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They're Getting To Me

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Ken Schram Commentary: They're Getting To Me


September 22, 2005


By Ken Schram ken_schram.jpg


SEATTLE - Okay, I'll admit it. They're getting to me. I keep getting e-mails from these smug, holier-than-thou do-gooders are positively gleeful about the rising cost of gasoline. That's because in their world, anyone who commutes alone in a car is irresponsibly stupid. And those who drive trucks or SUV's? Why, they're practically categorized as eco-terrorists. Sure, we should all be smarter about what our engines are doing to the environment, but the idea that there's some snide, self-appointed Earth monitor applauding as I spend $40 to fill up my 10-year-old sedan, leaves me just a little PO'd. As these folks work themselves into a joyous lather over the idea of gas hitting $5 - or (perish the thought!) -- even $10 a gallon, I wonder if they've given any thought as to how much they'll end up paying for their tofu and soy. Or have they deluded themselves into thinking that all their organic produce is delivered by some magical hybrid semi? Meanwhile, the oil companies (and we know what wonderful environment stewards they are!) are reaping obscene profits. I find no small irony in knowing that those who cheer for higher gas prices are in effect cheering for big oil. The only satisfaction I get after reading emails from these pretentious tree-huggers is that one press of a button deletes their thoughts, and my expletive. Want to share your thoughts with Ken Schram? You can e-mail him at

So, what do you think?

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