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PETA folks are out of their mind

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WATERBURY, Vt. -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.


"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.


PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health.


"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Everyone knows that 'the breast is best,' so Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favor by making the switch to breast milk."


"We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," said a spokesperson for Ben and Jerry's.


Dare I say this is udderly unbelievable....


#1. Human breast milk is a verified source for transmitting AIDS - ALL other considerations aside that would be enough for me.


#2. Do these idiots think farmers are going to keep cows in their dairies and pay to feed them while they nurse their young unless they're getting some benefit such as say - milk to sell? Duh, no profit - no one will invest in making more cows. (I'm not a farmer but aren't cows that have recently given birth removed from the milking line for several weeks)

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This shows PETA they really don't think at all with their almost half-baked ideas.


The are breastmilk banks that only take milk after a examining of the mother, that includes AIDS, before the can donate their milk. The milk is used for preemies and others who serve health problems. The milk is very expensive process so their will be no profit margin at all.


I breastfeed both my sons for a months. I would not be willing give one drop of it to Ben and Jerry's. Humans don't produce enough milk to meet the demand.


Also, humans have been drinking cows milk for centuries.

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I wonder how much milk they need to produce as much ice cream Ben & Jerry's makes in one year.

I wonder how much milk nursing mothers produce over the course of one year. (All of them.)

And finally...

I wonder how much breast milk is left over when everyone who needs it (babies) gets what they need.

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they're a bunch of hypocrites. like that time they told KFC they couldn't slaughter chickens but they can slaughter free ranged chickens? im starting to bet at least half of that organization sleeps with animals...

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A few things to remember about PETA


They are the people that equated having a dog or cat for a pet (companion animal to use the PC term) to owning slaves. (I am my cat's servant thank you very much)

They are the people that demand that we no longer eat meat. (I think that the lack of animal protein has caused their brains to atrophy)

They have broken into labs and let animals that may have been infected with diseases out into the wild. (that spreads disease and many domestic type animals can't survive on their own) or have given these animals to people that don't have the ability or knowledge to care for them.



I belong to the OTHER PETA People Eating Tasty Animals.

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That is their point. They believe cow milk is for their babies.


Their position would strong if humans haven't been drinking cows and goats milk for centuries.

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A few things to remember about PETA


They are the people that equated having a dog or cat for a pet (companion animal to use the PC term) to owning slaves. (I am my cat's servant thank you very much)


All cats think their owners are their servants. I had a cat that would wake up just to feed him at all hours in the night. Never mind that I feed him as soon as I walk in the morning.


They are the people that demand that we no longer eat meat. (I think that the lack of animal protein has caused their brains to atrophy)


No. There are different forms of protein in planets. Beans and nuts are rich in protein. Soy contains all the same essential amino acids that is in meat. Protein is in all foods that we eat. Americans just eat way to much meat. A balanced diet with all forms of protein, excluding meat, will meet dietary requirements.


Could you list alternative combinations of protein for vegetarians?


They have broken into labs and let animals that may have been infected with diseases out into the wild. (that spreads disease and many domestic type animals can't survive on their own) or have given these animals to people that don't have the ability or knowledge to care for them.


I agree. They do not know what they do when they break into labs. PETA causes more harm than good.


I belong to the OTHER PETA People Eating Tasty Animals.


Edited by Odie

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you to me PETA is just another terrorist group lol



Now there is a thought.

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think about it, the way they're always trying to get people to change they're ways about animals. i mean without meat, they're be no pure source of protein. just like how terrorists want us to change our american ways and convert to islam by force

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think about it, the way they're always trying to get people to change they're ways about animals. i mean without meat, they're be no pure source of protein. just like how terrorists want us to change our american ways and convert to islam by force


I do agree with you about PETA.


Actually soy beans provides same sources of pure protein as meat.

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think about it, the way they're always trying to get people to change they're ways about animals. i mean without meat, they're be no pure source of protein. just like how terrorists want us to change our american ways and convert to islam by force


Actually soy beans provides same sources of pure protein as meat.


i did not know that lol. but i hate of PETA goes around telling people how to treat their pets, how to eat, and live their lives. i mean with my dad's dog for example, he's my dad's best friend. my dad treats him no more than he'd treat any human. granted we have to comply with the leash law when we walk him, but my dad treats his dog like it was his own child.

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PETA is just out of touch with everyone on this planet. I have a dog myself. I treat him very well. Before I had my sons I would call Astro by "baby". I still treasure him, but he is not my "baby" anymore.

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i just thought about this while i was out, the other thing that makes them hypocrites is the fact the fail to realize, we're also mammals. so in a way that puts us with every animal on the planet if they want to complain about something

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Speaking of ribs I might make some for Alexander's birthday! I can't believe he will be 2 soon. :RC:

Edited by Odie

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i just thought about this while i was out, the other thing that makes them hypocrites is the fact the fail to realize, we're also mammals. so in a way that puts us with every animal on the planet if they want to complain about something


Great point! If milking cows is bad, is 'milking humans' , even if for other humans, a good thing? The whole though is so bizarre.

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