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Stephen of Borg

Why There Probably Won't Be Trek On TV AnytimeSoon

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The following article I found that came out yesterday and it is written by a fellow Trek fan that is a news paper journalist. Anyway, here it is


Why There Probably Won't Be Any Trek On TV Any Time Soon

Author: Scott Nance, SyFy Portal

Date: 07-06-2005


Fans longing for Paramount to bring a new Star Trek series to television soon, I'm afraid, are likely going to be disappointed.


Hopes that a post-"Enterprise" hiatus will last but a few years, sadly, are probably unfounded.


Remember, "Enterprise" did not end its run after the usual victorious seven seasons most of its predecessors enjoyed: It was the first Trek after the original series to be canceled.


So, after years of declining Trek viewership that ended in premature death for "Enterprise," Paramount somewhat understandably is going to be somewhat gun-shy, and not likely to rush another expensive series into production.


After a period of corporate assessment, the studio is more likely to test the public's appetite for future Trek with the next installment of the movie franchise.


Paramount has hired Erik Jendresen to pen a new Trek film. Jendresen, known for his work on HBO's "Band of Brothers," has told SyFy Portal that the new movie will introduce a new slate of characters, as well as a new cast.


Unlike a TV series--which needs to come back for many seasons to make money and be successful--a movie by its nature is more of a one-shot endeavor. Therefore, it probably will be an easier decision for the executives to test the waters for Star Trek by greenlighting a movie than ordering up an entire new TV series.


If the 11th movie does well (using whatever yardstick Paramount chooses to use to define "success"--maybe a Trek film that for once in recent memory actually makes a profit?), then that might be the impetus the studio will look for to bring the television side of the franchise out of deep freeze.


Of course, the flip side is: If the next Trek movie tanks, that will probably be the last nail in the coffin and the franchise will be gone for good.


Even if Paramount and Viacom would for some reason want to come up with a new Trek series tomorrow, they don't have any concept for one--and more importantly, no one really on hand to come up with one.


I don't think it's any secret that the studio is trying to extricate itself from its long, damaging relationship with Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. If either of them do end up staying on, it will be in a ceremonial role and nothing more.


Folks who read this column know what I think of "Babylon 5" guru J. Michael Straczynski's attempts to take over the Trek franchise. But regardless of the merits of his ideas, the fact is that Paramount has never moved to solidify a business relationship with him means that particular starship is moving nowhere fast.


Many fans would love to see former "Enterprise" co-executive producer Manny Coto get the center seat, as it were. Although it ultimately proved to be a case of too little, too late, Coto did a masterful job of turning "Enterprise" around creatively in its last year to year-and-a-half. He certainly would be an able steward of the franchise. However, at this point, he may be too much associated with the past regime and the cancellation of "Enterprise" at this point for the studio to consider him.


More likely, if Paramount will ever bring Trek back to TV, it will find someone new to bring in, or could tap another Trek alumn connected more with one of the more successful series, such as Ira Steven Behr of "Deep Space Nine" fame.


And even should Paramount hire a new producer/creator immediately, that individual will have to develop and flesh out a series concept, and given Trek's track record of late, that concept would be carefully vetted--and no doubt tweaked--by studio execs before any green light is given.


That process will take time. Completing development, then building sets, hiring actors, and all the rest that goes into staging a quality TV series even by the season after the coming one would be iffy at best.


All of this being said, there is one spot of good news for the return of Trek to television in our lifetimes. That is Viacom's recent decision to split itself into two companies, separating Paramount as a studio from UPN and the rest of Viacom's television operations.


That move puts a little welcome breathing room between Paramount--which I'm told still champions Trek--and Viacom's TV chieftain, Les Moonves, who was ultimately responsible for killing "Enterprise."


Separating Paramount from Viacom's TV networks also would presumably give the studio a freer hand at shopping a new series to a network not part of the Viacom empire, or at first-run syndication, which is the successful route Paramount took to get "The Next Generation" and "Deep Space Nine" on the air.


However, even if that new independence for Paramount translates to some corporate initiative to resurrect a Trek series, that move will be measured in many years--not many months.


No, Trek fans, don't get your hopes up. Remember, the last effort to bring Star Trek back to television took 15 years of patience and hard work. We survived the last drought. Somehow, we'll survive this one, too.


The moral of the story is that we better haul our butts to the next movie or it could literally be the death of Trek and I have to agree. If the next movie flops, Hell probably has a better chance of freezing over first before Trek is brought back. A scary thought, but a very real possibility. Not to say Trek would be entirely dead, it'll still be around with the existing series and new novels that keep coming out and so on, but I don't know about a new TV series. But I'll tell you one thing, if they do release a movie before a new series to test the Trek waters, you better believe I'll be in line to see the film. :rolleyes:

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That could be a good thing.

An absence of Trek is sure to make the fanbase ravenous after five years or so,and then we'll see something new.

To be honest,after Voyager I was a little burned out on Trek :rolleyes:

Which is why I did not immediately jump on the Enterprise bandwagon...I never disliked Ent,I just didn't watch regularly.

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It's hard for me to get into any "new" Trek when I'm still able to watch my DS9 DVDs any ol' time I want ... but, I will go see the next movie and pray that it does well.


Paramount or whoever is in charge should lure Ira Behr back to the Trek fold and put him in charge of whatever they do. Behr & Co. put out an incredible 7-season story arc in DS9, and frankly, that is the sort of Trek I want to see in the future. Continuing stories, strongly character-driven, complex political intrigue, very little of that "alien-of-the-week" approach all the other series' took.


Best of luck to 'em (and us!).

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May be a break for Trek in general would be good - I'm not sure if you are aware but here in UK we had a science fiction series - Dr Who - which took a long break from our screens approx 10 - 15 years and it has returned to rave reviews and fantastic veiwing figures.


Perhaps in a few years after a haitus Trek may return - but bear in mind - there have been 4 incarnations and 10 films - there may not be an original story out there - remember Nemesis was just a compilation of the best of Trek.

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I think Trek will only do well if it goes back into syndication - as long as it is associated with UPN it needs to stay buried.


If "Trek" is resurrected with a new staff - the name "Trek" will merely be symbolic - I don't believe anyone (except perhaps Manny Coto) understood the essence of what "Trek" was.


I will not see the new trek film just because it has the name trek. I will see it if it has an intriguing plot - believable characters - and a commitment to "Star Trek". If it follows UPN mentality and could be more appropriately labeled "Debbie does Denoblia" - I'm not going to see it.

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