Q stole my bike

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Posts posted by Q stole my bike

  1. -QSMB: because she's a cool rock & roll chick :grin:

    -Nemisis: because he's funny, his sense of humor would keep his crew happy 24/7

    -VBG: no explanation needed

    -Rikerchick: because she's nice, funny, and has good taste in men

    -Takara: her ship would be full of Datas, which would be all-around cool

  2. QSMB would make a GREAT captain! She would be sooooo cool! She would always have her poodle, Pippin, close by and everyone would be all "AAAAHHHH! A tribble." and she'd say "No, it's a dog!" She'd call everyone sweetheart, even the Borg. And she'd have awesome parties on the holodeck. The bridge on her ship would have cupholders and a kick-a** surround sound system. Whenever her ship would be under attack she'd be all "Wait a sec, I need to turn on my fight music" which would probably be some late 70s punk rock. She'd watch old episodes of SNL with John Beluishi or Chis Farley on the viewscreen when it doesn't need to be used for anything else. She'd love to blow stuff up. And most important of all, she'd flirt more than Kirk(except she'd flirt with guys instead of girls, duh) All around, QSMB would be a cool captain. :dude:

  3. Heck, why not just keep a whole bunch of "warhead warpcores" aboard a starship and just beam them into the path of enemy vessels.  I'd like to see a borg cube see that one coming!  Damn, I would make one fine starship captain... oh wait, I am one.

    *takes notes on Captain Bolivar's great ideas so I won't forget them when I become a starship captain*


    Really, I must know how you come up with the marvelous ideas. You're so creative.


    *wishes I was creative*

  4. I think that Livingston is acctually a super-smart fish, but no one 'cause fish can't talk. But, Picard knows about his fish's intelligence because Livingston is capable of communicating telepathically, but he only talks to Picard, 'cause he doesn't like anyone else. And Picard is secretly scheming to have Livingston replace Riker!

  5. This post is in memory of the many Annonomus Redshirts in TOS who gave their lives in the name of the exploration of strange, new worlds. My condolences to their familes and friends. They did not die in vain. :assimilated:


    They're dead, Jim. :dude:

  6. Has anyone ever considered that if you take a shuttle pod, fill it with Photon warheads, and link it's controls to the bridge, you have one hellatiously powerful anti-ship weapon?

    Oooooo...good idea! Shuttle pod go BOOM! Blowing stuff up is fun! :dude:

  7. -I ALWAYS wear my TNG comm badge, and if I forget to I feel oddly...normal

    -I go crazy and want to scream and cry when I can hear a clock ticking, it drives me nuts!

    -I call EVERYONE sweetheart(i.e. Resistance is futile, sweetheart.)

    -I hang upside down for a little while everyday, I think it's very liberating

    -I walk backwards a little everday, I think it is also very liberating

    Click for Spoiler:






    Well, I want a TNG combadge, I'd where that all the time too....

    But I'd dress up as Doctor Who everyday, even if it was the 6th Doctor outfit....

    Click for Spoiler:




    I walk backwards many times during PE, and I wander the ceiling in the Startrekfans.net Chat Room and the olde Lounge....

    My face tells time.... :tick-tock: :tick-tock: :tick.......

    Click for Spoiler:





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