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Posts posted by scaleman

  1. I just voted yes, simply because it's possible that, after being away from doing star trek stuff for a while the "crew" will get restless and might want to return, but then they may end up just doing a DS9/VOY movie. But as we are getting "over-treked" so have some of the actors. I guess i'm just willing to be an optimist and hope that the actors can't take it anymore.

  2. Well, while they did have different versions of the uniform, i don't recall the 'yesterday's enterprise' one. But i think i read somewhere that the reason they used the DS9 uniforms is there was a bit of a mix-up or a lack of tng uniforms at times. But in a way it shows some continuity right? :P

  3. I think the first 3 did pretty good in following TNG, but nemesis... First off the transfer from the wedding scene to the crew going to romulus was too rushed i felt (and why are romulus and remus in the orbit of the same star all of a sudden, anyone got an idea?). And they didn't give data a "plot hole" they could use at some later point, for say, a book or fan made movie; just because brent spiner isn't going to play data anymore (supposedly), that's no reason to just have him die in the movie (and i find the idea that data transfered his "chakra" to B4 a pathetic one). But the one thing they DID do right was finally get riker and troi hitched so i guess it wasn't a complete loss. :P

  4. That really messes up a lot. But it has some basis to it. Maybe we'll see a federation ship with a cloaking device soon....

    Umm, the federation DOES have a starship with a cloaking device, it's called the Defiant :P . And i also think the romulans will be a hold out at least till this war with the sphere builders, although i'd bet on it taking a little longer, knowing those green blooded, inhuman... hehehe

  5. Happy birthday to her yeomanship (or yeowomanship? :laugh: ). i wonder how she's doing these days (hopefully relaxed after all those years of taking signatures and communications messages). Btw, how'd you get the image of her card up, larger then it is in actuality, and still keep all the detail so fine?

  6. On that design i agree with Spudgun, but i think the ship design that would've been used for Phase 2 would've been a slightly modified version of the enterprise that only appeared in posters for TMP (i think it would make more sense if that ship was the design used during tos, but a little late for that huh? :wacko: ). Btw, i think it looks alright, there've been designs worse then that made for a starship :laugh: .

  7. Regarding the ratings, i think part of the reason the ratings are lower is because of the massive amount of media which people can access, be it print, radio, tv (satellite being a pretty good example alone), or the internet itself. But another part of it i think is the dumbing down of society, if it weren't for this more people would recognize the benefits of a manned mission to mars etc.

  8. I couldn't get enough of sliders, but when it left fox i was like :laugh:. Now we have sci-fi, but i don't even remember any of the episodes so now i have to start from the beginning, and what's worse is i don't know if they have the episodes shown in order and when they do show them. I happened to catch the ep where the group watched as remy left alone with that serum in him, and was like "if this is the ending, what a bunch of bull!!!" :laugh:

  9. Ok, first off i'm gonna agree with harrykim and drwho42, and also with weareborg4102, at least regarding warp travel, and for now :huh:. Now, there is occasion where i kinda get iritated with what happens on star trek (recent utilization of borg on Enterprise being one of them), and i do :o whenever they show something or say something that (if it were to happen in real life) kinda strains the timeline (such as the ss valiant supposedly launching 2 years after cochrane's first flight, or the switch from say, DY to mars mission tech *what the heck?!!!*). But i have also had a bit of fun with it such as making my own starship designs (hehe, i sorta have a virtual fleet, although it's only 2-d :laugh:), and i have had a bit of fun explaining technical problems by utilizing already known bits in trek or utilizing new science. But utimately it's relaxing as it gives me a vision of a peaceful future et al :laugh:.

  10. An idea for a 6th/7th series which i am for is Excelsior. I think that a lot of people actually wanted to see that ship have it's own series (with Sulu as captain of course :laugh:), but since paramount didn't listen and made Enterprise instead, ratings for a trek show have hit lower then ever before. And i even think the first 1:16 or 1:17 seconds of the ending theme for Undiscovered Country would be a nice fit as the theme for the Excelsior series :laugh:.

  11. Ok, before i can upon this i had been wondering when the hypo (like the one shown in MI:2) would debut, but it never happened. Now i happened to find one that looks even more like the one from star trek called the biojector 2000. The site where i found it is . I am not sure what status they are in regarding the selling of their product, but they've been around since 1993 so they might be worth taking a look at. Oh, so people can see what it looks like i have a picture below.


  12. I think if you were to change the names of the presidents during 2001-2009 and 2017-2021 it'd be fixed. The reason why is because not only did powell not become president, he didn't even run for the office, and JFK Jr died in a plane crash so he's far from being capable to run for office. Thought this would help things, providing that the presidential history is pretty much the same in the star trek universe at least till cochrane makes his warp flight. Also, it seems the war occured during the years 2051-2061, at least according to the Star Trek Chronology (and it seems the war was over at least before cochrane's flight).