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I was reading an article about Star Trek when I saw the following:


By the time Star Trek: The Next Generation was produced, the term "Trekkies" had come to imply a certain nerdy fanaticism among fans and was considered pejorative by some. In response, some fans of the new series decided to call themselves "Trekkers." The terms have become interchangeable.


This had me considering if the terms are nerdy, or peraps one or the or the is. Personally I'm a Trekkie while "Trekker" seems more nerdy to me personally.


What are your views?

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here's the definition I have read on several articles about the difference between the two.


A Trekkie is someone who lives, eats and breathes Trek. They wear their uniforms or costumes to the stores, work and so on. They have a huge collection of Trek things and that's about all they talk about. They greet you will the vulcan salute and refer to Trek things in a non-Trek conversation.


A Trekker is someone who is a Trek fan, but less fanatical. They love Trek as much as a Trekkie, but they don't let it come in contact with their real lives. They don't wear uniforms outside of a convention, sometimes they don't wear on at a convention. They may have a few collectables, but not hundreds. They talk about something besides Trek in conversation and usually only bring it up when asked about it.


so with that said, Trekkie would be the nerdier person if you were to call one that. But I think everyone who likes Trek is a nerd, including myself. That's what all non-Trek fans think as well and lately I can't disagree. :waaaa:

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here's the definition I have read on several articles about the difference between the two.


A Trekkie is someone who lives, eats and breathes Trek. They wear their uniforms or costumes to the stores, work and so on. They have a huge collection of Trek things and that's about all they talk about. They greet you will the vulcan salute and refer to Trek things in a non-Trek conversation.


A Trekker is someone who is a Trek fan, but less fanatical. They love Trek as much as a Trekkie, but they don't let it come in contact with their real lives. They don't wear uniforms outside of a convention, sometimes they don't wear on at a convention. They may have a few collectables, but not hundreds. They talk about something besides Trek in conversation and usually only bring it up when asked about it.


so with that said, Trekkie would be the nerdier person if you were to call one that. But I think everyone who likes Trek is a nerd, including myself. That's what all non-Trek fans think as well and lately I can't disagree. :waaaa:



I guess I would come into the second catorgory however I still consider myself a "Trekkie" because (other than the fact I prefer the term as a pre-90's fan) I can have an in-depth discussion about the topic when required and can tell you the majority of the dialogue from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Sometimes I even quote Mr Spock! :waaaa:

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I've heard both of those definitions before but I don't agree with the different levels of Trekism as being the "real" definition. IMO I believe a group of people were being snobs and didn't want to associate themselves with the stereotypical version of what they thought a Trekkie is came up with the term Trekker. Any other definitions came later as far as I know, perhaps in an attempt to mend bridges with Trekkies.


Everyone I know considers themselves to be a Trekkie, myself included. I've never worn a Starfleet uniform or gone to a convention (although I want to go to a con). I have some collectables but not hundreds. I have all of the TNG seasons on DVD and will buy the Enterprise ones when they are released. I hope when I have the money to be able to buy the DS9, Voyager and TOS ones too.


I think if everyone seriously used the definitions of Trekker and Trekkie that Gamera found that 95% of Trek fans (at least) would fit the Trekker definition. Let's face it. Most of us are embarassed by the people who wear Starfleet uniforms to work (unless they work at The Experience or some place like that, then we envy them lol), to a play starring a Trek actor or to court.


As time has gone by, I now believe that it is strictly personal preference of the individual and what term they believe sounds better (without the definitions playing a part).


"I'm a Trekkie, they are Trekkies, wouldn't you like to be a Trekkie too." (sing to the tune of that old Dr. Pepper jingle lol)

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Call me what you will. I don't own a Star Trek uniform (but I'd wear one every day if I thought I would actually fit into one like Nana Visitor or Terry Farrell!!!).


We own all the DS9 DVDs and are working on getting all of TNG on DVD (we're up to season 5 and we've had Data's head stuck in San Francisco for about a month now ... we're waiting on Christmas money from my parents!)


I guess I fall in the latter category (Trekker), but being called a Trekkie would be flattering to me. I aspire to that level of fanaticism! It's really my husband who's holding me back ... which is funny, 'cuz he's the one who got me hooked on Trek in the first place!!! :waaaa:

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By the definitons Gamera gave, I'd be a Trekker. But I still think of myself as a Trekkie. "Trekker" sounds like someone who like going on long treks of any sort. I guess it also has something to do with the fact that even though I was only 6 when TNG came out, I was already a huge fan of TOS. I mean, my first word (according to my grandmother) was "Spock." How can I be anything other than a Trekkie?

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"I'm a Trekkie, they are Trekkies, wouldn't you like to be a Trekkie too." (sing to the tune of that old Dr. Pepper jingle lol)



:waaaa: What a hoot! You rock, Takara! :o


...But I still think of myself as a Trekkie. "Trekker" sounds like someone who like going on long treks of any sort.... How can I be anything other than a Trekkie?


Yep, wishfire! I agree. A "trekker" suggests, to me anyway, a dude with green lederhosen and hobnail hiking boots with a walking stick. " A volksmarching we go ..." :waaaa:

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Yep, wishfire!  I agree.  A "trekker"  suggests, to me anyway, a dude with green lederhosen and hobnail hiking boots with a walking stick. " A volksmarching we go ..." :waaaa:




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By the time Star Trek: The Next Generation was produced, the term "Trekkies" had come to imply a certain nerdy fanaticism among fans and was considered pejorative by some. In response, some fans of the new series decided to call themselves "Trekkers." The terms have become interchangeable.

Reminds me of the Changelings. The solids called them changelings which was basically insulting and the shapeshifters took on the name just to spite the solids.


And by the descriptions Gamera gives, I'd say I'm in between. Because I don't breath Trek but I do show my fandom, either my Tshirts or my comm pin and/or my rank pips.

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I have never used either term to describe myself, but would not be offended by the use of either term. I have just always described myself as a Star Trek fan.


I have never been to a convention, or worn a Star Trek uniform, but in high school I was part of a Star Trek club where one member had Spock ears. That is as extreme as I have gotten in terms of 'dressing up.' ( I tried them on once or twice.)


I do own some fan fiction, 3 DS9 season sets, several of the movies, and a lot of videos of episodes.

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Being part of the older generation (did I just write that?), I prefer the term trekker to trekkie. Even though in history, the term trekker referered to dutch settlers in South Africa after the Boar war who marched into the interior of Africa to escape British rule and establish their own communities. They were called Voortrekkers. The term trekkie, to me, conjures up images of young kids who giggle alot, drink lots of Pepsi, travel in packs and base their entire life around Star Trek. Not a very flattering image, IMO. Trekker has a more mature sound to it, to me, than trekkie and has a more receptive image to people who are not Star Trek fans. Based on the above definitions, I may be a bit of both. My control room is decorated in Star Trek paraphenalia and I do own a TNG engineering tunic which I wear to work every year during our halloween contests at the studio. But outside of that and my collection of dvd's and video tapes, I'm as normal as any sound engineer could be, although we are known to be somewhat brain damaged from years of contraband and alcohol use.

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