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Which Teen Titans Character Are You?

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Which Teen Titans character are You?


Mostly accurate! :clap:




You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away

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You are most like Starfire. A bit clumsy and innocent, you're lucky you have friends or who knows what would happen to you. You are excessively happy which sometimes gets on others' nerves. You tend to be too polite for your own good sometimes which may be depicted as snobbish. You are very nice and compassionate but you aren't afraid to let others know when you're mad, it is more of a bodily sign mostly in the eyes. You love light and try to cheer up that one gloomy person but it is like night and day. You can't help it though. You tend to be a charity case and try to help others feel less gloomy and inadvertently make it worse. You are drawn to a certain person and you are a bit...well a tad and a bit eccentric and odd. But don't worry it's your quirks that people like about you!

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Isn't this a cratoon on Cartoon Network? I think I've seen the commercials... Anyway, I got:




You are most like Beast Boy. Funny and a bit dim-witted at times, your practical jokes are not all that funny at times since you get boring with them after a while. You are sometimes lazy and love to just hang around but who doesn't? You really hate it when a practical joke goes haywire or it winds up making the person extremely mad at you. Your jokes are funny at times but you don't know when to quit. You are friendly at times but you need to tone it down a bit. You can be loud and funny when it suits you and a playboy or just plain jealous. You think very highly of yourself and are full of pride but this can lead to your undoing. You are usually nice....although it can be hidden from others. People might make fun of you but it's all just for fun...even though you may not feel like it. Don't get too ahead of yourself, pride alone doesn't accomplish a thing!

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.


hmm, some of it seems right. But the one part that is completely wrong is the "not liking to be outdoors" part, I adore the outdoors and will be outside whenever I can. Even if it is raining...well, actually it depends on how cold it is outside but anyways....

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Well, I got:



You are most like Beast Boy. Funny and a bit dim-witted at times, your practical jokes are not all that funny at times since you get boring with them after a while. You are sometimes lazy and love to just hang around but who doesn't? You really hate it when a practical joke goes haywire or it winds up making the person extremely mad at you. Your jokes are funny at times but you don't know when to quit. You are friendly at times but you need to tone it down a bit. You can be loud and funny when it suits you and a playboy or just plain jealous. You think very highly of yourself and are full of pride but this can lead to your undoing. You are usually nice....although it can be hidden from others. People might make fun of you but it's all just for fun...even though you may not feel like it. Don't get too ahead of yourself, pride alone doesn't accomplish a thing!



, but I think the Starfire info fits me better. :clap:

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.


Wow... that is completely accurate...

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Well, I got:



You are most like Beast Boy. Funny and a bit dim-witted at times, your practical jokes are not all that funny at times since you get boring with them after a while. You are sometimes lazy and love to just hang around but who doesn't? You really hate it when a practical joke goes haywire or it winds up making the person extremely mad at you. Your jokes are funny at times but you don't know when to quit. You are friendly at times but you need to tone it down a bit. You can be loud and funny when it suits you and a playboy or just plain jealous. You think very highly of yourself and are full of pride but this can lead to your undoing. You are usually nice....although it can be hidden from others. People might make fun of you but it's all just for fun...even though you may not feel like it. Don't get too ahead of yourself, pride alone doesn't accomplish a thing!



, but I think the Starfire info fits me better. :clap:


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You are most like Robin! A leader and fearless by nature, you tend to dive straight into something without thinking. You have a hard time trusting your friends sometimes and you are extremely serious when you have to. You don't like being compared to someone you are a rival with and sometimes your temper gets the best of you. Out of all of your friends you might be the one who dreams to be leader or is the leader. Whatever the reason sometimes you need to look before you leap.

The thing is no one listens to me.

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.

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You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away

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You are most like Starfire. A bit clumsy and innocent, you're lucky you have friends or who knows what would happen to you. You are excessively happy which sometimes gets on others' nerves. You tend to be too polite for your own good sometimes which may be depicted as snobbish. You are very nice and compassionate but you aren't afraid to let others know when you're mad, it is more of a bodily sign mostly in the eyes. You love light and try to cheer up that one gloomy person but it is like night and day. You can't help it though. You tend to be a charity case and try to help others feel less gloomy and inadvertently make it worse. You are drawn to a certain person and you are a bit...well a tad and a bit eccentric and odd. But don't worry it's your quirks that people like about you!

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wow... most llike robin... didn't see that one coming....


luv this. luv teen titans





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