Q stole my bike

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Posts posted by Q stole my bike

  1. Fun things to do at Wal-Mart, or any other department-type store:


    -pour lemonade right outside the bathroom door

    -Bring pillows from the linens section and hang out in some random location

    -After doing the above announce to anyone who walk by that you're having a sleepover, and they can join you if they get pillows

    -Stare at the security camera for 5 minutes

    -Pick your nose while looking straight at the security camera

    -When someone asks you if they can help you yell "WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE LEAE ME ALONE?!" then sit on the floor and cry

    -Go to the clothing section, hide in the clothing racks, and whenever someone starts to look at the clothes you're hiding behind jump out and yell "BOO!"

    -If you go with a friend, get a shopping cart and sit in it while your friend pushes it around and act like a little kid. Be sure to say "Mommeeeeee, I want some candy!"

    -While in the checkout line stand too close to the person in front of you, sniff their hair, then burp really loud.


    ok, that's all.

  2. Yes... I love the musical Les Miserables and I like to sing Eponine's part from "One Day More!" Or, if I'm in a more upbeat mood, I sing Gloria Gaynor's "Do it Yourself." That's probably my favorite song right now.

    I was in my school's production of Les Mis this fall. Anyway, I usually sing "On My Own" randomly, including in the shower!

  3. Last night I just finished The Celestine Prophecy and it is one phenominal book. I reccomend it to everyone. It's about this acient manuscript that was found in Peru that the Peruvian government is trying to suppress, and the people who try to learn more about it, and keep it alive. It kind of reminded me of The DaVinci Code, which is another great book.

  4. I think the main thing I liked about it was it had some paralelles with 1984, which is my all-time favorite book. The whole time that Picard was held captive reminded me of when Winston was captured by the Thought Police, especially the "How many lights are there?" deal.


    Patrick Stewart's acting was phenominal :quark: I mean, just, wow.


    On a lighter note, when that Cardassian dude was like "From now on you will be reffered to as...human." reminded me of "24601" in Les Mis, and I got the funniest mental image of a Cardassian as Javert. This was extremely funny for me because this fall I was in my school's production of Les Mis and the guy I like played Javert.


    So, in summary, an all-around great episode. :b-day: