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Posts posted by scaleman

  1. I don't really care one way or another about the new bills. If they cut down on counterfeits, more power to them.


    The thing that ticked me off was the ad for them I saw on tv last night. Nice to see my tax dollars at work paying for useless tv advertising! GRRRRRRRR! :blush:

    I picked; I don't care, they all spend the same way. But really, i wish they'd just quit all this temporary junk and use a plastic version already, save us a decade and several billion dollars. And i agree with ed, it's rediculous (like the fairly recent ads about medicare). There are some really stupid things govt spends money on these days, like the post office (hello, why are we making commercials for them when no one can compete with them anyways?!!!). Ok, well, that's my 2 cents worth (yup, yet another pun :lol: ).

  2. I went with spock, besides being in the sciences, he has also grown to have an adequate knowledge of what it's like to be human, as well as what it's like to be captain. Also, since he grew up on a less hospitable world those harsher terrains would better suit him (unlike what someone else just mentioned :roflmao: ), plus he'd be about as strong a XO as you could have, unless you had data with you :eekout: .

  3. I think i read somewhere that the saratoga type lifeboats could hold as many as 12 per boat, and that they could be used as auxiliary shuttlecraft if necessary. They are also said to be held in the shuttlebays of miranda class vessels, so a secondary use as shuttlecraft is very likely. And no, the size of the intrepid and defiant escape pods are such that they only hold 3 people at most, compared to the 6 or so for galaxy class escape pods.

  4. We (my family) used to have 2 of the first playmate's Enterprise-D toys, but one i'd like to see is one that's almost the same, but made so the saucer comes off instead of the nacelles (although this would make sense on a starship, the toy should be closer to the production model). And for a change they could have a lithium-ion battery inside the saucer allowing it to have it's own sounds when it's seperate from the drive section :eekout: . To accomplish this they should use the same technique used to make the Enterprise NX-01 toy so realistic. :roflmao:

  5. I have one such phaser, i want to get the season 1 and Generations versions though. And you can replace the light bulb if it get's burned out, providing you know how to take off the plastic cover and place it back on :roflmao: . I know cause we did that at least once.

  6. Emm, maybe trash nemesis and go rewrite it? I've started thinking nemesis shoulda involved an alternate mirror universe, where the "evil" tng crew never lost the Ent-D and they had it refitted to dreadnaught status, and they just used the romulans to promote their own means. But, since that probably won't happen it might at the very least revive trek-dom by a fair amount :P . Just an idea i've been tossing around in my head.

  7. Mulder, or rather Duchovny, made the show what it was.  They really missed the boat when they tried to keep things going without him.  The whole premise of the series was him trying to find the truth and that disappeared with him.  We just ended up with a couple of seasons of other people trying to understand his perspective.

    Dittos. I also went with mulder/scully, for obvious reasons. I watched it maybe 1/2 the time but shortly after mulder disappeared it was like, "and this is still being made why?" I just didn't understand why they got rid of mulder, and really, in the later mulder/scully years it seemed like mulder was less of the guy we knew the first season, just so durn curious and in awe of all he witnessed, but later on it was like he knew pretty much all there was to know. That also made it less interesting to watch :P .

  8. Yeah, that site's pretty cool, i hope paramount got off them about selling trek merchandise. I mean, the roddenberry's have been and continue to be a pretty big part of star trek and then they get backstabbed (yet again). Btw, if they are back to selling merchandise do they have any faux phase cannons i can buy? :o j/k

  9. Well, from what i read (and i read a fair amount) it isn't exactly a substitute for needles, but if you are just getting an injection it does fine, and it doesn't break the muscle i think. You don't have to look too hard to find the info as they explain it pretty well on the website. :P

  10. So, paramount wisened up and finally admitted they wouldn't (or couldn't B) ) cancel the show eh? I was wondering how long it'd take them, and yes, it IS their "flagship" show. Maybe we'll get to see the NX-02 in action :P .