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Retroactive culture

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If you've been wondering why lately we have had a lot of 'retro movies' such as Scoobie Doo, Spiderman, Charlie's Angels, and now The Hulk and Superman, it is because we are living in a retroactive culture.


The younger segment of the population who has most disposable income is the 18 - 30 year old bracket. Having no kids and mortgages and stuff, it is this group that has most money to spend on entertainment and luxurues. And companies want this money. This group buys nippy cars, rents apartments, goes to the cinema and visits bars and clubs in an attempt to relax and get away from the worries of life. And which time period was most worry free for all of us? Our childhood! Give the group with the money what they want: relaxation in a recreation of their childhood. For a price of course.


So bars have wooden panelling and lots of chrome, like when we were kids. Bars sell alcho pops in bright colours. Cinema's take us back to ur childhood with the familiar and the nostalgic. And cars like the Beetle and the Mini are hugely possible. Retroactive culture!

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That's quite interesting and I agree with some of it. In the movie business the technology has finally advanced far enough and has become cheap enough to make those comic book heroes feasible for the big screen. But I don't think they are retro. Those comics are still being read today and are hardly retro. I also have a bit of disposible income and the bars I frequent hardly remind me of childhood. I see more of a lack of originality in todays culture that perhaps you are mistaking for nostalgia. But then again, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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