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Posts posted by shinzonfan

  1. I think the best death ever has to go to Spock. His was the most poignant. They did not spend much time on Data's death so I think that cheapened it a little. Kirk's speech at Spock's funeral is what clinched it for me.

  2. To answer you question Captain Jean-Luc Picard I want you to know the first thing that popped into my head, it is a quote from Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man-"Are you currently taking any prescription medication?" I think the dosage is a little off. :blink:


    I guess I can see why you would ask that if you do not care for some of the series that followed TNG, but it must have been painful to type. I have to say for myself, I could never get into any series after TNG but I don't think they should end Trek. It is a unique set of concepts and ideas that should be allowed to continue as long as there are devoted fans out there like us.

  3. In Star Trek the lack of emotions or I guess I should say the suppression of emotions by the Vulcans made them evolve to a higher level of being. 

    Higher than what? Higher than what they were or higher than other races. Even at that ...the term "higher" implies a value assessment. What criteria do we use to determine something is better or higher than another.

    Here's a hypothetical? Who do you think is the strongest? A person who buys a bag of Hershey's kisses and eats two and only two every day - or a person who refuses to buy them at all because he/she will eat the entire bag over the weekend?

    I think the Vulcans fall into the last category - they suppress what they can't control.



    Higher than what they were, more advanced, further evolved, than we are or they were. The criteria I would use as a baseline is the average person, for example, since we are comparing Humans with Vulcans. We can judge ourselves as well as other races based on our own average. Not that our average might not be their lowest, but I'm not sure where else we could start but with that with which we know best, ourselves.


    As for your hypothetical, you are assuming that eating the whole bag of Hershey Kisses is a negative thing. Between the two people, if one person likes the candy but not as much as the other, it will be easier for that person to only eat two a day rather than the whole bag. I'm not sure that that person is stronger; they just don't like chocolate as much as the other.


    I also do not think they "suppress what they cannot control." How does one supress something they have no control over?


    You said, "part of our (human) natural developmental process is learning to control emotion." Development suggests a higher sense of being, further evolved, more advanced, does it not? Hence the Vulcans are more evolved (developed, to use your word) because they have mastered this.(?)


    So then, I do not understand why you believe humans to be superior to Vulcans?

  4. I voted yes.  Not becuase of confussion, but becuase I don't like abreviations in place of official titles. :laugh:


    Besides, we all know it's Star Trek...  Why not just put the name of the series and drop the "Star Trek" part?

    I like Picard's idea. Otherwise I think it should be left the way it is. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

  5. It still gives me chills thinking of Shinzon further impaling himself to reach Picard and that look in Picard's eyes.

    I couldn't agree with you more. The fact that Shinzon was a clone of Picard is what made it even more compelling. Plus Picard had some compassion for Shinzon, which made it even harder for Picard to fight him.

  6. Since I basically ONLY watch TNG all I have to say is Wesley the SuperBrat! Evil, evil, evil. Darn, why couldn't Lore have ended all our misery(in Datalore) by shooting that little waste of space!?

    Yillara, wow, why don't you tell us what you really think of Wesley? :laugh:


    I have to say it's Alexander for me. That kid just makes my skin crawl. Is that how all Klingon children start out or what. I think Data's cat Spot could beat that kid up.

  7. Why isn't Shinzon on the list?  :laugh:  :wow:


    I'm voting for him anyway.


    Shinzon, I have not forgotten you.  B)

    That will be the next poll. Sexiest villain. Shinzon will have my vote for movies but Lore for tv.

    OK, sorry. You just asked for sexiest studmuffin and he was the first one to come to mind.

  8. I probably should clarify what I mean a bit more. Do you think lack of emotions hinder the development of one self and ideas of philosophical discussion? And so on . . . .



    Master Q

    First let me start by saying, Spock of course.


    Second, to answer Master Q's question, No.


    In Star Trek the lack of emotions or I guess I should say the suppression of emotions by the Vulcans made them evolve to a higher level of being. At least that is my view. Actually I don't think it is suppression either. They have found a way to think past their emotions. What I mean by that is for example; instead of giving in to their first response they are able to channel that response into a logical thought instead of a knee jerk reaction.


    I know for myself, I fair much better when I use logic and keep my emotions in check. Although I do believe to truly evolve one must have empathy which I am not sure one could have without emotion. You must evolve past it.

  9. I didn't really think they were only taking one person a year. It just seemed odd that if they all past the tests, which they did, then they should all be able to go to the Academy. I would think Starfleet would want as many people as they could get. Not that they are desperate, just why not have as many people as they could. I guess it's kind of a dumb question. I was just wondering.

  10. Interesting topic. I cannot answer what time period I would go to just yet. I need some time to think about it.


    They say when you see star-light you are really seeing the past because that light has taken so long to get here. The star the light is coming from could be long dead and gone and yet we can still see the light. The Sun's light itself takes I believe seven minutes to reach us.


    I wouldn't mind maybe going back in time to see what really happened at certain points in history. For example, finding out if there really was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, or if it was the mob, or just one psychopath. Or seeing the Moon Walk. Or how Stone Henge (don't know how to spell it) was built or the pyramids. Or what really happened to the hamster that got out of his cage when I was nine. :oops:


    If time travel is possible, do you think you can only go back to the past or is the future a possibility as well?

  11. Coming of Age was just on TNN and I couldn't figure out why:


    1. There were only four people taking the entrance exams into Starfleet.


    2. Only one of the four would be accepted.


    I would think that Starfleet would take anyone who qualified. Aren't they always going to planets to discuss their possible acceptance into the Federation of Planets? Does that mean once the planet is accepted they may or may not have a representative in Starfleet depending on whether or not someone could pass the exam and get in? :blink:


    Anyone know? Or did I miss the explanation somewhere?

  12. Speaking of men screaming, you should have been in the waiting room of the Dr.’s office I was at getting the remainder of a toenail I had stubbed the crap out of, removed! :blink: 

    Thanks for sharing.


    And thank you Master Q for the info. Very interesting.

  13. I agree with everyone. It seemed to me that people had already made up their minds about Nemesis before they even saw it.


    I do think Insurrection may have played a role. I liked it least of all TNG films. I did watch it recently and found that I could appreciate it a bit more. I think that's what will happen with Nemesis.


    It's been so long since it was out and all of the talk has gone (for the general public that is not for us obviously) when people watch it on DVD they will realize what a good movie it really is. Especially with the added scenes that I'm sure will help to clarify some things.

  14. I have so many favorite quotes, here are just a few:


    "NCC 1701. No bloody A, B, C, or D."

    -Mr. Scott to holodeck computer - "Relics"


    "Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."

    -Picard to his crew - "Yesterdays Enterprise"


    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."

    -Riker to the crew on the bridge - "Contagion"


    If anyone is interested in more Quotes there is a book called Quotable Star Trek by Jill Sherwin . I got mine from Boarders but I'm sure you can get it on the internet.