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Posts posted by MoulinRouge

  1. I'd like it off UPN, too, but first run syndication isn't a sure thing by any means. Once filming gets through in March, the actors are going to to want to go to pilot season in LA to audition for new series if they think they're cancelled. They may not announce it until May, but Tim's serious when he says that Moonves will make the decision by the end of February sweeps. CBS owns Viacom, which owns UPN, and UPN would love to go to all reality and urban comedies. Moonves said as much in one of those god awful press releases that's all over the Star Trek sites today. He doesn't give a damn for Trek. He says he's "undecided" right now. There's no reason to believe the man is lying. It's the bottom line with him. He has no love for Trek.

  2. Thank you. It's very necessary if we want it back. Moonves is at least considering it, but he's not high on it. Mucho mucho numbers of letters will help. No e-mail. That's no good.


    EDIT: Just a little note, a postcard with a well written message can also be good (as long as its snail mail) and the full zip code will expedite delivery. Here is the full address again, also there's no need for the "W." If you've already sent it with the "W" and five digit zip, that's fine, this way will just get it there quicker.


    Mr. Leslie Moonves

    Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer

    CBS Television

    CBS Television City

    7800 Beverly Boulevard

    Los Angeles, CA 90036-2112


    No "W", with the 2112 extension on the zip code. Everything else is the same.

  3. Here's the straight scoop, folks. It's from They aren't an anonymous internet "source" like the crap from sci-fi wire and such that has been floating around the past couple of days saying that Bakula wanted to quit when it's totally bogus. Bakula's publicist went on-line to refute it. They're (save the ones who've been organizing. They are the ones who have been proven to be in the know. E-mail isn't going to cut it. ENT dodged a perilous bullet with "Daedelus" staying an eyelash above 3 million viewers after the multi-week break (a feat ENT has never accomplished). However, Moonves is interested in two things: Fan interest and potential money to be made. Here is Tim's note.


    I am not going to go into a long explanation on this.. Two things that need to be done NOW!


    The first is send letters daily from you and everyone around you for the next two months. Yes I know we are talking alot of letters here but we have received some info today and our focus needs to be directed to Mr. Moonves. The renewal of Enterprise is TOTALLY up to him and him alone! Also, we need to send to the L.A. Office and NOT the New York Office.. We need to bury him in Letters!


    Mr. Leslie Moonves

    Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer

    CBS Television

    CBS Television City

    7800 W Beverly Boulevard

    Los Angeles, CA 90036


    We have to get the ratings up these last few episodes. In order to do this, we are going to have to let the people that have the Nielsen Boxes and Diaries to watch Enterprise on Friday nights. It is that simple. Brandon, is working on some banners as we speak and we will have them by tomorrow.


    If you are a member of another group or forum PLEASE spread the word on these two updates. These are probably the most important things to do within the next couple of months.


    If you have or know of anyone with the box or diary feel free to contact me..


    This is CRUCIAL if Enterprise is to continue on!




    Do you want ENT back enough to mail a few letters to Mr. Moonves? To ask someone else to do so? I do. Emphasize to him that another season means more money for DVDs. I would purchase a season five. I will mail my letter tomorrow. I hope you will as well. It's the 20th of January. We need a rush. Basically, February sweeps and these letters are going to decide the matter. Moonves doesn't care about Trek. Only the bottom line. He has to know we're here. The show's improved so much and the spring episodes sound so fantastic. Darn I'd hate it to end now and have those gloating little bashers be right. :P


    EDIT: Moonves' old address with his New York office addy may be up on some sites. It is critical to send it to his Los Angeles office address, which is listed above.

  4. Sounds fabulous. I love Coto's direction for the series. If you do, here's the feedback form for UPN. Feel free to tell them you're watching every Friday night.



    I think the spoilers for "Divergence" have me the most exciting. I believe that is the episode where Trip pulls off

    Click For Spoiler
    the miracle of all time to help a sabotaged NX-01.
    Great stuff. :laugh:

  5. 7


    Not quite up to the same standard as the Soong and Vulcan arcs and "Home." A great many wonderful parts that don't quite add up to a satisfying whole. Something seemed a bit "off."

