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How Independent Are You?

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Your Independence Level: High


You are extremely self reliant and autonomous.


You are definitely into doing your own thing.


But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it.


You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.

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Your Independence Level: High


You are extremely self reliant and autonomous.

You are definitely into doing your own thing.

But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it.

You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.

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Your Independence Level: High


You are extremely self reliant and autonomous.

You are definitely into doing your own thing.

But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it.

You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.

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Your Independence Level: High





You are extremely self reliant and autonomous.

You are definitely into doing your own thing.

But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it.

You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.

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Your Independence Level: Low


You are slightly independent, but you usually don't do your own thing.

You rely on the advice of others... or no advice at all.

As a result, you often end up making decisions that you regret.

Listen to your intuition. You really do know what's best for you.

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