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About xenexian

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  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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    Asheville NC
  • Interests
    All Things Trek, chess, all sports, audio, conversations with friends, margaritas with freshly squeezed limes, women with long legs and short skirts (my wife included, rest her soul), history (particularly WW II), swimming, camping and road trips.

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  1. Very interesting post. To be fair, Gene's Roddenberry's vision was always and will be, nothing more than a "hope" for the future. Gene's vision of humanity which consists of almost zero conflict and cooperation has no basis in the real world. Human nature, at it's most basic, is nothing to crow about. As Quark once said, and I'm paraphrasing a bit, Humans can be the most wonderful species of the universe but take away our comforts, and we are no better than the beasts. Instinctually, we as a species, are no better than anything else on the planet. Take away anything that we feel we need and we become vicious, hostile and dangerous to the point that nothing matters except us. Maybe ST needs to more like BSG, showing humans for what we are in spite of our technological advances. As much as I love ST, the idea that we can resolve anything peacefully and without conflict has no basis in any world, real or imagined. Show the underside, admit that we don't always get along but try to uphold the ideals is more interesting then what is sometime presented. Section 31 may finally present the dark underbelly of what the Federation actually is, noble and honorable but also dark, deceitful and conniving. Coming closer to actual human drama may be what ST really needs then the constant fluff and feel good conclusions we usually see (see DS9-In the Pale Moonlight to get a glimpse). I'll continue to hope that humankind will evolve into what we see, but I'm not holding my breath. Until then, ST will still be a beacon of hope and for the future and I will always enjoy whatever is give to me but I also understand, like a bedtime story, it's only happily ever after in an imagined world. What was Star Trek can never be sustained, human nature won't allow it.
  2. Even though I'm an old Trekker, I'm always still fascinated by the mirror universe. I've tried to research how the humans came to be so bad and I'm not coming up with much in regards to background. One of the more plausible explanations I've read was that the Terran empire was the result of the Romulan war. After losing the initial war (Capt. Archer's era) the Earth was occupied by the Romulans for close to one hundred earth years only to be finally overthrown by the human capacity for not tolerating captivity. As a result, humans began a program of aggression that the Alpha Quadrant had never seen before. Never again would humans be subjugated to occupation and conquest, from now on, they would be the conquerors and hold human kind above all. Were the humans simply responding to their environment or was the mirror universe humans an anomaly, considering our nurturing history, and was a result of a hostile universe and a breaking of human ideals with how we treat those that are different? Were the humans in the mirror universe a product of what they endured or was the capacity for aggression simply suppressed because of human society and then released when they became conquered? The idea of an aggressive earth fascinates me because of our capacity for both aggression and peace. What drove us to relinquish what peaceful teachings we had over millenniums of religious history? What exactly happened to Earth during the occupation? Enquiring minds want to know. If anyone has any other insight as to how the humans became the scourge of the universe it would be greatly appreciated if they would share. If not, I have a great book idea formulating.
  3. It's been quite awhile since I've been here. So happy to see so many ST fans. On that note, I'd like to say that since I'm an original Trekker, I've seen and experienced the many incarnations of our beloved series and even though there are still many questionable decisions made by the rights holder, I seem to feel that ST is once again headed in a good direction. I see a lot attempts by Paramount to rein in a new generation (Prodigy, Lower Decks) The shorts on internet as well as the new series coming soon (section 31 and ST Academy) and I'm beginning to sense a new energy. So many aspects of the ST universe seem to be coning to the fore and I'm grateful for the expenditures made to continue. I feel that ST will continue making headway into our culture unlike so many others. However, I would like to see a dirtier side of the Federation, something more akin to Battlestar Galactica. Something more akin to the everyday human on earth and how they perceive Starfleet. We're way too complicated to think that the ST future will be perfect but then again what purpose to dreams have if not to envision something better. ST will always point a way to that future and I'm glad it will not die what I finally do pass. The future of st is still in good hands.
  4. my goodness, Please don't take it to heart. I'm an old trekker, an original fan since 1966, but over the years I've learned to take public perception of Star Trek fans as a compliment. Is lower Decks making fun of Star Trek fans? Maybe, but all in good fun. I'm also a Sherlockian so I get a lot of flak from that too but it also shows how incorporated we are to pop culture. I don't care if others make fun of me for being a star Trek fan. In fact, Boimler is a perfect example of what I might be like if I somehow entered the ST universe. Coming from the advertising world, the saying that bad publicity is still publicity is very real. There are some who might be attracted to ST if not for lower decks and the more the better. Being to laugh at oneself for having an odd interest is actually healthy. The jabs that LD takes at the whole ST universe is like a release and I really don't care what anyone thinks. Even in my professional career I took jabs at management and the higher ups and got away with a lot of things that were not considered standard, so to speak, so I relish Ensign Mariner and what she is able to do. But on the whole, LD does not cause any worry.