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    Maybe I was just peeved at Archer. I'm not surprised that Trip was so insubordinate with him. I thought he was right about Archer putting Emory's wishes ahead of ship safety. He seemed too dismissive of both Trip and T'Pol. Yes, they seem to be "de-romanticizng" Trip and T'Pol. I would be distressed except I know what Coto is planning for those two. It's quite the twist :blink: :o


    Don't forget to give UPN your feedback and tell them you watched. They need to know with this episode having so MANY pre-emptions. :o Blue Crystal, honey, don't be too angry with T'Pol. Nifty happenings are in store for the two of them. This I promise. Hee. :laugh: :o



    Let them know after every episode.

  6. An honest to goodness 9 out of 10. Could Gary Graham's Soval rock anymore than he does? Graham was bloody brilliant during

    Click For Spoiler
    the torture scene,
    and Combs was, as always, an energizing rush of adrenaline. One can almost envision the leader T'Pau will one day be.


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    Romulans at the end? Yessssss...... :naughty: They've been on Vulcan quite awhile. With one storyline idea Mr. Coto has fixed a great many things. The only things that bothered me were the rushed ending (damnable commercials and adverts) and Archer's super strength. Was Surak's katra giving it to him? T'Pol getting knocked out while Archer was still standing was the only real irritant to me.


    Loved the quiet moment when Reed questioned Tucker's decision to go to Andoria without Trip pitching a fit. A quiet, professional, yet personal moment between two friends.

    Oh, and has anyone else noticed how much Trip rocks in command? :drool:


    Edit: Sorry. I forget that we still have to use spoiler code once the episode has already aired.

  7. :unsure: 9 out of 10. Perfect ending. I'm loving the mini-arcs and all the TOS references have me in heaven.


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    Trip and T'Pol are so gosh darned cute. :frusty: I just want to hug them to death. Only Sussman would dare put in a Romeo and Juliet reference.

  8. 9 out of 10. The best so far this season. FINALLY ENT is the prequel it was promised to be. Were the sets, clothes, and actors reminiscent of TOS?




    That's why the episode worked because this is what ENT was supposed to be from the very beginning, a prequel to TOS. Spiner gave a surprisingly restraiend performance, not the scenery chewing I was expecting. Soong is a bad man, but not entirely evil. He is the grandfather of Data's creator. It makes sense. Soong the first trying to "surpass/improve humanity" with the augments....then his grandson using human like androids, technology unavailable to the Soong of Archer's time.

  9. Trip and T'Pol will get together when all the shouting's done. :frusty: Have no fear. This is what you call the "temporary backburner."


    ENT will get a full season. Paramount wants those episodes for a proper syndication package and money if nothing else. Put that 13 episodes idea to rest. It's been completely debunked at IGN film force often posts "stories" that don't pan out. This was one of them. Spoilers for the 14th episode have already been posted. No way UPN will bail when Paramount lowered the license fee. Especially not with Veronica Mars, their prize baby new drama tanking in the ratings. Veronica's gotten all the advertising and the prime spot on Tuesdays and its last first run ep got lower ratings than ENT. 2.71 million to ENT's 3.11 million.

  10. I give it a "B." Is that an 8? I like letter grades better. Manny did a pretty decent job considering that he had to craft his way out of the wacky cliffhanger Rick and Brannon handed to him? You all do realize that......

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    Trip on the surface is probably Silik morphed into Trip. Why would Silik let him go and take the time to pull him out of the launch bay? I could be wrong. I'm just guessing. Daniels looked gross.

  11. Archer and T'Pol were never going to have a relationship. They're just friends. Twilight never really happened. Aside from that, there was nothing between them. They were no more in love than Trip and Archer were in love.


    It was Trip and T'Pol who connected first in "Breaking the Ice." The writers abandoned that palpable chemistry to pursue the dull T'Pol/Archer I don't know what it was. Scott is old enough to be Jolene's father. What were they thinking? :laugh:

  12. Ahhhh, the infamous Stuff interview. No, she wasn't very tactful. For what's it worth, she did an interview with a reputable sci-fi site about a week ago that was published on Trek BBS in which she sounded a great deal more positive....and tactful. Either she's really on board with Manny's storyline plans (which she claimed to be) or someone in a suit read her the riot act for being so negative. I supsect it's a little of both. :rolleyes:

  13. Trip and T'Pol are cute together. It's the particular actors in the parts. Sometimes it's nothing tangible about why you'd like to see a couple together on a series; it's just that the particular actor and actress click really well. IMHO Trinneer and Blalock click well together.