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Whay was Deep Space Nine "Deep"?

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Why were the Bajorans on a frontier? Do you not think that the series was very Earth-centric? Sector 001 !!! That is a bit like Bajorans coming along and saying that we are at the edge of the happening zone. Similarly, Farpoint was "far" from what?

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What exactly is your question? Why was DS9 situated on the frontier of Federation space? Because it was not a Federation station. It was a station the Cardassians had left behind and the Bajorans had claimed it in their wake. The Federation was there on request of the Bajoran Provisional Goverment and was there to look after Terak Nor while Bajor regained its strength and to make sure that the Cardassians did not try to re-take the station. It was given a StarFleet designation, DS9, to show that it was currently under Federation control. Deep Space *number* is the standard designation for stations that the Federation control but that were not built by the Federation and do not comply to Federation specifications. Invariably these are alien stations, often science facilities.


As for Farpoint... :biggrin: I've never seen it...


What is your question exactly?

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I think Bajor was considered the "frontier" simply because it was on the outer edges of Federation space and on the outer reaches of the founding Federation members space.


Farpoint would be named Farpoint simply because it was at the outer reaches of human exploration at that time. If I remember correctly humankind had not been beyond that point before so that would make it the farthest point out that we had been. Thus "Farpoint Station".

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I think your question is - is the Federation Earth-centric? Well, Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Earth is one of the head planets of the Federation. Earth was one of the founding planets of the Federation. Center has to be somewhere. You're correct that it's all relative, but I doubt Bajor will say their space is happening. Exciting, maybe. :laugh:


Re: DS9 - Bajor is at the edge of Federation space. The Cardassian Union, the Romulan Empire, and the Orion Hegemony keep the Federation hemmed in some in other directions. Other peoples use the title of DS9 as a title - or maybe they're acknowledging, in a way, how long it would take them to get help from the Federation if something should happen. Maybe someday, they'll name it "Federation Gamma Quadrant Halfway Station" or something. But then everyone will have to change their station-ery!


As to Farpoint - We don't know WHAT they're far from. Never explains it!

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That is a pretty cool explaination, LN. To come to think of it, I never really thought about these questions.

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