Q stole my bike

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Posts posted by Q stole my bike

  1. cheesecake (ok, so I didn't invent it, who cares?)

    I feel like elaborating on the cheesecake thing. Not jus cheesecake a a dessert, I mean the way I use the word cheesecake.



    -That scared the cheesecake out of me!

    -What the cheesecake?


    The funny thing is, I talk like that in regular conversation. I've been doing that long before joinning STF, but I've been doing it more often since coming here...Hmmm...Well, cheesecake is just kinda my catch-phrase I guess...

  2. I just have to say, 1984. It's just so though-provoking, so great. Before I read it, I wasn't really that much into reading. I would read some books, usually just ones that friends had reccomended to me, but it really wasn't something I was passionate about. All that changed when I read 1984. My friend had gotten it from the library, and when I noticed this I had asked her how it was, I had heard of it, and it sounded like a book I would at least like to try. She said that it was really good and suggested that I look at it. After reading the first few pages I was hooked. The first chance I got I went to the bookstore to pick up my own copy, and I just couldn't put it down. I read every chance I got. This book changed my life. Before I read it I had never realized that a book could make you think like that one did; it was so deep, so moving.


    And, here's a short list of other faves (though these ones didn't change my life)


    -The Hot Zone About an ebola outbreak, based on a true story, scared the cheesecake out of me

    -Slaughterhouse 5 So briliantly bizzare, some parts are funny, but you feel like you shouldn't laugh, because they're really deep at the same time

    -Memoirs of a Geisha Sad, sad book. Makes you realize how fortunate you are.

  3. 11/10! But since that option wasn't available, 10/10. I've seen it soooooo many times, and I never get tired of it. And I still always cry when Spock dies :blink:


    Seriously, before too long I may have the script memorized :blink:

  4. -5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions

    -if the world didn't suck we'd all fall off

    -my cat can beat up your cat

    -I see dumb people

    -it's funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious

    -your kid may be an honors student, but you're still an idiot

    -I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!

    -I'm not as think as you drunk I am

    -change is inevitable, except from vending machines

    -It is as bad as you think, and they are all out to get you

    -all generalizations are false

  5. Nice try, WAB, I like green :laugh:


    Hey, gals, lets go to some fancy and grossly overpriced restuarant! Then we can all get our hair done. And we can get our nails done too!


    And, of course...

    Click for Spoiler:




    *assimilates the guys' money*


    Muhahahaaaa....the power is in our hands! Girls with money: be afraid, be very afraid.

  6. yes, I hope to go to one soon, I'm sick and tired of the star wars fans telling me there are more of them than of us. I plan to take alot of photos at the star trek convention and I'll say "See, I haven't seen a Star Wars convention, I don't know if they exist but they certainly can't top all this times 42 (about 1 per week)

    1. Ask them is Star Wars fans have the government in on the fandom (the shuttle Enterprise) :bow:


    2. Ask them if 'Star Wars fans' or the equivilant is a word in the dictionary like Trekkies :wub:


    3. Hand them a copy of the documentary 'Trekkies' and possibly 'Trekkies 2' :laugh:

    Here's one: ask them if Star Wars has influenced technology (flip phones? Total rip of the TOS communicators)


    Here's my advice: get a Starfleet uniform and wear it out in public; I've worn mine while out shopping/eating out/whatever. Definately starts some conversations.

  7. -Engineering on the Ent D is run by Oompa Loompas

    -Worf made his son, Alexander, take up ballet

    -"Worf" is Klingon for "Pinnhead"

    -Welsey Crusher was once attacked by pink poodles

    -Barclay is really the captain of the Ent D, Picard has just been trapped in the holodeck for so long that he thinks he's the captain

    -Deanna lives in fear that mood rings will come back in style, thus putting her out of work


    ok...can't think of anymore...feel free to add your own

  8. I've tried to see a lunar eclipse, but I didn't really "see" what was happening(hard as I tried) because I'm super nearsighted and didn't have a telescope or anything :theking: it just looked like a normal moon to me (and yes it was the right time and night and stuff, I had a whole big group of friends with me, so I that something happened)

  9. As a Doggie *mother* I would say get a dog but remember they depend on you as a child would a parent

    That's so true. Dogs are like children(a lot of them think they ARE children). They need a lot of attention, so if you have any doubts over whether you have enough time and money, go with Crystal's advice and volunteer at a shelter. If you still want a furry friend of your own, but don't have the time for a dog, then I suggest a cat, they can be just as loving as dogs(even if they do act very differently) but they don't demand as much attention.


    IMO: I think that since you want a lab you really should have a backyard of some type. They're big dogs and need space to play. If you don't have a backyard, then you could always get a different breed that's smaller or calmer. Personally, I've heard that greyhounds are (ironically) pretty laid back, and they're a good size too. If you don't mind little dogs, Havanesse are like teeny labs (personallity-wise) but they're rare and ridiculously expensive, but hey. sounds like a good little dog if you've got tons of money to burn

  10. :theking: I like Jean's ending better...


    So, to be fair to the girls, here's another (IMO better) one


    God created man, then woman

    Click for Spoiler:

    hey, there's gotta be a rough draft before a masterpiece

  11. Star Trek has always been something me and my parents can enjoy together. My parents were fans since "back in the day." Sadly, I wasn't one of those kids who was raised on Trek :theking: I had to discover it on my own, but I do remember seeing a little of TNG when I was very young, and when I saw Geordi I was all "Mommy, what's that thing on that guy's head?" lol