and B4 ain't it. Lore did not bother me but for some reason B4 does.


    Besides, like I said in another post. If you bring Data back then you have to bring Shinzon back as well, to redeem himself.


    Shinzonfan :wow:

  3. I sincerelly (oh boy) hope that they don't bring Data back as B4. That's like shoving in everyone's face that he was just a computer, which the entire series tried to prove wrong! There are plenty of other ways to bring him back.

    If they bring Data back then they might as well bring Shinzon back too and give him a chance to redeem himself. (hey, it's Star Trek anything can happen right? Just a sling shot around the sun and all is well)


    I have faith in you Shinzon.


    Shinzonfan :wow:

  4. I picked The Voyage Home because it was nice to have a lighthearted Trek film. I also thought the story was very Trek because it always seems like ST is trying to teach us something. I like it when a story in Trek has a hint of reality to it and can make you think. Nemesis was like that with Shinzon being a clone. When we start cloning humans--watch out. If the movies or episodes deal with something you can relate to or has a possibility of really happening it's just more interesting.


    Don't get me wrong. I like Star Trek specifically because it is not reality (some days I have just a little too much reality) and the best episodes are the ones that deal with outer space and exploring and discovering.

  5. The concept was excellent. The editing needed some major help. There were to many scenes left out that would have helped to fill in the gaps. Overall I thought the film was excellent. It was not a typical Star Trek movie but that's fine with me.


    They really did need to delve into the characters more though, especially if this is the last one. I would have liked to have more insight about where everyone was going to and how they felt about what they've been through together.


    Shinzonfan :wow:

  6. I agree with everything crims said. I do not have all of the facts and maybe that's what the problem is for all of us. We really don't know who did what. I'm pretty sure Brent Spiner had a big part in writing Nemesis and it was his idea for Data to die. As for Berman, I do like some of the things he did. I did not care for TOS, but I did enjoy the movies. And there was a noticeable change (for the better) as TNG went on. Whether that was Berman or the actors or both I do not know.

  7. The last topic, Closure, made me start thinking about the funeral they had (or should I say did not have) for Data. I was wondering if you guys where there what would you say about Data, or what was you fondest memory of him? I hope this does not depress any of you. That last topic just got me thinking about it.


    For me, I would have to say that Data never realized how human he truly was. It is the struggle (of life) that makes us human, and how we deal with that struggle and Data dealt with it with more honor, truth and sincerity than anyone.


    I think one of my fondest memories of him is how at the beginning of the series he would "inquiry" everything anyone said and then ramble on about it. It was like watching a child discover something new for the first time.


    I hope this topic was not discussed already. I tried to look through the other posts to be sure. Apologies if it was.


    "You could learn a lot from this one." "Sure, the robot who teaches the course in humanities."

    --Guinan to Q, about Data--"Deja Q"

  8. OK I was watching Skin of Evil on TNN..  When I was watching the end Tasha's service the first thing I thought was Data's little service was pathetic..  I think it would have been cool if they had done something like that for Data...  I mean wouldn't you think that all or most officers would make something like that?  Jack Crusher made a tape thing for Wesley in the event that he died..  I'm done ranting now so what does every one else think..        all hail Bev :wow:

    That's exactly what I thought, bevfank, when I watched Skin of Evil again. There are a few things wrong with Nemesis and that was definitely one of them. Data deserved better. I think they kind of cheapened his death by not acknowledging it further. At the very least they could have said a few more things about him like Riker did when he was trying to remember the name of the tune Data was whistling when he first met Data.

  9. Nemesis gets my vote. First Contact is a close second.


    I think Nemesis really captured part of the "science" in "science fiction". It was a classic nature vs. nurture. Picard and Shinzon had the same genetic makeup but it was what happened to them in their lives and the people in their lives that shaped who they became.


    Plus it was a dark movie. For some reason I just really like dark movies. Not all the time, and Star Trek should not have too many. But that's what is so great about Star Trek, one movie can be dark like Nemesis, and one can be funny like The Voyage Home, or it can be a combination of dark, funny, serious, adventurous and sad.

  10. This is a tough question because there are so many but I'll try to narrow it down a bit. For the most part it would be the episodes that dealt with really original and scientific things.


    --Encounter at Farpoint--Good story and it was fun to see them all for the first time.


    --The Measure of a Man--It was fascinating to me how they were going to prove that an android is sentient.


    --Clues--It was a good mystery. And Data lying to them about what had happened only to find out that he was ordered to do so was an excellent ending to the story.


    --A Matter of Time--I picked this one because it was a very interesting story especially when we find out that the time traveler is from the past not the future and because of Data's line "I assume your hand print will open this door whether you are conscious or not."


    --Cause and Effect--Excellent story. What else can I say.


    --Frame of Mind--Because it had me fooled. I couldn't figure out what was real and what was in Riker's mind.


    I gave a little narrative with each because I like to see what you guys like but I also like to know why.



    "You're awfully young to be so driven."  "Yes, I am.  I had to be.  I had to be the best because only the best get to be here."—La Forge and Sonya Gomez—“Q Who”

  11. I picked Deja Q. It was nice to see Q have to deal with being human.


    "There are creatures in the universe who would consider you the ultimate achievement, android. No feelings, no emotions--no pain. And yet you covet those qualities of humanity. Believe me, you're missing nothing. But if it means anything to're a better human than I."

  12. I read that many of you are from ST.Com as well. Glad to see you. I couldn't even last a month on that other board.


    Wondering if there are any other Shinzon fans or Nemesis fans out there. Yes, I said the 'N' word. Sorry to offend anyone. I really liked the movie. Not that I want every movie to be like that (meaning dark and not exactly the Trek we are used to), but one was fine for me.


    Looking forward to some intelligent talk about Trek.


    "Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise"