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Walk the Line

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Have any of you seen Walk the Line yet? I saw it Friday night. It's a great movie. I'm a big Johnny Cash fan. I've been listening to him since I was little. My grandfather loved his music, so he always played it. And when I got older, a lot of my punk and goth friends listened to Johnny Cash. So basically, I've listened to him all my life. When I found out about the movie, I was so stoked. And since it came out on me and my financee's 4 year anniversary, it was like doubly the pleasure. :laugh: (Of course, we were planning to see the new Harry Potter movie, but it was sold out. SO we saw that yesterday.)

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I've been thinking about seeing it, because Juaquin Phoenix looks like he does a good job, but I've never been a fan of Johnny Cash. Do you think a "non-fan" might enjoy it?

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And when I got older, a lot of my punk and goth friends listened to Johnny Cash.


Punks and Goths listened to Johnny Cash? I never heard that one before. No wonder the Ramones quit touring in disgust!..... :laugh:


I like Johnny Cash as well. I plan on seeing this movie.

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I've been thinking about seeing it, because Juaquin Phoenix looks like he does a good job, but I've never been a fan of Johnny Cash. Do you think a "non-fan" might enjoy it?


I don't know, as I'm not a non-fan. :( I'll have to say yes. It's about his life and how he became huge in the music world, but at the same time it's nothing close to a "hero-worship" movie.

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I've been thinking about seeing it, because Juaquin Phoenix looks like he does a good job, but I've never been a fan of Johnny Cash. Do you think a "non-fan" might enjoy it?


I don't know, as I'm not a non-fan. :( I'll have to say yes. It's about his life and how he became huge in the music world, but at the same time it's nothing close to a "hero-worship" movie.


Sounds promising. If it was a "fan flick" I probably wouldn't like it, but since it sounds more like a biography, I'll have to check it out! :(

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I love country music, and Johnny was great. I wasn't a huge fan of his, but the man was a legend. I'll watch this film when it becomes available on DVD.


And yeah, Punks love Johnny because of his rebel status. I first heard that on a VH1 show about the history of Punk, and Punk culture. Johnny's even big amongst some Gangsta Rappers, believe it or not. :(


Johnny's music, the darker-themed stuff creeps me out. But his more traditional songs are wonderful.

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We saw this movie last weekend and Goblet of Fire on the same night (hey, you have to take advantage of a babysitter when you can get one!)


Joaquin Phoenix ... well, what can I say. His performance as Johnny Cash is just beyond description. You completely forget that you are watching Phoenix ... his mannerisms, his voice, his singing ... it's quite simply unbelievable.


The way they set up the story from the opening scene ... you are just engaged in the story from the very first minutes of the movie.


Reese Witherspoon also did a phenomenal job.


Let me tell you: It was difficult to go from those two Oscar-worthy performances into a Harry Potter movie. Apples to oranges, you know.


Walk the Line is worth seeing whether you are a Johnny Cash fan or not. It's a walk down memory lane, a real slice of American history. Whether you enjoy country music or not, you'll find that back in the 50's/early 60's rock and country were pretty much in the same ballpark.


I found myself comparing Cash to Elvis Presley and the different ways their lives turned out. (Elvis makes an appearance as does Jerry Lee Lewis in the movie.) Cash could so easily have ended up dead at 40 (drugs and alcohol) ... I guess he just had more steel in his spine and face it, more actual songwriting talent to fall back on.



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