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~ Why is Everything So Difficult? ~

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Why is everything you have to do these days so Difficult? There isn't one thing I have to do out there that I don't dread. :wacko: :blink: Even the simplest thing turns into a major upset. Just going to the grocery store. Everything that can go wrong, does. :o Driving is a major pain in the butt. Finding a parking spot. NOT getting a ticket. Lines everywhere for everything. :unsure: Everything Costs 2 or 3 times more that you expected. Everyone out there is trying to get their hand in your pocket. And this is normal, everyday stuff. Nevermind the crooks and muggers and thieves just sitting out there waiting for an opportunity to get at you. No wonder a person gets depressed. :blink:

Edited by mj

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Where in God's name do you live???? I agree that there are annoyances in just about everything you have to do, but you sound like you have it kinda tough!


As for prices, I hear ya. I have started doing all my grocery shopping at this place called ALDI ... you would not believe how cheap cereal is there. It's generic, yes, but I'll put up with "Toasty-Os" subbing for Cheerios if I can get 'em for $1.69 a box!


Gas is just killing us, too, but it does appear to be going back down. We're down to $1.79 a gallon from $2.04 just a couple of weeks ago!


Keep your chin up. If it gets too bad, there's a house for sale right down the street from me in my very low stress neighborhood.

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So then gn, your saying this isn't normal?? I have it tough?? :unsure: Hmm. I thought I had it pretty soft here in the upper mid-west. I know it was alot worse on the East Coast. Everything there is way more expensive AND the people there are very mean and cold. :yes: when I got here I noticed right away how much kinder the people are here. But I have friends in other parts of the U.S. who say the same thing. But a single woman IS a target for alot of shysters, don't you think? Not only romantically but financially. In the bible it says we are supposed to gird our loins with an armor of rightousness, but so far it doesn't seem to be working for me. Other people have a way of penetrating your armor. :blink: This society has found it's way around doing the right thing towards others. I try to do the right thing out there everyday and seem to get clobbered all the time.

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Guest Ktrek



The armor the Bible refers to is for "spiritual" protection. As we go about our daily lives plenty of opportunities present themselves for us to be hurt. However, if we never take risks and make ourselves vulnerable we would never have friends or get married. There are many good people out there in every part of the country. Admittedly they are harder to find in some parts than others but if you look around and make yourself available you will find them. Keep your chin up and keep pushing on.


Remember this, if you don't have expectations of others then they cannot disappoint you and then you will find that some of those people will surprise the pants off you!



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That's so nice to say, Kevin, thank you. I am aware that it's spiritual. It's all warfare, isn't it? :unsure: Good against Evil. :blink:

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I've noticed that "good" people are generally quite so it's easy not to notice them. "Bad" people are loud and obnoxious. Like empty pots. :wacko: They have to be the center of attention, even if the only attention they get is negative. It's never made a lot of sense to me. :blink:


It's almost as if you have to treat people like that as if they are weather. Whip out your umbrella and plow on. They'll try to drag you down if they can, make everyone as miserable as they are. :blink: :o :unsure:

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