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A l t e r E g o

Congratulations GhostofMajorHayes!

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:blink: GhostofMajorHayes on winning the Signature Contest!


Here is the prize which will shortly be added to your account.




On behalf of the entire Staff of STFs I Thank Everyone for participating!

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Thank you very much. I am truly honored by this occasion.


I would like to thank Alterego for nominating me alongside the other 17 contestants in what was a wide ranging and diverse field that had an international flavor to it. All the contestants and their signatures were awesome. I was competing against some truly dynamic individuals. I would like to mention each of them by name and recogonize them for their contributions to our great site and this contest.


Elizabeth: You are a true inspiration to all of us. Your sig was the encouragement I needed to see the new Batman film. I was not dissapointed.


DaboGirl: Since you've joined our family here at STF, you've been a welcome addition and I really liked how your signature blended your love of trek and your beautiful smile.


Madame Butterfly: I don't know you that well, but the times I have seen you here I can tell that you are a truly gentle soul and your signature was among the most breathtaking in this contest.


TheKryptonian: What can I say? You are a human encyclopedia of all things sci fi and your posts here at STF and your contributions at SGF are part of the reason both sites continue successfully today.


Odie: You are truly a good person that has been blessed with a beautiful family. I also liked the serenity of your signature.


Cara: You have a sweeeeeet signature that stands out and grabs a persons attention.


Troy: I liked the creativity of your signature.


Indy: Your signature gave me a craving to go back and re-watch "Encounter at Farpoint". I have never been a big Q fan, but I am coming around.


Dabo Queen: As always, another fine signature.


Irene Brustad: It was great having you in this contest. Your presence here has piqued my interest in the equestrian arts.


Trekmachine: Your signature was a awesome. The perfect mix of patriotism and classic Star Trek.


SeeingEyeBorg: You have a neat signature. I was happy to see you in this contest.


Mrs. Picard: Your signature was very welcoming and warm. Mr. Picard is a lucky man indeed.


Eratosthenes: Your fun loving nature and competitive spirit made this contest a blast. I was honored to have you as an "opponent".


Bakula Babe: You had the most unique signature here imo. I was very impressed by it.


Gabri: I have been an amateur astronomer most of my life. Your signature was enjoyable and brought back a lot of memories for me.


Cptn_Krunch: I think it was cool to have a Captain of the high seas in this contest. Your signature was creative and had a good deal of your personality in it.




Again, thanks to everyone.


....and don't forget to also visit and :blink:









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